Time Traveler

Chapter 47: Storage space will grow

Some time ago, I checked my attributes every day, and there was no change, so I was not so active in checking my own attributes. It seemed that I hadn't checked my own attributes for four or five days.

Today, I was too busy to look at my attributes again. I thought that 8788 would not change, but when I looked closely, I was surprised to find that the mental power has increased a little, and it has become 9 points.

It's just that the mental power has increased to a point, and there is no change in the storage space. Do you think that you have made a mistake in your estimation?

Narrator used the tablet to scan the size of the storage space once, and the information displayed on the tablet turned out to be 9.20 cubic meters.

I remember that the first scan was only 8 cubic meters, and there was no number after the decimal point. Later, it seemed that there was no sudden discovery that the storage space had become larger...

Could it be that it increases a little bit every day, instead of suddenly getting bigger, so I never noticed it?

"I think it should be like this. Brother, this is the rhythm of taking off!" Li Yunfei is quite excited about the growth of storage space. A thing that can grow is definitely better than a fixed thing. times. I thought that 8 cubic meters was very big, and it was completely enough, but when I used it, I realized that it was not big, and it couldn't even fit a small car.

Well now, since this thing can grow, when it grows later, let alone a car, even a plane and tank can be put in it.

People are lazy, such as exercising. If you persist for three or five months without any effect or benefit, people will gradually lose interest and eventually give up halfway, but if you can see As you grow and see yourself change and grow, the possibility of persevering will be greater.

The progress bar you can see, just like the game upgrade, will make you addicted to exercise and have a rhythm that you can't stop. Li Yunfei has completely entered this rhythm. He was only forced to be helpless before, but after insisting on it for more than two months, he found that his body has changed greatly, and his interest in exercising is even greater. At a certain limit, this high-spirited workout is more likely to slacken, because then no progress will be seen.

But it's different now. If you exercise your body and spirit, you can make this storage space grow, then even if the physical attributes don't change, you will continue to exercise continuously, and you won't be able to stop at all.

I meditated for more than half an hour before going to bed, and after I woke up at dawn, I practiced meditation for more than half an hour, and then scanned the storage space again, mainly to see if my guess was correct, which was very surprising. , the data becomes 9.25 cubic meters.

"This is amazing, 0.05 cubic meters a day, 5 cubic meters in 100 days, it seems that it can grow to at least 20 cubic meters before the return... It doesn't seem to be very big!" After some calculations, I suddenly found that 20 A few cubes don't seem to be very big, and I can't help but feel a little disappointed. Everyone is greedy.

Although it is said that the bunker-like house has been completed, the people on the mountain have begun to grow things, and some vegetables have even begun to harvest, and the pressure on collecting materials has also been greatly reduced, but it still cannot be relaxed, and more needs to be collected. Something is better as a reserve.

It's still summer, so I can say, but if it comes to autumn and winter, there will be a lot less harvest, so you must make more reserves to be safe.

It only takes a year for me to go home with merits and virtues. I believe these people can survive here well. Will the camp be attacked by other forces in the future? I can’t control this matter. With such a powerful fortress and many weapons, it is unlikely that ordinary forces will attack such a tightly guarded camp.

Several people on duty watched Captain Li give up the rest day as always, and drove the minivan to the city, and they admired it a lot. To be honest, the other people in the camp felt their hearts towards Captain Li. I admire it, not only because of his ability to clear zombies, but also because of his diligence. Of course, I am very grateful. If it weren't for this man who could always bring back a lot of things, this castle would not have been built so fast. It won't be so easy for everyone.

Today's luck is very good. In a hospital, not only did Jenner get the medical equipment that Jenner especially wanted, but also a lot of medicines. The carriage of the truck was almost full before giving up moving things.

Although no one has mentioned these drugs, and many drugs are not necessarily available, it is always better to be prepared. If something really happens, sometimes a small antibiotic can save a life.

Li Yunfei, who went out with the last box of masks, suddenly saw a few figures and thought they were zombies. When he was about to take a knife from the space, he suddenly found four pistols pointed at his head...

"Fuck, I'm so careless, it's so careless!" Li Yunfei could only raise his hand obediently, he was really depressed, how could he be ambushed, and after coming to this world, he didn't seem to offend anyone. However, when several pistols were pointed at his head, he could only raise his hand obediently and surrender.

"You'd better not move around, don't make any moves that make us misunderstand, don't make us misunderstand, the pistol will easily fire if we are nervous..." A person approached cautiously, but Li Yunfei had no interest in resisting. He was not a superman. Four people pointed guns at the head at a distance of two or three meters, and he was shot in the head in minutes.

If the other party didn't shoot directly, then he still has a lot of opportunities. There is really no need to do some dangerous actions. If he is shot directly in the head, everything will be over.

"You..." Just as he was about to speak, he was put on a cloth bag, and then he heard a car approaching in the distance, and he was pushed into the car, and the two people on the left and the right held up with pistols. His waist didn't mean to relax a gram at all, and there was another person who got into his truck and was hijacked together.

"I said no, there are so many of you, are you afraid that I will run away?" Li Yunfei has locked the grenades in the storage space. If these people really want to kill themselves, then before they die, give them a load of baskets. , we're all done together.

"Of course it's necessary, and we don't want to die yet."

"Dude, where did you come from, is there any misunderstanding?"

"No misunderstanding, our boss just wants to talk to you."

"Who is your boss?"

"You'll know when you get there." The two pistols still held against his waist, although it was said that there would be no danger for the time being, but it would be hard to say when they met their boss. But still the same sentence, if these people really want to kill themselves, they will definitely be buried with them.

To be honest, I was **** once, but it made myself realize the truth. In fact, it is not the zombies who threaten me in this world. It has been going on for more than two months. forgotten.

The speed of the car was very fast, at least 80 to 90 yards. It drove for nearly an hour before it stopped, and only then did the hood be removed. When I saw a middle-aged man on the truck from a distance, I was stunned. It turned out to be the famous villain, the Governor.

With such a long distance, how did you provoke this guy? And why did the villain boss appear so early? It really doesn't make sense, but when I think of the original drama, that Mel was taken away by the Governor's subordinates, and I am instantly relieved. It seems that someone has been active in Atlanta for a long time.

This is a town in the wild that is not a governor. Maybe he wants to maintain his image and doesn't want too many people to know that he has done some shameful deeds.

This man is very dangerous, but killing him now is only a matter of thought, because it is just a simple rope to bind his hands. As for a pistol that pretends to be stuck in his body and is taken away, it is not a problem at all. thing.

Moreover, after searching for themselves, those few people put away their pistols after they had no weapons, and sat back in the car, as if they were very at ease with the governor's skills.

Under normal circumstances, he is definitely not the governor's opponent, because his hands are already tied, and he does not have any weapons on his body, and the governor has a pistol on his waist. But no one knows that they have a magical storage space, and there are simply too many weapons in it.

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