Time Traveler

Chapter 46: Hug left and right is not good

There are more than a dozen people in the camp. This group of people is also lucky. They can live in the new house that is about to be completed as soon as they join the camp.

However, Herschel's group also brought a lot of good things. Although they said that they were in a hurry to escape, they also brought a lot of food seeds, and the most amazing thing is that their group also brought I bought a few wind turbines and a lot of solar panels, all of which were dismantled and brought over after seeing them on the road. Jenner was frightened by the power outage when they ran out of gas.

It is said that the reason why Jenner came with Herschel was because when he drove away from the CDC in his car, he really wanted to come to the camp here in Atlanta, but he didn't walk much and the car broke down. Then happened to meet Maggie and was taken to her.

After seeing Li Yunfei, Jenner was not polite, and directly asked him to help find some equipment for research. He wanted to continue researching the zombie virus. Although there was little hope, since he chose to survive, of course he did what he could.

Everyone is very supportive of this matter, and they all hope that one day a vaccine can really be developed, which is a great good thing for the entire human race.

Li Yunfei is of course his full support. As long as he wants any equipment and knows where it might be available, he will always try his best to get it back for him. Maybe it is possible to complete that special task, but he cannot give up easily.

After nearly two constructions, the fortress building was finally officially completed. The solar water heater and the solar panels were all installed in place. Even the two wind turbines were installed, and several heavy machine guns were also installed on the machine gun tower on the roof. superior.

Li Yunfei can be considered an official move. He moved into his new home and was officially powered on. The computer and refrigerator in the room really came in handy.

It has been 60 days since I came to this world. I played on the computer again and again and took a hot bath. I was so moved that I wanted to cry.

It is said that the camp now has a solar power generation system, a diesel power generation system, and two wind turbines, so now the power supply in the camp is quite stable, as long as every household is not equipped with air conditioners, it is absolutely sufficient.

After taking a hot bath, I was stunned for a long time when I saw the person in the mirror. It looked a little strange. I really didn't dare to imagine that I would have such a physique one day. Become extremely strong, almost comparable to those of those bodybuilders. Those big pectoral muscles, and the angular abdominal muscles, I feel satisfied no matter how I look at them.

I really didn't expect to come to this apocalyptic world. Not only did I not become decadent, but instead, I became more energetic.

Of course, all of this is forced by life. If you don't work hard, you won't be able to survive. Then you may be used as food by zombies at any time. Therefore, for more than two months, I have not dared to relax for a day, and I insist on exercising every morning and evening. .

The celebration downstairs has already begun, and I am an important member anyway, so of course I can't stay in the room and play with the computer. Although I prefer to do this, I hurriedly changed into a set of clean clothes to join in the fun.

Everyone seems very happy. Today is also the day when everyone officially moved to a new house. Although many people have already moved in and live there, all the electricity is officially turned on today, so a very 'grand' celebration party was held in the camp.

In fact, in such an apocalyptic world, people also need a celebration party to boost everyone's confidence in their future life, so as not to be too pessimistic and cause some unknown changes in their hearts.

In the middle of the fortress building is a small square with a diameter of 68 meters, where parties can indeed sit back and relax. As long as the door is closed, let alone dead zombies, even a professional firefighter can't climb in without special tools.

There are now a total of 136 people in the camp, almost all of whom are present, both men and women, young and old. There are constant applause and cheers, and the atmosphere at the scene is excellent. It's not that the performances are so exciting. It's just that some young men and women who love performances are performing some shows to cheer everyone up, but everyone thinks that in such a doomsday world, they can live in such a paradise, which is a very happy thing. matter.

"The following is a classic song by our Miss Chara, <My heart is forever>May everyone have an eternal heart..."

The applause was fierce. Xia La, who came to the stage, gave people a bright feeling, and she did have a bit of star style.

To Li Yunfei's surprise, this Xia La's singing skills were extremely deep, and against the backdrop of the octagon's surround sound, it actually had the effect of a singer singing in a theater.

Originally, I thought that this **** star was just a kind of star who acted in small movies, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding. They were referring to gorgeous stars.

The song 'My Heart Eternity' was sung very carefully and had a touching feeling. At the end of the song, Li Yunfei couldn't help but applaud. It seems that this woman has successfully found the confidence she should have. What a joy to congratulate…

Although Li Yunfei's applause was completely overwhelmed by the applause and cheers of the crowd, Xia La still saw Li Yunfei in the crowd at a glance, and applauded herself when she saw the **** in her heart. Of course, she was in a very good mood, and felt it again. The feeling of being noticed. While enjoying the applause and cheers, he also bowed frequently to express his gratitude.

"One more song!" I don't know who called out first, but it aroused the encouragement of many people.

Seeing Xia La on the stage looking at him, Li Yunfei also gave him a thumbs up.

"One more song, one more song!" Li Yunfei also shouted along with everyone. This is the atmosphere of the concert.

"This is a song, guardian angel, dedicated to my guardian angel, to my most important person." Xia La looked at the one in the distance affectionately, but unfortunately that one was with a little boy beside her. The girl was chatting, but she didn't receive her gaze, and was a little disappointed. But he still sings very carefully, no matter whether he can feel it or not, it is enough to express his gratitude.

"I guess Miss Xia La's song is dedicated to you." Although Li Yunfei didn't see the discharge on the stage, Beth did, so she said something to Li Yunfei.

The reason why she came to look for Li Yunfei actually wanted to confirm one thing, whether this miracle Li was as timid as the old sister said, but everyone else said that this is a hero.

"Don't talk nonsense, it should be dedicated to your parents, right? Who else is the most important person besides your parents." Although Li Yunfei guessed that there was a possibility, but it's good to have a heart, a girl who expresses a good feeling towards herself There are still quite a few, and it is impossible for me to accept them all.

"...Forget it, I won't tell you this. Maggie said that you were scared by one of her pistols and nearly wet your pants. Is it true?" What she said, she was even more curious about what kind of person this person who was dubbed by everyone as a friend of women and called Mr. Miracle by the doctor.

"How could I be frightened by a pistol? I'm just showing my gentlemanly demeanor."

"...Well, great gentleman, in fact, I don't think you look so timid, or else there wouldn't be so many women who would call you a great hero."

"It's a must. I'm walking among hundreds of thousands of zombies without changing my face and heart."

"You two, do you know what it means to be polite. When someone else is singing, the two of you are still chatting here?" Amy's voice appeared behind her, and she sat down directly between the two of them. On Li Yunfei. Amy felt that this little girl suddenly came to look for Li Yunfei, either she wanted to rob someone, or to help her sister rob someone. Maggie knew Li Yunfei earlier than herself. This was a big threat, so she had to be careful, so she hurried came over.

After a while, Anna also came over and sat on the other side, also leaning on Li Yunfei's body. I really didn't expect that today, the great deed of hugging from left to right was completed inexplicably. Li Yunfei's hand also quietly reached the back of the two of them. Find out.

"So you're still a big pervert!" Seeing that Li Yunfei's hand actually wrapped around the waists of the two of them, Beth couldn't help but say something, turned around and left.

"I'm lustful there, I'm just afraid that their backs will be cold!" Li Yunfei muttered a little embarrassedly, how did the little girl see it, didn't she watch the show?

After Beth left, the two of them pinched her thighs. Anyway, every time the two of them appeared by her side, they had nothing to eat, so they hugged each other for a while. I don't know how many times my legs have been pinched, and in the end I went back to my room by myself to sleep.

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