Time Traveler

Chapter 45: The arrival of Dr. Jenner

Tian Weiliang woke up again, and he only needed a little concentration, and he could feel the whiteness around him in an instant. This felt quite strange...

"Forget it, it's almost six o'clock, let's get up and exercise!" After 20 minutes of meditation, Li Yunfei finally got up.

"I rub, how can my biological clock be so awesome, even every second?" Seeing that the time displayed on the wall clock was 5:59:59, I was stunned. I just consciously told myself, It was almost 6 o'clock, and then I opened my eyes and saw that the time really jumped to 6 o'clock, which was almost the same as my intuition. This coincidence is really amazing...

However, he was stunned for a while, and then he got up and went to exercise. There is really no need to worry about such a thing as a coincidence. Today is Sunday. I was supposed to rest for a whole day without going to the city, but Li Yunfei would give up rest every time, and this time was no exception.

But before going out, he was stopped by Amy.

"Amy, didn't you sleep last night, why do you look so dazed?"

"It's not your fault that kept me up in the middle of the night."

"Amy, you can't talk nonsense. I didn't go out in the chariot last night."

"Give Anna's computer, can you help me find one too?" Amy used to be a computer controller. She hadn't played with the computer for several months. As a gift, some can't sleep.

"Just because of this, you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

"If you don't find me one, I can't sleep today."

"Okay, I still have one here. I was going to give it to you next Monday. Since you like it, I will give it to you now." Li Yunfei went back to the chariot and took out the same notebook. In fact, Li Yunfei is very friendly. The stage is here, and I am ready to familiarize myself with the hand feel, so as not to mix here for a year and go home, I will not be able to type, which is not very good.

"Thank you, then I'll go back to sleep first, I'm really sleepy!" After getting the notebook, Amy finally went back to sleep with the notebook contentedly.

Maybe I used to be a little nervous about going to the city to build things, but now going to the city is a bit like visiting the back garden. There are quite few zombies on the streets. Of course, it is not that there are no zombies in the city. There are many zombies who are trapped in the house and cannot get out.

But basically, as long as it's not too careless now, in Atlanta, zombies are no longer a big threat. A small number of zombies roaming the streets basically give themselves points and experience. Now that his marksmanship has been practiced like a veteran of hundreds of battles, with hundreds of live ammunition moving target training every day, even a pig can become a master.


"Anna heard from Glenn that Li Yunfei actually likes you, but he's just worried that he will die suddenly and make you sad, so he doesn't want to be with you." The two prepared dinner together, and Julia remembered Glenn last night. What I said inadvertently, I said it to Anna.

"Really, did you hear it right?"

"Of course you heard it right, so don't worry about the bet with Amy. You like him, and he likes you too. Find a chance to take the initiative, so as not to be robbed by others, but many girls like him very much. ."

"This... I'll try it that night!" Anna remembered that today is the weekend, and there will be a small party at night that Emmet likes to play. Maybe it's a good opportunity.

"Yes, start early. Amy also got a laptop today. She is having a good time and will never notice you, so the opportunity is rare." Julia encouraged.


The night was already very late, and the camp basically rested for two or five years. Anna went to stay in Li Yunfei's car and did not leave as early as usual.

At today's small party, I still drank some small wine. Although I swore not to drink before, but many times swearing didn't seem to be of great use. Can you save face by drinking by yourself?

The little girl drank her toast at one sip, and she was just trying to taste it. It didn't make sense, right, so after drinking several glasses of old wine, although she couldn't say she was drunk, her self-control still dropped a lot. It is said that a man chases a woman's interlayer and a mountain girl chases a man's interlayer yarn, but that's really the case. Although she talks about all kinds of Chinese delicacies, her hands stick into her clothes cheaply. Anna had no intention of avoiding it at all, and even took the initiative to approach a lot.

Very attractive breasts, full, warm, soft, smooth and tender... I can't hold it with one hand, so excited...

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, which was the movement of the shotgun. This sudden change made Li Yunfei sober up. Anna was also frightened and shivered and grabbed Li Yunfei's hand.

There must be a major accident. It should be an unidentified person approaching. If it is a zombie approaching, there is absolutely no need to not fire a warning.

"Don't be nervous, Anna, it should be fine!" Seeing the nervous Anna, she immediately comforted her.

"With my dear by my side, I'm not nervous!" Anna was actually very nervous. She remembered that dozens of people used to flee together after a gunshot, and then only a few of the dozens died...

"That Anna, let go of my hand first, and you stay in the car and don't go out!" She was holding her hand tightly, and she couldn't pull it back at all, and her hand was still in her clothes, still quite uncomfortable. I'm sorry, someone may come over to call me later, it would be very embarrassing to be seen like this.

Hearing Li Yunfei's words, Anna let go of her hand. Li Yunfei also reluctantly pulled back his hand. In order to avoid embarrassment, he quickly got into the machine gun position of the chariot, and took out a military low-light telescope to observe the surrounding situation.

About 600 meters away on the road, several cars were parked, and more than a dozen people had gotten out of the car. .

A group of people in the camp soon went out with guns, but Li Yunfei didn't go out. In this case, he was a machine gunner. If there was an invasion, he would immediately greet him with a heavy machine gun.

The people were quickly brought back, and some of them were still acquainted. For example, Dr. Jenner was there, as well as Maggie, her sister and her father, and the very impressive middle-aged fat man...

"Li, is it true that they said they knew you?" Rick's voice came over the radio.

"Yes Rick, one of them is Dr. Jenner from the CDC, and one Maggie, they should be fine..." Li Yunfei replied and jumped out of the car. Since Li Yunfei confirmed that there was no problem, Rick didn't say much and brought the person back directly.

"Dr. Jenner, I can't think of meeting you again. You are welcome to join the Atlanta Peak Camp." Li Yunfei was very happy to see the arrival of this doctor. He took the initiative to say hello. Maybe there will be some unexpected gains. There may be things.

"Thank you, I really don't want to give up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's an honor to meet you again, Mr. Miracle!"

"The Doctor is so polite. As long as he is still alive, there is still hope, and miracles will surely occur."

"I didn't expect to see you again!" Maggie came over to say hello when she saw Li Yunfei.

"Long time no see, Maggie..." Seeing Maggie, Li Yunfei also greeted him warmly, but Amy came over from a distance and took the initiative to hug Li Yunfei's arm, which was a bit like a declaration of sovereignty.

"...Congratulations on finding your relative." I was really excited to see Li Yunfei, and I wanted to come over and hug, but a girl came over and hugged Li Yunfei's arm directly, so she didn't do that kind of intimacy. .

"Yeah, I did find my relatives as I wished!" Li Yunfei didn't explain too much, just straight and muddy.

It's almost midnight now, so after the camp only provided some food and places to live, everyone didn't talk much and went back to rest. Amy in pajamas hugged Li Yunfei's arm but looked very intimate and did not go back. She was very happy to hear what she said just now, so she decided to repay Li well at night.

But Li Yunfei didn't dare to go back to the chariot, because there was another person in the chariot, who was a little drunk just now, so he groped and provoked his interest. What should I do now? But Amy has hinted several times that she has to go back to rest with her... Is my brother going to take off tonight, is it still a double flight?

Li Yunfei suddenly flashed this word in his heart. To be honest, he was still a little excited, and he took Amy back to the chariot. The ideal is very plump, and the reality is very skinny. In an instant, chickens and eggs were beaten, and both of them went back to sleep. Li Yunfei could only helplessly continue to practice the meditation technique to vent some excess energy.

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