Time Traveler

Chapter 44: White Light has advanced

It's rare to have a day off, in this world where entertainment is scarce, I just get together to drink a little wine and chat to pass the time.

Nine times out of ten, women can't do without men, and men can't do without women.

"Man, you are dating two girls at the same time, and you take good care of the other girl, don't you feel tired?" Glenn was really curious, what did this guy think? How good is it? It's so frustrating now that no one can eat it, isn't it uncomfortable to look at?

"Hey, do you think I'd like to do this? Actually, I prefer to live a single life." Li Yunfei also said helplessly.

"Then why didn't you make it clear to them?"

"You think I didn't say it? When I did say it, they asked me who I liked, and I said I liked dating, and they judged that I was gay, so I can only date them!"

"Then why don't you choose one, do you really like the new Sara?"

"Of course not, I really don't want to talk about emotional matters!"

"...Are you really GAY!" Glenn also subconsciously moved further away.

"Damn, you are... I just don't know when I will disappear, so I don't want to make others sad."

"Just for this little thing? Brother, you really think too much, even if you disappear suddenly one day, they will be sad for a few days at most, and they will soon forget you. Westerners and we Easterners have different ideas. At first, Luo Li thought that Rick was dead, so she had a good relationship with Sean. Later, Rick came back and returned to the past. So, if you really like it, go straight to it. Everyone is an adult, you love me Wish, what's the big deal? Then again, we oriental people, it's almost like this now, if you like it, you can decide if you don't like it, right?" Glenn said nonchalantly, in this dangerous world, who would dare Guarantee how long you can live, maybe you will die tomorrow if you are good today, who cares so much?

"Well, what you said seems to make sense, why don't you find a chance to actually do it?" After hearing Glenn's remarks, Li Yunfei also considered whether he should find a time to really do the business, so as not to always is cranky.

"It's necessary, but you'd better choose one person. They both seem to be very strong. If you dare to step on two boats, be careful that they will slap your little brother!"

"It won't be so serious, will it?"

"It's so serious. If you choose one person, you'll be fine, and the other will be sad for a few days at most!"

"Glen, you seem to know a lot, why don't you find one?"

"No one took the initiative to look for me, why should I look for it?"

"Isn't that right? I think that Julia is very positive about going to you!"

"Well, most of the time I just asked me for food advice. I think I learned several dishes when I was working in a fast food restaurant!"

"Then why didn't she ask me for advice?"

"Brother, you have to be kind. You have two... No, you already have three women you can't figure out, and you still want to steal my food?"

"It's your food, what else are you pretending to do?" Speaking of Glenn's food, I suddenly thought of the girl named Maggie. I don't know if the farm would have been attacked by zombies without Rick's group.

"...It depends on the situation... If I don't say it, I'll leave first!" Glenn said his farewell suddenly and left, but it was because he saw Anna walking towards this side with a bowl of some kind of tonic soup, so he It is also very interesting to retire first.

"Glen, Julia asked you to come over for soup!"

"Uh, I have a share of this too?"

"Yes, everyone has a share. There were a few pheasants in the camp today, so I cooked a snack for everyone."

"Oh, thanks, I won't bother you anymore!"


"Honey, drink this soon." Anna directly handed over an 'iron rice bowl'. The portion was large and it still smelled delicious.

"Wow, pheasant stewed with mushrooms, it's really delicious in the world. Anna really worked so hard for you, and even brought it to me specially, come and sit down." Anna hopes to hear her praise and praise directly in person, which can make her feel good I was happy, so I took the soup and didn't drink it, so I said it with a compliment.

"Thank you, dear, just like it!" He was really happy to hear the praise for Anna, and he was also very proud to see his delicious food.

But she has been worried for the past two days, because that Shara really admired Li Yunfei too much. Every time she saw Li Yunfei from a distance, her eyes would light up, and it felt like she had seen God. It was so strange. some.

I heard that a man is more likely to have a good impression of a woman who admires him. If the woman looks good, it is very likely to develop into a couple relationship. If they are together, they will have nothing to do with themselves, so they can't Letting Xia La have a chance to take advantage of it, I actually feel a little guilty about Amy. No matter what, I seem to have robbed her boyfriend, although I haven't succeeded in robbing her yet...

"Anna, what are you thinking?" After quickly eliminating the bowl of chicken soup, she realized that Anna was in a daze, and asked curiously.

"Well, I'm just curious why Sara admires you so much, dear, have you done anything earth-shattering?"

"...Actually, it's nothing. I saved her from being surrounded by hundreds of zombies, so I worshipped her."

"that's it?"

"Of course, this is already very powerful! Others dare not do this."

"...Forget it, dear, since I don't want to talk about it, I won't ask. I'll go back first, lest Amy say that I took the initiative to seduce you." Anna looked at Li Yunfei with a deep meaning, but she didn't bother after all. Instead, he picked up the iron rice bowl and left.

"Wait, today I found a laptop that can be used in a computer store. You can take it back and play. There are several game CDs." Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Li Yunfei took out a laptop. Laptops are today's present. The configuration of this product is still extremely high for this world, of course, it is an antique for the era in which I live, but there is a gap of more than ten years.

"Thank you, but it's a pity that the diesel engine doesn't generate electricity at night. Otherwise, it would be a bit late at night."

"Don't worry, in a few days, the power storage system will be fully installed and it will be usable at night." The battery pack is full of ten tons~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After installation, it can live up to 1,000 kWh. power. Originally, there were not many batteries for solar panels, but after finding that those batteries were the same as car batteries, Li Yunfei swept the major car shops in the city, and all the batteries were brought back when he saw them.


It was already deep at night, except for a few people on duty who hadn't slept yet, all of them were asleep. Usually, Li Yunfei should have fallen asleep long ago, but after practicing meditation for more than half an hour today, he was still awake. Insomnia is quite rare.

I really couldn't sleep, so I could only continue to concentrate on the center of my eyebrows, trying my best to see the phantom in the white light, hoping to consume my mental power, but I don't know how long it took before the white light suddenly spread. All around is a vast expanse of white...

The sudden change made Li Yunfei open his eyes in surprise. He thought it was some kind of strong light, but inside the chariot, there was only one electronic clock emitting a faint red light, and everything was normal.

Closing his eyes again, he concentrated a little, and he saw a vast expanse of white again. After relaxing, the white light quickly disappeared again. It seemed that the previous white light between the eyebrows had advanced.

I really don't know what the situation is, but it seems that there are some very vague phantoms within the range of the white light. I really don't know what it is. I can be sure that I have experienced some major changes in this meditation technique, and what changes will occur. The mystery has not yet been revealed. Maybe one day I can see the blurry phantoms clearly before I can figure out what it really looks like. I'm really looking forward to it...

The expanse of whiteness lasted for more than ten minutes before gradually dissipating, and finally I felt a little sleepy, and insomnia could be considered a successful surrender.

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