Time Traveler

Chapter 43: almost overturned

"Don't worry, I won't leave you alone. If I really wanted to leave alone, I wouldn't have taken the risk to save you just now... Can you go now?" He stretched out his hand to help the person up and asked.

"Yes, you can go!" He was very happy to hear that the other party didn't want to leave Xia La. He quickly said that he could walk, and walked a few times. Although the pain broke out in cold sweat, he still endured it.

"Forget it, let me help you!" Seeing that the other party was walking with a limp, Li Yunfei went over to help and walked towards a few cars in the distance. Waiting on the ground, unable to hold back, crying and screaming, attracting the zombies.

There is indeed no shortage of cars in the city. There are many large and small cars. In the past month or so, I have also learned some simple car show skills from others, as well as the way to start the car without a car key.

So after looking for more than a dozen cars, I finally successfully started a small truck, but basically there was no oil, but of course this problem couldn't help Li Yunfei, because he always carried two barrels of oil with him, one barrel of gasoline. A barrel of diesel.

The miscellaneous things collected on the truck were all picked up and moved to the small truck. It is said that this trip was a big truck going out and a small truck. Although I got some goods back, it was a bit of a loss.

Xia La, who was sitting in the car, finally felt a lot more at ease. She remembered that when she hugged each other's thigh earlier, she felt a little excited about the other party. At that time, she was too afraid of being dropped by the other party, so she didn't notice it. Judging that this Lord Angel may have needs in that regard, so...

"Uh, what are you doing...Get up...Don't move..." She was driving the car well, but suddenly the woman was lying on her lap, and she opened her zipper very quickly. Take it out.

This change was too fast. Li Yunfei had seen this kind of battle, so he was a little overwhelmed. He almost drove the car into the ditch and stopped the car in a hurry. It was really indescribably depressed...

"I'm sorry, I thought you needed this." Seeing Li Yunfei's somewhat angry expression, Xia La finally apologized, whether it's right or wrong, it's better to apologize first.

"Can you be more normal? Do you know that what you did just now almost killed us?" Li Yunfei was really annoyed. He was driving, but this woman attacked him and nearly overturned the car. Such an apocalyptic world appeared. A car accident is quite deadly. It was too dangerous just now. It can be said that it is the first time since I came to this world that it is so dangerous. It is much more dangerous than being surrounded by hundreds of zombies.

"...I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Xia La wanted to explain that the 'master' liked to serve him like this before, but seeing this somewhat angry look, she still didn't dare to defend herself, so she quickly apologized, often apologizing. more effective than justification.

"...Forget it, I'll take you back to the camp, but in the camp, you still need to do something within your power. After all, people still need to rely on their own efforts to have a better tomorrow." Li Yunfei really didn't know what to do. How can I say it, seeing the other party's completely air-filled appearance, I really can't get angry, so I can only say something helplessly.

Why do you always feel that you are wrong when you teach a woman who is in trouble? It's all the fault of machismo, subconsciously, I still feel like I took advantage of others just now...

"...I will work hard!" Seeing that the other party finally calmed down his anger, Xia La was relieved a lot. It turned out that the other party really treated herself as a normal person, not to keep her as a pet. .

Because of one sentence, do some things within your ability, and let this woman who has been enslaved and trained for several months gradually regain some normal hearts.

"After returning to the camp, don't mess around. Forget about the past. It's better to start a new life now. People always need to look ahead!"

"Understood, thank you!" This time, his thanks seemed very sincere.

"You're welcome... Well, can what happened just now be regarded as nothing happened?" Li Yunfei asked a little embarrassedly.

"Did something happen just now?" Shara asked knowingly.

"Well, let's go back to the camp if it's all right!" The matter just went by and it was fine. After more than half an hour's journey, we finally returned to the camp.

As for the lady friend, another woman was rescued. The people in the camp were not surprised. It was just a little accident. The big truck came back from the door, but it turned into a small truck, so this sweep is a loss. .

The gold medal sweeper, who has never missed a shot for more than a month, even missed some time, which made everyone laugh. Although it was only a good-natured ridicule, those who laughed were scolded by the majority of women compatriots. It can be seen how popular Li Yunfei is in the camp.

"Anna, this girl Xia La's foot is injured, and it takes two days to recover. Can I trouble you to take care of it for two days?" Li Yunfei explained to Anna a little embarrassed. In fact, after bringing people back to the camp, I can completely ignore it, but in my heart, I always feel that I owe this Sara something, so I can only shamelessly ask Anna, who is the best talker, to take care of it.

Anna is still very happy that Li Yunfei always saves women back, but of course she is a little worried that there will be some competitors. Today's situation seems to have really happened, because Li Yunfei still thinks that the attitude of Xia La is a little different. , In the past, after returning to people, I left in a hurry, and today I even took the initiative to help people arrange their lives.

"No problem dear!" Anna took the initiative to hug Li Yunfei, and after kissing her and sworn her sovereignty, she turned around and introduced herself to Xia Lao generously.

"Hello, Shara, my name is Anna, and you are welcome to join the Alexander Peak Camp."

"Thank you, I will recover as soon as possible." Seeing Anna's behavior, Xia La understands everything, but she is not jealous, she is just envious of this girl's good life, and she can become a couple with an angel. Very happy!

Watching Anna lead Xia La to the fully formed fortress building not far away, Li Yunfei also followed, preparing to see his new home, although the new home is not very luxurious, UU reading www.uukanshu. However, it is indeed several times more spacious than the one in the crowded chariot. At the same time, there are very enthusiastic people who helped to decorate the room, and it looks much more beautiful.

Speaking of which, there is a reason for those few who are enthusiastic about helping them to specialize in cultivation. The current wives were rescued from the city by themselves, so they are really grateful to them, although they can't repay anything, it just so happens I will do some specializing things, and of course I will take the initiative to help me to specialize.

The current fortress building is basically complete, but the solar panels have not been installed in place, the machine gun towers on the roof have not been completed, and the door of the room has not been completed.

But even if it hasn't been done, many people have begun to move in. Even if the door is not installed, it is still more comfortable than living in a tent.

A layer of white cement was placed on the wall, and a layer of cement grout was placed on the ground to level it. The whole bathroom on the side has been installed. Although there is no electricity because the solar panels have not been installed, the water is there, and the pipes have been installed. All connected, so it can be used normally. This is also the main reason why many people move in in a hurry. The private bathroom has been talked about for almost a month.

Looking at the bright and spacious room, Li Yunfei also felt that he had returned to the modern society, but he was not in a hurry to move in, at least he would not leave the chariot until the several heavy machine gun turrets on the roof were completed. Anyway, it's only three or five days away, so don't worry, the spacious corner room is yours and won't run away.

Li Yunfei's room is a room in the corner. Due to the shape of the building, there will be an additional triangular storage room of more than ten square meters in the corner room. As a person who has contributed greatly, the room is divided for some preferential treatment, but everyone is very Convinced.

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