Time Traveler

Chapter 42: ‘pretend to be a god’

If that man Xu drove the truck directly and left quickly towards the corner, Li Yunfei could only admit that he was unlucky and deserved to be robbed of the car.

But the guy saw that he didn't intend to continue shooting, and thought he was out of bullets, so he drove a truck towards him, as if he meant to kill him.

"It's forgivable to commit sins, and you can't live by yourself. If you want to die, then go to die!" I didn't care about the question of whether points would be deducted, I took out a loaded rifle with a loaded magazine and opened it directly. In the burst mode, the fire snake spewed out and greeted the opponent directly. The distance was less than 50 meters. In the sweeping shot, a truck driver rushed over in a straight line. It was really not difficult...

A series of gunshots sounded, and the man was shot with more than a dozen holes. His eyes were full of disbelief. He really couldn't understand, where the gun was taken out, why there are so many bullets, if there are so many bullet? He picked up the person on the ground and avoided the out-of-control truck in a few steps.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the car directly hit the original car, and it stopped after a long distance.

"Slag, I'm dead, and I have to scrap a truck of mine!" When he saw the scrapped truck, he couldn't help but curse. Although it is said that this is the first time that I have killed someone in this world, I don't seem to have much discomfort. Maybe I am used to killing a lot of zombies.

Putting down the person, he hurriedly took out the tablet, and carefully rummaged through the information records, for fear of seeing the records of how many points had been deducted...

It looks okay, I only saw the record of successfully saving the next person, and I didn't see the record of killing someone. This is also good news. If you are forced to kill someone in this world and you have to deduct points, then later It's too embarrassing to have to shrink in what you do.

The tablet computer took back the storage space, and suddenly found that the woman on the ground had woken up, looking straight at her hands and the disappearing tablet computer in her hands...

"I'm confused, I'm really confused, how could I take out the tablet to check... Maybe it's the first time to kill someone, but I still make myself a little nervous, so my head is a little foggy! Li Yunfei is really annoyed, I can definitely put it away just now. I was seen by this woman when I was on the tablet, and I don't know what the other party would think, would it be regarded as dazzling?

"What did you see just now?" Li Yunfei asked as calmly as possible.

Hearing Chen Jialuo's questioning, this woman named Xia La's eyes flashed. In fact, she woke up when the car crashed just now, but she didn't know what this gentleman would do with her, so she didn't dare to speak, she just peeked. He glanced at the savior, but unexpectedly saw a very miraculous scene.

A rifle disappeared for no reason, and then a rectangular object appeared in his hand, and then he looked at it a few times, and it disappeared quickly... There was only one thought in my heart, I met a god...

"Lord, please take away your loyal servant..." Xia La knelt directly, and even kissed Li Yunfei's shoes.

"That girl Shara, in fact, I am an amateur magician, the little magic just now is very good!" It is absolutely impossible for Li Yunfei to do that silent thing, so I can only make up a lie. Even if a woman tells her own secrets, no one else will believe it, so it doesn't seem like it's a big deal even if she is really found out.

"Merciful Lord, Almighty Lord, please come to me and take your servant out of this terrible world..." Xia La never believed that what she saw was magic, and no magician could do that.

"Don't do this, you listen to me first!" Li Yunfei also made it to the ground, and he also let Xia La do it. Seeing this **** by her side, Xia La finally felt a lot more at ease. She was afraid that this great **** would suddenly disappear out of thin air and leave herself here, so she approached quietly, if the situation was not right, Hurry up and ask for help.

"...Let me see your foot injury first!" Li Yunfei didn't want to waste too much time. Now that he's all sat down, of course, he checked the injury.

She couldn't say how serious her foot was. It was just a sprain, and her foot could still move. She should rest for two or three days to recover completely.

Anyway, the other party has seen the ability to drive things out of thin air, so there is no need to hide it, so I took out a first aid kit from the storage space, sprayed some sprain spray on the foot injury, and bandaged her by the way, although The technique is not very good, but it does effectively relieve the pain of her sprain.

"You are Xia La, right?" While treating the injury, he also understood what the girl's condition was, so it was good to have an explanation after taking it back to the camp.

"Yes, my lord!"

"Well, don't call me lord, my name is Li Yunfei... Can you keep a secret for me, I have some tasks to walk in this world!" Li Yunfei thought about it and pretended to be straight.

In fact, to be honest, what Li Yunfei said is not all lies. The unknown existence can make people travel through time and space, and can open up storage space for people. Secondly, in a certain sense, it is indeed a god-like existence. He is an otaku, but he was chosen to be sent here to do a task. In fact, he really looks like a messenger.

"Yes, even killing me won't reveal the secret of Lord Angel." Sheila was also very excited when she heard the other party admit it directly. Although the other party was not a real god, he was a messenger who walked in the world in place of God. That is, an angel.

The one who saved her turned out to be an angel, which made Xia very excited. This angel was so approachable and even healed herself. Although it was not magic, the other party could conjure things out of thin air. It can also be determined to be an angel...

This world will definitely become better. It turns out that God has not given up on this world, because angels have been sent to save the world. Thinking of this, Xia La couldn't help but shed tears of excitement.

"What's the situation, why are you crying, does your foot hurt?" Seeing the other party's tearful appearance, Li Yunfei was also inexplicable. It was just a sprained foot. It had been more than an hour, and he was sprayed with analgesics. Is it that painful?

"It doesn't hurt anymore, thank you, Lord Angel."

"Hey, don't call me Lord Angel, just call me Li Yunfei!" When talking about an angel, he can't help but think of the man with wings, but it's inappropriate to call him an angel if he doesn't have any wings.

"Yes, Mr. Li Yunfei."

"What's your relationship with that man?" Li Yunfei tried to ask about the basic situation.

"...He is my master!" Xia La hesitated for a while, but said something that surprised Li Yunfei.

"Are you stupid, why do you still call someone else's master?"

"...At first, they rescued me from the zombies. I thought they met a few nobles, but later they found out that they only encountered a demon. The reason why they saved me was because they wanted a tool to vent their desires. "..." Sara spoke of her horrific experience in the past few months.

She used to be a star~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There are many fans of worry-free life. Later, when a catastrophe happened, she became a tool for others to vent their desires. After a few months of torture and abuse, she was completely treated as a dog. Treated the same, in many cases even worse than a pet. But she didn't dare to resist, because in this apocalyptic world, she didn't have the ability to survive alone. If she didn't want to die, she could only be obedient, serve people as well as possible, and could only live humbly. She died in an accident, but she survived...

"Don't worry, everything will be fine! It's getting late and I have to get a car." After listening to the story, the other party's mood has calmed down, so Li Yunfei also stood ready to find a car that could still drive car back to camp. However, Li Yunfei's standing up made Xia La scared. She was afraid that he would leave directly, so she hugged Li Yunfei's thigh.

"Sir, please don't leave me, I will follow your orders in the future, don't leave me..." It has become her habit to hold her thighs and beg for help, and she has survived by begging for people like this countless times. So when he saw Li Yunfei standing up to leave, his first reaction was to hug the other's thigh and beg for mercy.

However, this woman's posture of hugging her thighs is too ambiguous. Her face is sticking to the roots of her thighs. This is very embarrassing. I really doubt that this woman is doing this on purpose.

It is undeniable that for a poor diaosi, being held by a beautiful woman on her thigh is still a little dark, and she can't help but have some evil thoughts, and there are even many strange images in her mind...

Li Yunfei also woke up when he felt the trembling body of the other party. The girl was just afraid of being left behind by herself... It's not good to watch too many small movies that have sinned against the island country. This girl is so humble to beg herself, but she is There's a lot of YY in my head, it's so unkind.

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