Time Traveler

Chapter 41: legendary scumbag

The man's behavior looked really irritating. Such a man is definitely dangerous, so wait and be careful no matter what, there may be unknown dangers in saving people.

Although there are some risks, I still drive the car slowly to get close to the place. It is really a difficult task to save people, and the opportunity is rare. But then again, even if she doesn't have a mission to save people, she might be able to help. That girl does look quite pitiful...

"Well, it's no wonder that people call me a friend of women. It turns out that I'm really sympathetic to women."

The two finally found that a large truck was approaching, and immediately waved their hands and shouted, but this time it was the man who called for help, louder than the woman.

Of course, the car wouldn't drive straight past, but stopped at a distance of more than 70 meters, and then quickly climbed onto the roof.

This time, I am going to use the rifle to destroy those zombies. As for choosing this distance, there is of course a reason. It's not necessarily safe to approach, if the man still hides a pistol or something, and takes a fancy to his big truck, then he will capsize in the gutter.

It is very safe to be more than 70 meters away. The pistol is not a big threat to me. I am fully armed, wearing a bulletproof vest and helmet, and carrying a lot of powerful weapons. to die.

The man who saw him was really willing to help him, so the man became quiet, and he figured out how to get out later. It seemed that the man didn't have a lot of ammunition. And the nearby zombies kept appearing. God knows whether the man's ammunition can support all the zombies, so when there is a chance, he must escape as soon as possible... This is the man's idea.

As for that girl's idea, it was very simple, someone finally came to save her, and she could finally live...

The gunshots rang unhurriedly, with an average of one shot every two seconds. Those zombies were basically shot in the head. After more than a month of shooting practice, the headshot rate at a distance of more than 70 meters has been extremely high. Only the occasional shot or two would go empty.

Although there were still new zombies appearing around, most of them were attracted by the sound of gunfire. When the man saw a chance to escape, he hesitated for a while, but finally decided to fight and pull the woman directly to jump. get out of the car...

The woman actually didn't want to run away, and she wasn't prepared at all. She was almost dragged out of the car. He fell directly to the ground, although it was only over one meter high, but the fall was a bit serious, and it seemed that he could not afford to fall to the ground.

The scream was a bit miserable. It should be a foot injury. I don't know if it was a sprain or a bone injury. What surprised Li Yunfei was that the man actually helped the woman up, and it looked like he was going to run away with him.

To be honest, Li Yunfei was quite emotional when he saw the man stretched out his hand to help the woman up. It turned out that he had misunderstood the man, and the man was quite human.

But what happened next made Li Yunfei change his mind instantly. When the man turned around to see more than 20 zombies approaching him, he instantly pushed the woman to those zombies, attracted them, and turned around and ran away. . As a man like this, there is no hesitation at all, this man Li Yunfei is as disgusting as swallowing a fly, this guy really is a scumbag.

The woman was suddenly pushed towards the zombies, but she was completely desperate, because more than 20 zombies were only four or five meters away from her, and her legs were injured and it was difficult to stand up for a while, so it was impossible to escape. That one couldn't even save himself...

"Da da da..." The rifle fired in bursts, and one magazine was fired in an instant, and then another magazine was immediately replaced and fired in bursts. Seeing that the woman is about to accompany the zombies to bite, and there is no time to kill them slowly, they can only eliminate those zombies as quickly as possible.

After changing three magazines for nearly 100 rounds of bullets, the twenty or so zombies were eliminated. The woman howled on the ground, but attracted more zombies to her side.

"Hey, you still have nothing to do. If you can still move, then hurry up and hide under the car. If you can't move, don't make a noise!" Li Yunfei shouted, and at the same time continued to shoot the zombies that approached the woman.

Hearing Li Yunfei's words, the woman finally looked back and realized that there was still a stranger trying to rescue her. In addition to being excited, she also ignited the desire to survive. Under the influence of a strong desire to survive, she finally climbed to the bottom of the car a few meters away, but then there was no movement, and she didn't know whether she fainted or fell asleep too tired.

After the girl went to the car and hid, the target was greatly reduced, and the new zombies could not be attracted, so don't be so anxious and destroy the zombies without any rush. Nearby zombies are attracted.

The monster removal lasted for more than half an hour, and more than 500 zombies were eliminated one after another. Finally, no new zombies appeared. There were still 20 or 30 zombies left at the scene. I rushed over with a knife. I can save some bullets, but it is better to save some...

In just over a minute, the zombies at the scene were cleaned up, and the woman was pulled out from the bottom of the car. After so long, the woman still hasn't woken up, which is really surprising.

This woman's body is generally clean, not as terrifyingly dirty as Anna and the others she met for the first time. She still looks very good-looking and has a good figure... There is no way for a man to see a woman, always Some unconsciously observe the appearance and body or something.

Maybe it's because the girl looks good and has a good figure, that's why the man just wasn't willing to let her go!

He was about to stretch out his hand to pick him up and take him back to the camp. Today, he saved another woman. It seems that his name as a woman's friend is not for nothing.

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a person in the distance, sneakily approaching his truck, and turned around to see that it was the young man who had escaped alone earlier.

"Boy, that car is mine, you'd better stay away!" Li Yunfei said quickly, holding his rifle.

"Who are you trying to scare, I know your bullets are already out!" The young man stopped suddenly, and he was not sure if the other party still had bullets, so he didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

"Are there any bullets, do you want to try it?" At a distance of more than 60 meters, if the man really wanted to forcibly grab his truck, Li Yunfei would definitely shoot and kill.

"...Man, since you've taken a fancy to Xia La, I'll give her to you. That woman used to be a **** star, and her work is definitely top-notch~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and she's very obedient, let her You can do anything, so you can definitely benefit from bringing her along, how about I exchange her for your truck?" The man hesitated, but introduced the woman's origins.

He had been hiding and observing Li Yunfei just now. He had been shooting at the beginning, but when he had fired five or six hundred shots, he always put away his rifle and jumped out of the car to chop with a knife. It was very likely that he had run out of bullets. If the bullets don't run out, why take the risk of slashing monsters with a knife.

Another thing is for sure that this person must have taken a fancy to Xia La, otherwise, it would be impossible for a stranger to take such a big risk to save someone.

"You'd better leave quickly, I don't want to shoot and kill for the time being!" Li Yunfei really didn't even have the slightest sympathy for this man, and he did have the urge to kill.

The reason why I don't kill is because I don't know if I will be deducted points for killing people. Otherwise, I can shoot directly at a distance of more than 60 meters because he doesn't treat others as human beings and repays his revenge and robs his truck. It shouldn't be too difficult to hit someone.

The man thought for a while and didn't speak. He seemed to turn around and leave, and suddenly rushed towards the truck, much faster than expected.

He fired several shots in a row, but he didn't hit anyone. It wasn't until then that Li Yunfei realized that hitting a big living person with a rifle was much more difficult than hitting a zombie. The moving speed of a living person was very important to his shooting skills. Still too fast.

In addition, I was afraid that if I killed someone, points would be deducted or something, so I just greeted the other person's leg just now, and the man was only four or five meters away from the truck. In an instant, he rushed into the van and started the car. It was because he was careless when he got off the car just now, but he didn't even take out the key.

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