Time Traveler

Chapter 40: Nickname: Friends of Women

A stable and regular life has always passed very quickly. Before I knew it, I had already been in this world for 45 days. The uninterrupted exercise every day was finally rewarding, although it was not as good as the legend. What genius Dibao skill has greatly increased, but by exercising every day, both strength and stamina have been greatly increased.

The strength has reached 8 points, and the physical strength has also reached 8 points. Unfortunately, the agility has not changed at 7 points, and the spirit has not changed at 8 points.

Also, I don’t know if the meditation technique has some magical effect, but every time I practice that meditation, the phantom in the white light between the eyebrows is indeed clearer, although I still can’t see what it is, but I believe Keep at it, it will become clearer and clearer, and one day you will figure out what it is.

Maybe it takes hundreds of days to lay a solid foundation in the legend, and there are some reasons. For example, the best physical fitness training effect is more than three months of intensive training. If you persist for more than three months, you can lay the foundation. A very good physical foundation, perhaps the same is true of meditation, it takes more than three months of continuous adherence to create a miraculous foundation.

It is said that training in actual combat has the best training effect. There is no doubt about this. Although I dare not call myself a sharpshooter now, after training with hundreds of shots every day, the effect will come out. Now, at a distance of 80 meters, using a rifle to give a headshot to a zombie has a success rate of 90%. There is also the question of swordsmanship. Although I dare not say how powerful it is, there is still no pressure to cut off the heads of more than 100 zombies in one go.

It is also worth noting that after more than a month of verification, putting plants in the storage space and then taking them out will not die. For example, after putting in the seeds of potatoes or other vegetables and flowers, take them out and sow them. Go down, it can still sprout and grow.

But animals can't do it. Even if it is put in for a moment, it will lose its activity. Even if it is a leech and small fish with very strong vitality, if it is put in and taken out immediately, it still loses any activity.

Another point is that slightly larger live animals cannot be accommodated at all, at least after a few tests, such as rabbits, mice, etc. Of course, things like zombies that don't know whether they are dead or alive can't be included.

After these days of sweeping, the task of eliminating zombies has been completed ahead of schedule. Every day when I go to the city to see zombies, I will eliminate them at will. On average, there are hundreds of zombies that are eliminated every day.

I also found a little unexpected surprise, that is, after over-completing the task, it seems that points will also be given to killing zombies. For example, if 10,359 zombies are eliminated now, a total of 31 points will be awarded.

In addition, these days every day I look for any opportunity to save people, and the effect is also there. In the past 20 days, more than 30 people have been successfully saved. The total number of rescue tasks has reached 40 times. The number of people has also broken through the 100 mark, and there are 108 elderly people and children.

Speaking of which, I have to say that a few days ago, I discovered a trick to save people. It turns out that there are still some timid residents in the city who hid in their houses and did not die.

At that time, everyone found something wrong. Some people dragged their families to evacuate out of the city, while some people prepared a lot of living materials and hid at home hoping to avoid this disaster. He suffered various accidents and died, but in the end, some people who had been hiding at home and did not go out tenaciously survived.

When Li Yunfei was searching a residential house, he found a starving and weak man. The food and drinking water he had prepared had been exhausted. If he hadn't happened to pass by and searched the door by himself, the man might have been starved alive. He died, but after he brought people back to the camp, he actually managed to save a person.

This discovery can be regarded as the biggest unexpected gain, so when I moved things a few days ago, I always took time to go to the residents' houses, and finally succeeded in saving more than 30 people.

The people who come down are mostly women. Why is this? It seems that men are more likely to take risks. When there is really no food and water, they will definitely rush out of the possible way of life.

At that time, every time I went out, I always rescued one or two women. This also gave Li Yunfei a nickname: 'Friend of Women'. This is not a derogatory term. Everyone is really praising Li Yunfei. At least Those women are really grateful to Li Yunfei.

The ratio of males and females in the camp has also returned to a normal state. Originally, more men had defected to the camp a few days ago, but now a group of women have joined, and the atmosphere in the camp has suddenly become much more active.

Although most of these people are dying of hunger, they are just starving. The delicious and delicious hospitality will be restored after a few days. They also take the initiative to help build camps, or take care of new farms, and live to help Laundry, cooking, etc.

It is said that men and women are not tired to work together. This is not nonsense. Men always like to show their strength in front of women. This is a subconscious behavior, and there is no need to express it deliberately by the main consciousness. When a man knows that there are beautiful women watching him in the distance, his work efficiency can definitely increase by 10%.

After more than a month, I have reached 51 points, and the gratitude and willingness that I don't know how to brush has skyrocketed to 101 points.

But now there is basically no one in the city to save, because the longer the time passes, the lower the possibility of those survivors surviving. In the past three days, hundreds of residential houses have been searched, and no survivors have been found. some zombies.

There are still a lot of zombies in the city. Although they are being eliminated every day, it seems that zombies will still appear from every corner. Some of them are zombies who have just escaped, and some have just wandered over from other places.

I don’t know if it is possible to get unlimited points. If there are no restrictions, then there are at least hundreds of thousands of zombies in the more than 100 kilometers near Atlanta. When you have time, you can destroy some more. The points are equivalent. It is also possible to clear one hundred and eighty thousand in a considerable year.

After searching a residential building, I did not encounter any survivors. I did encounter hundreds of zombies, and I got a lot of useful things. The camp is still under construction, and everything can be used. That's it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

I don’t have the habit of returning empty-handed. Every time I go to the city, I always pack a cart full of things and go back. No matter what it is, I don’t need to take garbage back anyway.

"Help... Who can help me..." The truck was driving halfway, and I vaguely heard someone calling for help in the distance. For this kind of good thing, Li Yunfei, of course, did a mission first in the past, and he has been unsuccessful in saving people for several days.

However, he didn't drive in a hurry like an idiot. Instead, he stopped in a relatively far place, took out the binoculars and carefully looked around. From a distance, he saw two people more than 200 meters away. It was a couple, both of them had already climbed onto the roof of a sedan. There were forty or fifty zombies surrounded by the car, and some zombies were moving towards the car in the distance.

After taking out the telescope and carefully observing the surrounding situation, there was indeed nothing unusual, and there was no ambush or anything. Although he has not been ambushed so far, the world is generally many times more dangerous than zombies, so it is necessary to carefully observe the surroundings.

"Crack..." Suddenly, the woman who saved her life was slapped by the man.

"Damn bastard, are you trying to kill me? Why are you calling such a loud noise to attract all the zombies, believe it or not, I will throw you down now!" That young man really seemed to mean to push people down, She had been pushed to the edge of the roof, causing the woman to scream and hugged the young man's leg tightly, but she was not pushed down.

One thing is for sure that the man was really showing a fierce look just now, not to scare people, but it is possible to push the woman down, attract the zombies, and then he escaped by himself, only to be hugged by the woman. It's back and it's not pushed down...

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