Time Traveler

Chapter 3: Physically weak, mentally strong

After a long time, Li Yunfei completely recovered, and finally he could calmly observe what was going on with the battle knife in his hand. A starter piece of gear?

"By the way, there is also a tablet-like thing, maybe you can have the information you want there." Thinking of this, he quickly took out the tablet-like thing, just thinking about reaching for it, that thing It also appeared in his hands in an instant.

When I came across this tablet, it was activated immediately, and a set of data appeared on the screen. Maybe because I just wanted to know the information about this sword, the information that appeared on the tablet was a detailed introduction to the sword. .

Alloy War Knife: The blade is made of Edman alloy, the handle and scabbard are made of nano-bomb nanotubes…

Overall length: 100cm, blade length: 75cm, handle length: 25cm, blade width: 3.5cm, weight: 2kg…

Features: Extremely sharp, worlds below level 3 cannot be damaged...

"Edelman alloy? I'm going to slap it like this?" Li Yunfei was surprised and amazed when he saw these data. A novice weapon was actually made of the transmitted Edman alloy, even the hilt. Both the scabbard and the scabbard are made of carbon nanofibers. This grade is simply too high! But what is the concept of the third-level world? Certainly not the kind of world of eroticism.

"Forget it, when it's time to worry about this, it's more important to find out what the situation is first. There must be a lot of information in this tablet!" Li Yunfei carefully searched for the tablet, and it did contain information about the world and himself. Basic properties of your body, etc.

This is indeed the world of The Walking Dead, but there is no introduction to whether this is a high-fidelity virtual reality or a real world. He was undergoing some kind of test, but he didn't explain anything about the specific test. This really gave Li Yunfei a lot of headaches, and he didn't explain how it would make him do it? Is it the test that you make your own choices? And whether this world is real, why can't you explain it?

No.: GY02017, Name: Li Yunfei, Age: 27, Occupation: Undecided

Strength: 5 points, the limit of an ordinary human body is 10 points. Strength is a comprehensive evaluation of body thrust, lifting strength, grip strength, explosive power, etc. A normal adult healthy man is 6 points. It seems that this strength attribute is still holding him back?

Agility: 7 points, Agility is a comprehensive evaluation of the reaction speed of the five senses of the body and the reaction speed of various nerves in the body. A normal adult man is 6 points but he has 7 points, this finally saved a little face.

Physical strength: 5 points, physical strength is a comprehensive reflection of the body's resilience, endurance, and resistance to various viruses, as well as the ability to resist attacks. A normal person is also at 6 o'clock, and he is not as good as a normal person. It seems that these two years are indeed too lazy.

Spirit: 8 points. Spirit is the embodiment of willpower. Spirits above 100 points will mutate and may produce powerful abilities. A normal person is still at 6:00, and he is two points taller than a normal person, which can be regarded as a big face.

But why even the supernatural powers came out, it looks really awesome, but how do you get the 100 points, do you add it yourself? I can't seem to find a place to add it...

I searched on the tablet for a long time, but I never found that I could add some logos. In fact, there is nothing to look for. There are only two pages. One page is the introduction of the task, and the other is the introduction of the attribute points.

The task introduction is a bit of a headache. It is a very simple sentence. After passing the test, you can get rewards and leave this world.

It didn't say anything about the task at all, which was really depressing. If there was a goal, Li Yunfei felt that he had a way to accomplish it. The most frightening thing was that this kind of test that did not give a standard goal at all was a complete mess. Fog, how can this pass the unknown test?

Since that unknown thing is designed like this, I don't seem to have a good way to do it. I can only work hard to survive. There is always a chance to pass the test if I survive.

All the parcels, whether they are used or not, are all put into the super large storage space. Anyway, the space is large, so I am not afraid of not being able to fit it. It is also easy to collect things. With the experience of taking them out, it can be regarded as the general meaning of mind locking. But the easiest way is to touch it, and then think about putting things in the storage space, and the things will be automatically transferred into the storage space.

The battle knife was very sharp, unimaginably sharp, and with a hard slash, a seat of the school bus was directly chopped off in half, and there were still a few thumb-thick steel pipes that were cut off. Although this thing is considered a Free novice supplies, but definitely a magic weapon.

All the collectible things in the car were taken away, even the seat cushions in those positions were not spared, and the fuel tank was removed and taken away, and more than half of the diesel in it was also taken away.

Finally, I hit the road again, holding a treasured knife that cuts iron like mud. If I encounter a small number of zombies, it will be fine. The zombies move slowly, and as long as they are not surrounded, it is not a big problem.

Now, what is even more terrifying for zombies are those who survived. In such a doomsday world, people's hearts will become very tyrannical, and if they get it right, they will kill people with guns. If you really meet someone and shoot yourself suddenly, you will be completely finished, so be careful when you meet people, try to be careful...

After walking along the road for nearly an hour, I once again encountered a scrapped pickup truck. No zombies were found and no available materials were found. However, five 20-liter gasoline drums were found in the compartment, two It's empty, and there are still three full. Of course, this kind of thing is put away first, and there are dozens of Coke bottles that have been drained...

"Maybe I can do some molotov cocktails for self-defense. If I encounter a large group of zombies chasing me, I can easily get away by throwing a few points on it." He was filled with a Coke bottle, the mouth of the bottle was stuffed with rags, carefully lit, and threw it **** the road in the distance.

"Bang..." After a crisp sound, a large group of flames burned, burning fiercely, but it only burned for twenty seconds before it went out. This thing is not very effective in destroying zombies, but attracting monsters is still very good. of. Of course, throwing a few more in the past should still burn the zombies to death.

Zombies in this world, UU reading www.uukanshu.com move slowly, not afraid of not being able to hit, maybe with flammable objects, after the ground, create a large burning area, and then introduce the zombies, then It's a good way to deal with a large number of zombies...

Li Yunfei was thinking about how to use it better while holding the incendiary bottle. There are more than 40 incendiary bottles, and half of the gasoline in a barrel is completely consumed, so the bottle is not full.

The sun is already in the west, the time is probably after three o'clock in the afternoon, and we can continue to travel for a while. It would be great if I could find a car that I could drive, then I could drive the car myself and find a way to live in a place with a water source that was not deserted.

Then I figured out a way to figure out what exactly I should do to complete the task and go home.

Continuing along the road, occasionally you will encounter some scrapped cars on the road. All the things that can be collected are collected, and the storage space is also stuffed with a lot of groceries, and there are more and more things. , almost filled.

The five gasoline drums were all filled with gasoline, but still no means of transportation was found, so they could only continue to walk on their legs.

Maybe it's because there is nothing to eat on the road, and all the zombies have been taken away, so I didn't encounter a single zombie along the way. Maybe this is luck. If you are unlucky and suddenly encounter a large group of zombies, then More troublesome.

Li Yunfei's speed is not fast. He always stops and goes. Whenever he feels a little tired, he quickly rests to replenish his strength. This is not because I can't persevere, but in this dangerous world, I need to keep strong physical strength at all times. Only in this way can I deal with sudden dangers. God knows when there will be any emergencies and encounter a large group of zombies passing by?

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