Time Traveler

Chapter 35: Zombies are just targets

When the sun rose, Li Yunfei finished training. No one cooked breakfast in the camp. Everyone would get something they like to fill their stomachs, just a piece of bread, a bag of milk, or something.

Anna in the chariot didn't even wake up. It seemed that she was really tired last night. After thinking about it, she returned the pistol that she had collected from her before, and also gave her two boxes of bullets. This girl can be sure that she is absolutely safe, otherwise she will be able to kill herself who slept like a dead pig last night. She took out a pen and paper and wrote a small note to her, which can be regarded as thanking her for her care.

A large truck has been prepared, and the two have already been waiting in the car to enter the city together and carry some useful things back to the camp.

Regarding the matter of Anna entering their car last night, the two of them didn't even ask a word. This made Li Yunfei's prepared speech completely useless. The habits of foreigners are indeed very different, and they don't like to ask others. private life.

Today's task is to bring back a large number of solar panels. The address is provided by the new architect. It is said that he ordered the things originally. It was going to be used in a community, but it just arrived before the disaster broke out, so those goods are still in a building materials market.

The solar panel is about 600 square meters. If it is installed, it can absolutely solve all the electricity problems in the camp. In fact, with the current electricity consumption in the camp, only a few dozen square meters of solar panels are enough. Used, but now there are no electrical appliances, just for lighting, of course, it does not use much electricity.

However, this solar panel is a good thing, and it will definitely be used in the future, so I pulled it all back and said, it doesn't matter if you install less. It would be a loss if they were taken away by others. These things are now stacked in a building materials market.

Glenn was in charge of the car, and Andrea sat in the middle. None of the three said a word, not even Glenn.

Li Yunfei originally wanted to avoid this Andrea with all his might, but in front of this woman, he had lost all face, and the incident of riding a motorcycle yesterday alone could have caused his embarrassment to break out. However, this woman seems to have no memory of that incident at all. Maybe it is not embarrassing to her at all, and some normal physiological reactions are not worth mentioning!

"Barrister, why do you have to join our mission?" Finally, Glenn was the first to break the silence.

"Why, do you need a reason for this?"

"Why doesn't this need a reason?"

"do you need?"

"Don't you need it?"

The two of them were still entangled on this issue, which made Li Yunfei have a sense of seeing the big talk about Journey to the West.

"I said you two are still finished? The building materials market is ahead. Later, I will be responsible for cleaning up the zombies around, and you two will move things." As the team leader, I had to come forward and persuade.

"Andrea, are you okay with moving things? Those boxed solar panels may be a little heavy..." After looking at the barrister, he couldn't help but say one more sentence.

"Are you discriminating against me?" Andrea was very upset. She was a very strong woman, otherwise she would not have taken part in the adventure mission. No matter what, entering the city would be much more dangerous than being in the camp.

"No, I definitely don't mean it, but the physiological structures of men and women are different. As far as strength is concerned, after all, men are still a lot stronger." Li Yunfei could only explain a little. She finally did not continue to entangle, and fell silent. . A few hundred meters away is the building materials market, where there are still some zombies roaming, the number seems to be more than one hundred.

I don't know if this woman did it on purpose or not, her hand was already grabbing onto her thigh unknowingly.

"Don't be nervous, it's just over a hundred zombies!"

"Who said I was nervous?"

"Since you're not nervous, why are you pinching me?"

"...Didn't you say I'm not strong enough?"

"Okay, your strength is still quite strong, not worse than men at all." Li Yunfei could only admit defeat, and women really couldn't offend.

All three wore protective clothing. This thing was obtained from a motorcycle shop. It should prevent being bitten, but I haven't tested it and can't be 100% sure. And wearing this, it's too stuffy. , Wearing it all day in this big summer will definitely be suffocated, so it is generally not worn until the critical moment.

Wearing protective clothing, Li Yunfei of course took the lead, and walked quickly towards the zombies. When he encountered a knife, his head was chopped off in an instant. There are thousands of them, and they have already cut out the experience.

Glenn, who was wearing protective clothing, was also much more courageous. Although there were more than a hundred zombies in the distance, he jumped out of the car and held a long machete. The speed of cleaning up the zombies was not too slow.

Andrea saw that both of them got out of the car and went to kill monsters. She didn't want to be looked down upon, so she also got out of the car, but she couldn't be complimented at the speed of killing monsters. She followed shiveringly with a knife. Behind the two, a few minutes later, they finally opened and cut down a zombie.

"How about you, do you want to get in the car first?" Li Yunfei also asked, seeing her frightened hands and feet going weak.

"It's alright, continue." Forced to say a word, stood up.

"Speaking of the barrister, you are stronger than me. When I killed the zombies for the first time, it took me ten minutes to recover." Li Yunfei remembered his useless behavior when he killed the zombies for the first time, and fell to the woman. It is also very admirable, but the psychological quality is very good.

The zombies around are still appearing constantly. It is not uncommon to kill for so long, and there is a trend of more and more. I have already cut down more than 100, and more than 200 zombies have gathered nearby. I wanted to use a knife to solve it, but I would not attract the zombies. Looking at the situation, I really have to use a gun. It’s a big deal. A wave.

"Bring your firearms and ammunition to the roof of the car."

"Aren't we going to run?"

"Don't run, these zombies are the best practice targets, just practice shooting!"

"If there is another large batch, and there are not enough bullets, then we will be miserable!"

"Don't worry, I actually put more than 3,000 rifle rounds under my seat in the cab..."

"Ah, why are you carrying so much ammo at one time?"

"Don't be long-winded, come and let me stand here."

Li Yunfei slashed the monsters unhurriedly, and killed more than a dozen more. Seeing that both of them climbed to the roof of the car, he turned around and retreated. After running for more than ten meters, he stepped on the wheel and took advantage of the power, and suddenly grabbed the edge of the roof. , The man also rolled over on the roof in one go.

"Dude, UU reading www.uukanshu.com This pose on the roof is really cool!"

"Small idea, you can do it a few more times... This hellish weather is really hot." After a lot of exercise just now, the whole body was covered in sweat.

Since I got on the roof of the car, of course I took off my protective clothing first, otherwise I would easily suffer from heat stroke.

"Lee, can you shoot now?" Andrea took the rifle and watched the zombies approaching. She wanted to shoot sooner.

"Let's get closer, wait for the zombies to enter 20 or 30 meters before shooting, don't start the burst mode, and strive for headshots without wasting bullets."

The speed of the zombies is too slow, and they don't know how to dodge, so it is indeed a very easy thing to shoot a headshot at a distance of 20 meters with a rifle. As long as people who have practiced rifle shooting can basically do it easily hit the target.

The sound of gunshots sounded quickly, and zombies kept falling down. The three of them had similar shooting skills. At a distance of about 20 meters, they basically achieved headshots with guns and guns. More than 700 zombies have been eliminated, and finally no new zombies appear in the vicinity. It seems that the zombies that can move in the nearby area have basically been attracted.

However, just in case, the three of them put on protective clothing again before they got out of the car. It was still Li Yunfei who entered the building materials market first, but few zombies were found, and they were easily disposed of. Only then did the transportation of the goods begin. .

It turns out that Andrea's strength is indeed not small, and she does not seem to be smaller than Glenn's. This woman is indeed a standard female man.

Li Yunfei cleaned up one or two zombies that occasionally appeared around. It took more than an hour before the car was loaded. The battery panel is not only more than 600 square meters, there should be other people ordering in this building materials market, and the total number should exceed thousands. With the addition of the matching battery pack, the large truck is almost fully dressed.

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