Time Traveler

Chapter 36: Gift

Several people in the camp were preparing lunch. Seeing Anna humming a little song in a relaxed and comfortable way, Amy felt a little uncomfortable. But in this matter, he is not a **** now, and it seems that he has no reason to take care of other people's private affairs.

But I'm a little unwilling to admit defeat like this. It's not that I love that blind guy, but I'm just a little unconvinced. Why can this woman seduce a man who has a good impression on her as soon as she comes? I'm that bad?

"...Did you really get together last night?" After hesitating for a while, Amy finally asked the matter clearly.

"Yes, it can be seen that he likes me very much, and he took the initiative to give it to me in the morning, leaving a note to thank me for taking care of me last night."

"So, you haven't been together yet?"

"What do you mean by not being together yet? I spent the whole night with him in the same room last night."

"What's that? I slept in his tent overnight when he came to the camp. So what?"

"Did he give you a present? He left a pistol for me in the morning, saying it was for self-defense."

"It's just a broken pistol. He even gave him the latest game console when we met. According to you, it's me that he really likes, right?"

"What's the use of a game console, or a pistol!"

"...What's so great about a pistol? I'll ask Li for one when he comes back. Can I bet she'll give me one?"

"...Amy, you don't really like him anyway, so you should give him to me!"

"How do you know I don't like it?"

"It can be seen that if you really liked it, you wouldn't have hesitated for so long with the kettle last night!"

"Do you really like him?"

"He saved my life..." Anna felt that she might really like this strange person. Although she didn't really get along for a long time at the beginning, when he came out of the car shop, After saving myself from desperation, I began to like it a little bit. I don't need too many reasons to like someone.

"This doesn't count. Then he has saved many people, and I have also been saved by him."

"Amy, how can you be willing to give up on him?"

"Why must I give up and not you?" Amy asked back. Many people in the camp thought that she and Li Yunfei were boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, so she was robbed by a big breasted girl.

"Then how about our fair competition?"

"...Well, I don't believe I will lose." Amy said quite confidently.

"I've never lost!" Anna said confidently, because she could feel that Li was very interested in her body.

"In order to avoid making others laugh, I'll ask him on 135, how about you ask him on 246?" Anna suggested.

"What about the weekend?"

"Boys also need a little free time, so don't make an appointment on weekends!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

The two finally decided to compete fairly. In the face of this apocalypse, it is not easy for everyone to survive, so we should try our best to suppress conflicts and resolve them peacefully. After all, survival is the most important thing.


Driving back to the camp with the big truck, Andrea still did not recover. This time, she was not frightened but tired. She had a lot of strength for a few days, but after all, the recovery of physical strength was still faster for an adult man. .

For example, Glenn got out of the car to help unload the goods long ago, but she was still sitting in the cab, and she didn't want to move. After several people unloaded all the goods, she still hasn't fully recovered.

"Barrister, do you regret taking part in the mission?" Li Yunfei finally couldn't help saying a word after seeing her powerless appearance.

"Gathering supplies is not just an adventure, but also a work of strength! Let's change the task tomorrow. Just leave the collection of supplies to me and Glenn." Seeing that Andrea didn't speak, he suggested again.

"I was just disgusted when I was destroying the zombie, so I felt a little uncomfortable... Amy, come and help me." Andrea shouted to Amy in the distance, she was quite dissatisfied with Li Yunfei's support , The body is so far away, it is obvious that he dislikes himself, and since he dislikes it, why do you support yourself.

"Andrea, why are you so scared by zombies again?" Amy also trotted over after hearing her sister's greeting.

"What zombies are scared like this, they are completely tired of moving things!"

"What are you doing so desperately, why are you so tired?"

"That Amy, I've handed it over to you, goodbye!" Seeing Amy taking Andrea, Li Yunfei also wanted to retire early. In front of these two, he always felt a little lack of confidence.

"Wait, I'll give you the game console back, can you give me a pistol?" Amy directly grabbed Li Yunfei's hand and said.

"Uh, you should keep that game console... This pistol is for you, use it with care!" Li Yunfei took out a pistol from his bag, and habitually gave two more boxes of ammunition, although it was a little strange that Amy would It's a little strange to ask for a pistol, but now that I have a lot of pistols, it's okay to send one.

"Thank you, I like this gift very much." After getting the pistol smoothly, Amy was in a good mood. She turned her head to look at Anna in the distance, and deliberately shook the pistol a few times, indicating that she also got a pistol.

"Amy, what the **** are you doing? You won't be a cowboy. You want to fight with Anna!" Seeing Li Yunfei walking away, Andrea asked Amy with her.

"A duel, just try to see who Li likes!"

"He likes everyone, as long as he has **** and a raised butt."

"Andrea, I'm your only relative. Are you belittling me for having no **** and no butt? And Li has helped you a lot, so you're saying that about him?"

"Well, I was wrong. I have to go to rest first. I'm exhausted today." Andrea was really in no mood to say anything, so she went back to the tent to sleep.


In the next ten days, the construction site and building materials market in the city became the places that Li Yunfei's mopping team cared most often. It was like an ant moving a house. They moved once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Almost all the equipment there was used by several people. They were all moved, because they needed to move a lot of building materials~www.wuxiamtl.com~, so the mopping team later added two young and strong laborers to help and became a five-member team.

Over the past few days, some survivors have joined the camp one after another. Some were rescued by Li Yunfei from the city or on the way and brought back, and some came to him by himself. For example, the black Morgan and his son are Come to the door yourself.

There are other people who received some information on the radio and joined in. The only thing that is a bit regrettable is that Dr. Jenner didn't come, and I don't know if he died with the CDC. .

Dale always likes to turn on the radio, contact nearby or possible survivors, and tell them that there is a camp on the mountain.

Li Yunfei was actually a little nervous about this matter. He was afraid that some people with ulterior motives would come to the door. He also consulted with Rick and Sean several times, and the final result was. More guards were added, and the guards were tighter, but it was decided to continue to save people. Of course, the new members must be carefully questioned.

Since everyone is willing to accept new members, Li Yunfei can't be a villain alone. He can only hope that everyone will be vigilant, but don't be attacked. Of course, with the increase of the number of people, when the camp grows enough, in this dangerous place. The security of the world can be increased a lot, at least the forces that dare to attack will become less and less.

It has been 20 days since I came to this world, and it has been 16 days since I came to the camp. The camp has increased from less than 20 people at the beginning to more than 50 people now.

Of course, the increase in personnel is not just an increase in logistical pressure, but also speeds up the construction of the camp. Now almost everyone in the camp is helping out. Even the elderly and children are doing what they can.

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