Time Traveler

Chapter 34: Meditation Magic Spot

After everyone's tasks were arranged, the real celebration reception began. This time, the reception was well prepared, at least a lot of beer was obtained. Li Yunfei still remembers the whisky last time and will never go there again. Yes, but this beer is always intoxicating. Once upon a time, I could kill two or three bottles by myself.

But after I actually started eating, I realized that I was taking it for granted. I used to be an otaku, and since I started working, I hadn’t attended many parties. I occasionally participated in it once or twice, and I was just a foil like a green leaf. He would have to get himself drunk, a passer-by, so he really had no experience in the wine field.

But after passing through this apocalyptic world, in this camp, he can be regarded as the number one person, at least his contribution to the camp is still great, and he can be regarded as the core member of the team. Therefore, those new members who don't know much will of course come over to find themselves in a flirtatious relationship. One by one, they will find themselves to clink their glasses when they are okay. In spite of the generosity, they always take a big sip.

Beer is not easy to get intoxicated, but I can't stand the amount of beer. I don't know how much I drank one cup after another. I succeeded in getting drunk again, but this time I finally swayed and returned to the battle of my dwelling. In the car, there is finally no need to make a fool of yourself.

"Mara's next door, I won't drink anymore after killing me. It turns out that beer can be so cruel." As soon as I lay down, I felt that the whole world was spinning, and I swore in my heart that I would never drink again. , went straight to sleep.

But what Li Yunfei didn't expect was that, under the watchful eyes of the public, Anna got into her chariot without any scruples... Amy, who was about to come over to bring some water to Li Yunfei in the distance, saw this After the scene, he directly threw the kettle on the ground and stepped on it several times.

"Stomping on your blind bastard, and stomping on your seductive big breasts..." He kept scolding as he stepped on it.

"Amy, I think you should stop thinking about that Li Yunfei. He has already shown that he is heartless and likes the new and hates the old, so you'd better choose someone else as a partner!" Andrea patted Ai Mimi comforted.

Andrea doesn't know what kind of person Li Yunfei is. Anyway, he looks really unreliable. She just takes him back to the camp, which can arouse his sexual interest, so this is a completely unreliable person. A man who can't resist any temptation is too easy to be seduced. If Amy follows him, he will definitely be **** to death in the future.

When she thought of the scene at that time, Andrea was still secretly proud of herself. It turned out that she was so attractive to men. It seemed that it was interesting to play some fresh meat with air conditioning, so Amy was in a bad mood. , but she was in a pretty good mood.

"I don't believe it, Andrea, what is the difference between me and Anna?"

"Does it need to be said? Nine times out of ten, men like those with **** and thin waists. I think you will lose on this."

"What's so great about big breasts, you really have no vision!" Amy said a little unconvinced.

"It's really nothing special, but people just like it, they just can't help the big-breasted sister's seduction. What can I do?"

The two sisters were quite disappointed with Li Yunfei, one thought he had no vision, the other thought he had no determination.

It was said that Li Yunfei, who was in the chariot, vomited in a mess. Anna got into the chariot and became a babysitter. The nanny was really embarrassing enough for her, and fell asleep directly by the side.

Li Yunfei woke up from a daze, but was awakened by thirst. He took out a bottle of water directly from the space. After filling more than half of it in one gulp, he lay down again, turned around, and suddenly saw a bottle of water beside him. The figure and Khan were scared out, and the wine woke up more than half of the time.

I quickly turned on the flashlight, only to see who the figure was. It turned out to be Anna sleeping in her 'room', and her clothes seemed to have been changed unknowingly. If something happens, don't get drunk in the future anyway, don't act like a hero in the wine field, it's better to just pretend to be drunk...

"Julia, turn off the light. I'm sleepy." Anna said subconsciously, covering her eyes with her arms.

Hearing Anna's voice, Li Yunfei hurriedly turned off the flashlight so that Anna would not wake up. To be honest, he didn't know how to face her now, so that she would not catch a cold, so he carefully covered her with a small blanket.

A very **** girl, just laying beside her so defenseless, a normal person will always have a fire in her heart, she really doesn't care what she thinks, she just rolls over and shoots first.

However, considering that this girl took care of her and didn't sleep well in the middle of the night, she just fell asleep, she must be sleepy, she still needs to be kind, and she finally stopped her impulse.

Lie down again and practice the meditation technique that I have practiced every day since these days. This meditation technique can suppress the evil fire of desire. This is a panacea. Although it is not very useful, it has a clear effect on these distracting thoughts. Really powerful.

After adjusting his breathing, his thoughts quickly focused on the center of his eyebrows, and the distracting thoughts began to fade away quickly, and his state of mind became peaceful, and a light spot quickly appeared on the center of his eyebrows.

After these days of exercise, the light spot appears more and more easily. Now I almost just need to close my eyes and focus on the center of the eyebrow, and the light spot will appear. I don't know what that thing is, but It shouldn't be a bad thing, I'm not sure I can open a sky eye or something... Every time I see this light spot appearing, Li Yunfei can't help but YY for a while.

No matter what it is, it's just a little bit of concentration and attention to one thing. I've never heard of any harm in doing so.

Today, the light spot seemed to have grown a little bit, and after 40 minutes of meditation, the light spot gradually disappeared. However, this time there was no drowsiness. It seems that if you have enough sleep, if your mental state is good, exercising and meditating will not make you drowsy. Maybe when you practice meditation in the future, exercise once before going to bed and exercise again after waking up. The effect may be better. better…

It's already a little light outside, and it's past five o'clock. Since I don't feel sleepy, I'd better go out for a walk and exercise. It's not suitable to stay in the chariot now, and I can't be safe in the same room with Anna. It will be animalistic and crawl on her to go to that. Although it is said that people have taken the initiative to deliver it to the door, even if it is really that, it is not a big deal, but it is better to consider this matter carefully.

Most of the simple earth walls in the camp have been completed. One side is a cliff that is as high as 30 meters high after the stone was mined, but the earth wall is not made. The other side is a natural **** with a **** of more than 60 degrees. Just sort it out, UU reading www.uukanshu. com does not need to build walls yet. Therefore, for a simple earth wall, only two earth walls with a length of more than 100 meters in the front and rear are required.

The area of ​​the encircled camp is also huge. Although the east-west width is only over 100 meters, the north-south length is more than 400 meters. The area of ​​the circled land is more than 60,000 square meters. Since it is a long-term plan and plans to plant some things, I carefully inspected the surrounding area and chose a very good terrain.

After walking around the camp and inspecting a circle, I waved the knife. Although the swinging speed is extremely fast, the war knife has the function of silencing, and there is still no sound of breaking the air. This effect is of zero help at this stage, but When there is a real chance to become a martial arts master in the future, it will be of great help. According to legend, the real master can be identified by his own position, and the sound of breaking through the air will be detected by the opponent, and then he will avoid it... Of course, this may be just Bullshit.

After these days of continuous exercise, I feel that my strength has become really strong recently, but my attribute point has not reached seven points, maybe it has not reached the standard of improvement. I believe that if you continue to exercise, you will be able to increase your strength in a few days. to 7 o'clock.

In principle, the first three months of training people are the best, and they will also reach a small peak. If they cannot continue to break through, they will stagnate, and it will be difficult to continue to grow in the future. Stop at 9 o'clock.

I don't know if it's really possible to directly add some points in the future. What kind of feeling would that be? Just need to add a few points, and then your strength will skyrocket in minutes? If there is such a good thing, it must feel very cool. However, since the points are given and the evaluation of attribute points is given, generally speaking, it is possible to add points directly, but I don't know if it is expensive to add points.

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