Time Traveler

Chapter 33: really embarrassing

I was busy cleaning up traffic jams and zombies on the way, and the smell of sweat on my body was really unaccustomed. Just now Anna was not disgusted, which is really admirable... When I think of not taking a bath for a few days, I can't sit again. Living.

Although you can also take a bath in the RV, I was too embarrassed to go to the bathroom with women, children and the elderly, so I drove a mountain bike parked in the camp and went to the river not far away.

But I regretted it before I drove a few hundred meters. It was a big mistake to drive this motorcycle here. I knew it would be better to walk here.

I thought I would use a mountain bike anyway, driving hundreds of miles, and I already mastered this kind of motorcycle. I didn't expect that on the mountain road, it's not like that at all, and my two legs are more reliable. It only took ten minutes to walk, but it took nearly ten minutes to drive, and I was so frightened that I almost rolled over several times, and I was so scared that I was sweating.

I always wash the clothes together in the bath. After washing, I threw it on the big stone next to it to hang to dry. It doesn't matter whether it is clean or not. After rubbing off the dirt, I finally felt a lot more refreshed. This time, no one should have given me clothes. I offended Amy, and Anna was cooking again, so...

"Have you washed it? Hurry up and put it on when you're done!" Andrea appeared by the river again.

"No, why are you sending clothes again, aren't you all afraid of trouble? Also, why are you sending me clothes, it's so unreasonable!"

"You came to take a shower and didn't bring any clothes, so I came over and returned the clothes you took off last time. Am I still wrong?"

"Uh, it's true, it's just too unexpected, are you looking for something for me?" He quickly changed his clothes behind a big rock and asked.

"It's really a little thing, do you really despise Amy?" Andrea came here this time mainly to find a place where no one was there, and asked this question carefully. She really didn't want to look down on her own girl. happy look.

"Well, as for me, I'm naturally heartless, I can't stand any seduction, and I like the new and hate the old, so I really can't talk about feelings! Amy is a good girl, but it's not suitable for me!" Li Yunfei After thinking about it, I simply found a reason to explain it again. In fact, I am a bit sincere. I am really not suitable for talking about feelings, but I am a little bit fond of the new and hate the old, and I really can't stand seduction. Although self-defense of family shame may cut off your relationship with women, but in order to make your life easier in the future, I still insist on not doing those kind of things.

"...I think you are really bothered, but in a world like this, who can guarantee longevity? If you are good today, maybe you will die tomorrow... So if you don't think Amy hates it, then try to have a relationship with her. Let's date, I think Amy really likes you this time." Andrea also said something.

There are not many things like single-mindedness in peaceful times, not to mention this apocalyptic world that will die at any time, so as long as the two are happy together, who knows what will happen in the future.

"This... Let's not talk about this for now, you see it's getting dark, let's go back quickly!" Li Yunfei said and started the motorcycle. Andrea walked over naturally and sat behind her.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Li Yunfei asked a little embarrassedly. He dared to take people in a place where he might overturn the car when he drove back alone. Another point is that this mountain bike is not suitable for taking people with only one seat. .

"Why, I'll give you clothes, you give me back and I'll go back?" Seeing Li Yunfei's face red and not driving, Andrea also said something.

"Why don't you drive back, I'll just walk back, this car is not used to driving, I almost overturned the car alone before, it would be difficult if I took you into the ditch." Although a little embarrassed , but explain it honestly.

"I really don't know how to talk to you. You don't know how to drive you as a driver. Come up and I'll take you."

"No, no need, I'll just go back, it's not far anyway!" Wouldn't it be more shameful to let her take her back.

"You're still not a man, are you really..."

Andrea is really doubting whether this is a normal man. It stands to reason that Amy is also a beautiful woman. If you are interested in beautiful women, if you see a woman take the initiative to enter her tent, don't hurry to get out. The sheets are the devil. In her cognition, it is normal for men to be like this, otherwise unless they have physical problems, or they don't like women...

"Okay, we can go on the road now." Looking at Andrea's puzzled eyes, Li Yunfei was really depressed enough. He walked over and sat in the back. It was a bit embarrassing, but the next road was more embarrassing.

It turns out that Andrea is not very good at driving motorcycles, and is only a novice. This mountain road is really bumpy. Andrea sits in front and keeps sliding backwards, and she is also constantly sliding before. The mountain bike originally had only one seat, and it was so crowded together...

It's really embarrassing, that little brother is so disobedient that he still reacts, it's really embarrassing. Although this can prove that he is a normal man, it is still very embarrassing. It is really embarrassing to have to hide after seeing Andrea.

Andrea didn't seem to care at all, and she didn't know if it was intentional. When she was about to get off the bus at the camp, she deliberately rubbed her little brother several times. Fortunately, it was already completely dark, and no one else could see Li Yunfei's embarrassed expression, otherwise he would be really embarrassed.

However, the camp was still very lively, and we were going to hold a small celebration feast, because today was another bumper harvest day. A few people went to the city to get a fuel tanker and pulled back more than 30 tons of diesel in one breath. . And Li Yunfei has pulled back a large number of arms, and the preliminary defense works have been completed.

So we held a small celebration party to celebrate everyone's aftermath and to celebrate that everyone could rebuild their homes here.

And today, two new people were brought back to the camp. They were a middle-aged couple. The man was an architect. After checking the situation of the camp, he also made a detailed plan for the future construction of the camp. He also hopes to make some contributions~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to gain a little right to speak, so as not to be regarded as a meal.

This party is said to be a celebration feast, but it is actually a future plan and task arrangement, of course, the result of everyone's choice and their own choice.

Sean will be in charge of the management and maintenance of the camp's mechanical equipment and weapons in the future. Of course, two people will help, one is Dale, and the other is a newcomer who just joined the day before yesterday.

Rick is in charge of the training of the staff. There are six children and several girls. In fact, there are almost no adults who can't use guns, so the training is not using guns, but the courage to face those zombies, which is to use knives to stab zombies. brain. Of course, the people participating in the training will do it in batches. Occasionally, some zombies are trapped due to extraterrestrial traps, but those have become the objects of people's training.

Originally, Li Yunfei asked Li Yunfei for this position, but Li Yunfei considered that he still needed to clear monsters. If he took over the task of training people, he would not be able to go out to clear monsters on a large scale, so he chose to continue the task of collecting materials. However, there was one more person, the Andrea who Li Yunfei didn't want to see.

Originally, she was strongly against it, but she was pushed back by Andrea's words.

"Are you discriminating against sex?" If the issue of sexism becomes serious, Li Yunfei can only choose to shut up. It doesn't matter if you bring a fuel bottle anyway, Andrea may not be able to fight monsters, but it's alright to help you move some things in a car.

Mel also got his wish to take over the next task of guarding and patrolling the camp. He has four members under his control. In the future, there will be more people in the camp, and there will definitely be more guards. He is the happiest of all. I really hope that the camp will become stronger and stronger, and I will have more subordinates. If anyone comes to destroy the camp, he will really go up and work hard.

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