Time Traveler

Chapter 32: 1 more group of people in the camp

He spent nearly four days on the road, and it was not until the evening of the fourth day that he returned to the camp. He came back with a lot of guns and ammunition. Of course, he was treated like a hero.

The basic defense outside the camp has been constructed, and even a simple wooden house has been built in the middle. Everyone can gather here when they are free. There are 12 new people in the camp, and a few are old people. A group of people in the original play who robbed Rick and the others of that generation of firearms.

The reason why these people appeared in the camp was because they had an accident. An old man died of illness at night and no one was found. Then the old man became sick and bit several old people, and then the place was over.

Only a few old people and those young people who were relatively convenient to move out managed to escape, but they encountered a group of zombies on the road, and they were trapped in the carriages and could not get out. They happened to be found by the search team led by Glenn. saved. Then this group of people followed back to the camp, so now the number of people in the camp has reached as many as 34 people.

That Sean seems to have really figured it out, or was seduced by the single mother with a daughter. Now the two have lived together, so his relationship with Rick has indeed eased a lot. Everyone knew it well, and they didn't break through the previous bad things, and the atmosphere in the camp was much better.

"Man, how did you go to verify this time?" Sitting in the wooden house, Rick introduced Li Yunfei to the situation in the camp, and then asked Li Yunfei about the results of his visit to the CDC.

"The news I got is really bad. All of us have been infected with the virus. Now, no matter who we are, as long as we die, we will become zombies. Whether we are bitten or not, we will become zombies as long as we die. Someone dies, it's better to put a knife in the head."

"Sure enough... Did the people in the CDC say anything about special medicines or vaccines?" Rick also learned something from the new group of people who joined in. He originally guessed that the old man would become The matter of zombies, but what he is more concerned about is whether there is any hope of getting rid of the virus.

"It's a pity that they couldn't do anything. Everyone ran away, leaving only one person. It seems that person is quite pessimistic!" Knowing from the doctor that he was also infected, Li Yunfei's mood was also quite unhappy.

"Hey man, don't be so uncomfortable, as long as we're still alive, there will always be another way, and I'm sure there will be miracles. I thought Lori and Carl were both dead, but now they're both alive. It's fine, I believe there is still hope as long as we live well." Rick is quite optimistic about the current situation, mainly because his wife and children are all right, and the recent camp has developed very rapidly. There are seven or eight young and strong people, which makes him full of confidence in the future life.

"Well, you're right, but we'd better train some people to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible. In such an environment, people will quickly become very degenerate and terrifying, and we need strong protective forces."

"Sean has consulted with me several times. Previously, due to lack of manpower and other reasons, the training could not be started, but now the basic perimeter defense has been completed, and some training can indeed be done. Thanks for bringing this back, man. Lots of weapons back."

"Thank me for what, why do you help each other? It should be... By the way, why didn't you see Amy?" I called once before and said that I had something to tell me when I came back. asked a question.

"I thought you wouldn't ask. She and Andrea went fishing again. It's getting dark and should be back soon... It seems that I have to say goodbye first." Rick saw a person at the door, Also stood up.

As soon as Li Yunfei turned around, a girl threw herself into his arms. She seemed to be holding her tightly. She thought it was Amy who was throwing her arms in her arms, but what was surprising was that she had a very hot body. Anna girl.

What's going on here? My friendship with this hot girl doesn't seem to be that deep, so how could I be so enthusiastic all of a sudden? Looking at Li Yunfei's somewhat embarrassed expression, Rick didn't say much and went about his own business.

"Well, Anna, I haven't seen you for a few days, how are you doing?" Li Yunfei asked out of words, mainly to ease the awkward atmosphere. The feeling of being hugged warmly is still very good, of course, this is the opposite sex, if it looks more pleasing to the eye, it will be even better.

Please forgive me for being a layman... Li Yunfei laughed at himself, and also stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the other person's waist, hugging his hot body, his heartbeat accelerated a little, and even his little brother became a little restless.

It is said that men are visual animals, and this is not bad at all. At least Li Yunfei will always appear involuntarily when he sees a **** beauty with such a hot body... There is a saying: The hips and waist are small and the **** are huge. But Anna has all these three advantages, and I don't know if she has been specially trained.

"Well, these days are the most comfortable and safe days I've lived in over a month, thank you my hero!" Seeing that the other party hugged him, even his lower body reflected a little abnormally, so the one who embraced was not It was a bit more enthusiastic, and even kissed Li Yunfei's neck.

"Uh, that Anna, I haven't taken a bath for three days, you will be poisoned." Li Yunfei said a little exaggeratedly. It was nothing to just hug, but everyone licked it with their tongues. This taste is too heavy. ? Her body is so dirty, how can this girl go to the mouth...

Just when Li Yunfei was a little embarrassed, a girl suddenly appeared at the door, and it happened that Amy also came back.

Originally, I was very happy to hear that Li Yunfei had returned to the camp. He ran into the simple wooden hut carrying a bunch of fish, but when he saw two people hugging each other, Li Yunfei actually took the initiative to hug the big-chested Anna. With an intoxicated look on her face, Anna even kissed the other person's neck, which is too much...

"Uh, Amy, long time no see... Then what did you say to me?" Seeing Amy's appearance, Li Yunfei also withdrew the hand holding Anna, as if he had unconsciously put his hand on it just now. I lost Anna's buttocks, and it's still embarrassing to be looked at right now.

"You, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com you guys, it's nothing to talk to you bastard..." Amy looked like she was being kissed by the two of them.

Li Yunfei hesitated for a while, but did not chase after him to explain. It seemed that he didn't know how to explain this matter, and it was not necessary to explain.

"Well, Anna, I still have something to do..."

"Well, then go ahead and get busy first. I also have to prepare the food for everyone to eat at night. Goodbye to the hero." Anna calmly let go of Li Yunfei. She couldn't blame herself for what made Amy angry.

After these days of understanding, I realized that this person and Amy have not officially established a relationship, and she herself admits that it is not a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, so what does it matter if she starts first, the big deal is a fair competition.

There is no need to be humble about this kind of thing, and this man seems to like him a lot. From the reflection of holding him just now, it can be seen that his body is very attractive to him. However, the men in the East are really different. They just hugged and there will be reflections below. They must be inexperienced...

When I got out of the cabin, I saw Amy in the distance holding a few fish out of anger and scratching the scales hard. Seeing her like this, I really wanted to explain it, but I didn’t seem to be really going after Amy. , maybe some good feelings, but it is only some basic desires of men for women.

I'm destined to leave, and I'm not talking about emotions. If you don't talk about feelings, you just do things you like to do with each other and comfort your restless heart. That's a good choice. It's good for what you need.

But looking at Amy's appearance, it seems that she really wants to have a long-term relationship with herself. After that, she completed the task and disappeared suddenly. Shouldn't she be cursed to death by this girl...

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