Time Traveler

Chapter 31: Miracle

"Dr. Jenner, have you ever thought about leaving here and continuing your research?"

"I think we all have no chance. This time we humans are really finished." The doctor said pessimistically, not interested in leaving at all.

He really felt that there was no hope for human beings, because just this morning, the last test body was abolished, the laboratory was also messed up, and research could no longer continue.

"Humans are not so easy to play, but this CDC is really going to end. I just looked at the fuel in the basement, and those fuels can last up to four or five days! So the doctor better prepare to leave here early. Better, people only have hope when they are alive." Li Yunfei tried to persuade him.

"How can it last for four or five days? I thought it could only last for two days."

"Trust me, I'm right, I can really hold on for more than four days, and there's still enough time to prepare..."

"It's useless to hold on for a few more days. The research has come to an end... Unless there is a miracle."

"Dr. Jenner, do you believe there are still miracles in the world!"

"Dude, please keep your eyes open. When you came in, the door was automatically locked, so you couldn't get out." He also pressed a few passwords while he was talking. Li Yunfei knew that he wanted to close the door. The safe passage to the ground was not blocked, because he couldn't close it.

There was just a slight vibration. The gate could not be closed, but it was stuck by the boss's cement block.

"Look, this is a legendary miracle!" Li Yunfei turned his head and said calmly.

"This is impossible, how is this possible." Dr. Jenner looked at the half-ton cement block on the gate and was completely stunned. How did this thing appear in this underground base? How is this possible?

"I believe that there are miracles in the world. If you figure it out, come and find me in Atlanta. I have a camp there." Li Yunfei took out a map and marked the location of the camp.

Of course, if the doctor had to die, there was nothing he could do. If he figured it out and was willing to go to the camp, there might still be some hope. There are so many zombies over there for him to test. As for the equipment problem, I believe that there is such a big city, and there is always a way to get it. Since there is that ultimate mission, there will definitely be a glimmer of hope.

In fact, the best way is to keep sending fuel here, but the CDC is too dangerous. In case of any machine failure and power outage, it will explode for you to see in minutes, so it is better to leave early.

Dr. Jenner was still staring blankly at the big cement block, the world view was collapsing, and he kept saying in his heart, this is unscientific, this is impossible.

Until Li Yunfei went to the top of the building and blasted a bulletproof glass with a grenade, Dr. Jenner still stared at the huge cement block in a daze, still unable to explain how this thing appeared...


After leaving the CDC, I eliminated a few zombies wandering nearby, and then I began to collect the weapons that were left on the ground. Some fell on the ground, and some were still hanging on the dead soldiers. There are still a lot of weapons. .

Although the scene was very stinky, even with a gas mask, you could still smell a stench, but for the sake of those weapons, I still endured it. It took more than half an hour to collect the scattered weapons, and the weapons scattered nearby were considered to have been found.

There were also two tanks, one combat vehicle, and five Humvee military vehicles at the scene. This should be a team of more than 100 people.

A total of 75 rifles were found, more than 300 magazines were also found, there were also 6 heavy machine guns, and 25 pistols were mostly M9, but a few revolvers were also found on the bodies of several soldiers, which should not be troops. It was equipped with them, but these soldiers bought it with their own money, and they almost never used it.

Also found a lot of ammunition reserves on a military vehicle, 20 boxes of rifle ammunition (1500 rounds/box), 6 boxes of heavy machine gun ammunition (500 rounds/box), and even found two RPG rocket launchers on another military vehicle , is also equipped with two boxes of rockets are a total of 10 rocket warheads. This thing doesn't seem to be standard for the army, and I don't know where this group of soldiers got it, but now it's all cheap.

Resisting the nausea, I took off some body armor from the bodies of some soldiers. This thing can still be used after washing it after going back. Although it may not be able to protect against rifle bullets, it is absolutely no problem to prevent some pistol bullets. Wear it when you go out. One can be more secure.

There are also some things that can be loaded and taken away in a car. There are still many good things. For example, the telescope with night vision function is a very good thing.

Li Yunfei didn't drive away the chariot or the tank. It was too difficult to drive back with that thing, but the big Hummer was more comfortable to drive.

However, most of the shells in the tanks were packed and taken away. Basically, one of the shells on the two tanks was useless, because no shells were needed to kill zombies, and the two tanks had hundreds of shells. .

In order to get rid of these shells, all his storage space was full, and even some tools and daily necessities were cleaned out, and some low-value ones were directly discarded.

It is really unsafe to transport artillery shells back with a car, and I am not a professional person. If these shells are not placed properly, the transportation will collide with each other and explode, and I will be completely finished.

The military Humvees are full of supplies, and more than half of them are still ammunition. When driving home, I am naturally a lot more careful.

After driving for dozens of kilometers, I encountered two road blockages. One by one hooked up to clear a road. The two road blockages took nearly five or six hours, and I encountered two groups of hundreds of zombies. The group, it took more than an hour to clean up, and it took a day to mix it up.

Sitting in the car at night and tidying up the storage space, the 2 cubic meters of food and water remained the same.

Weapons and ammunition did use 5 cubic storage spaces, a total of 1 heavy machine gun, 30 rifles, 15 pistols, 2 shotguns, 30 grenades, as well as those 2 RPG-7 rocket launchers and supporting 10 There were 10,000 rounds of rockets, tens of thousands of rifle rounds, 5,000 rounds of pistol rounds, about 5,000 rounds of heavy machine gun bullets, and a measly 700 rounds of shotgun rounds. There are also shells that have been shot into hundreds of rounds, and now only 1 cubic meter of gasoline and diesel is used.

The things are neatly placed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It is also much more convenient to check. In other words, when you take things out of this storage space, you don't need to search very carefully. When the time comes, it will naturally come to mind so that your spirit can be locked.

However, once they are neatly placed, you can more easily know what is in the space, so it is very important to keep things in order. This is equivalent to a small room. If you don't organize it properly, you will forget whether you have that thing or not. If you encounter an emergency, you think you have that thing, but in fact there is no such thing, it will be troublesome.

The weapons in the car were more than 40 rifles, and more than 20,000 rounds of various ammunition, which could completely arm everyone in the camp.


The journey back can really be slow, the main reason is that you are not in a hurry to go back, but there is no plan to give up on clearing monsters along the way.

If the number does not exceed 50, they are all solved with war knives. The number is between two and three hundred. It can be completely eliminated with a gun and a kite. It can basically eliminate hundreds or even thousands of zombies in a day.

It's a pity that there is no chance to save people along the way. The doctor doesn't know if they will be connected. If they are connected, they don't know if they are saved by themselves. This painful task of saving people is really annoying. pain.

In fact, Li Yunfei also thought about deliberately letting others take risks, and then he came forward to save people, whether it was his own rescue, but after thinking about it, he gave up this behavior.

Obviously, it is impossible for the system to be fooled like this. If you fool this unknown system with clever tricks, if it is not judged as murder or something, then the consequences will be serious. Since this unknown system can know what it is thinking (mind reading), it can naturally judge whether it is really saving people, and it cannot be fooled.

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