Time Traveler

Chapter 30: I'm sorry you got infected too

"Hey, Rick, can you hear the message?" He turned on the walkie-talkie and said directly.

"...Li Yunfei, are you okay?" After waiting for a while, a voice came from the walkie-talkie, but it was Amy's.

"Well, everything went well. I encountered some zombies on the road, which were easily solved by me... Are you alright!"

"No, why are you going to the CDC? Even if you are going, why don't you take me with you?" It sounded like Amy was very unhappy, as if she was questioning.

"Uh, this, the situation is urgent, so I really can't bring anyone."

"...Li, I wish you all the best, and I hope you come back safely as soon as possible." Amy's voice on the walkie-talkie suddenly softened a lot. Maybe her sister persuaded her.

"Thank you, I will definitely return safely, rest early Amy."

"Wait a minute, how long can you come back?"

"It's hard to say. If there are no accidents, it will take about three or four days!"

"Oh, I see, I'm waiting for you to come back, goodbye!" Amy took the initiative to turn off the radio, but she saw Anna coming from a distance, so she didn't want her to know who she was talking to.

"Amy, why didn't Mr. Yunfei go back to the camp today and didn't eat dinner?" Anna asked when she saw Amy from a distance. She was with Julia, Amy and Carol. In charge of making food for the people in the camp, his hero didn't come to eat tonight, so he looked for people everywhere.

"How do I know, he's not mine!"

"Is he really not one of yours?" Anna was very happy to hear the news. Since she is not Amy's, she will find a way to make him her own in the future.

"Anna, your hero went to the CDC to work on errands, so he won't be back in the past three or four days, so you don't need to find someone." Andrea saw that Amy was very depressed, so she helped to answer one sentence.

"Ah, isn't Li Li very dangerous?" Anna spent many days outside, and she was really frightened every day. When she thought that her hero was going to spend the night alone, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Worry about it!" Amy muttered, and went straight back to her tent. She felt that she had a grudge against this big-breasted girl, and she felt a little uncomfortable seeing her anyway.

"...Don't worry, that guy is a lot more powerful than you think, there won't be any danger, go back to sleep early!" Andrea also patted Anna's shoulder and went back to her room to rest.

She knew why her sister always looked down on this Anna, but she was actually a little jealous of other people's figure. Of course, she couldn't hide this little thought from her.

Early the next morning, I cleaned up a few straggler-like zombies, took out my motorcycle again, and galloped away. This time I went to the CDC to verify whether I was infected or not. Infection, it is definitely possible to fool the doctor out and start a new research on vaccines.

As for whether he will be used as a test product or not, when he arrives at his own camp, it is not what the doctor said. Of course, if it is just to cooperate with drawing some blood, then everything is easy to say. Of course, if you are also infected, then don't think about researching vaccines.

The speed of the motorcycle is still quite fast. Except for the occasional obstacle on the road, it is basically unimpeded. As for the group of zombies, I have no plan to clear the monster for the time being. Now I am in a hurry. If you come across it, clean it up slowly.

About noon, Li Yunfei finally arrived at the CDC, which was half a day earlier than expected. Outside the CDC, without exception, many light and heavy weapons were found. There is also a team stationed here, which is bigger than the city of Atlanta. The size of the troops inside has doubled, and there are even some defensive fortifications, and there are several tanks and chariots.

Originally, the defense force here was completely sufficient, but unfortunately the virus was raging, and the troops began to disintegrate from the inside first.

The scene was quite terrifying. There were a lot of corpses, at least a thousand. They should have been dead for more than a month. It was several times more stinky than the gas station.

I saw a lot of weapons at the scene, but Li Yunfei was not in a hurry to collect them. It was not too late to collect these weapons when he was about to leave here. Blocks are tucked into storage space.

This thing is kept just in case. Carmen uses it. It must not be thrown away before coming out of the CDC. If he has already been infected, the doctor has no hope, and his eloquence is not good. If he fails to convince the doctor, it will be a big deal if he drags himself to be buried.

As for the way to open the door of the CDC, it was very simple. I took out a piece of paper I had written before, put it in front of the monitor, and shook it a few times to let the other side see the contents.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has a system like biological detection radar. When I approached here, the doctor in it should have known it long ago, so if I just need to show him the information, it will definitely open the door.

The content of the writing is actually very simple: I may be the only person who has not been infected with the virus... Sure enough, a door was opened in a short while.

"How are you sure you're not infected?" Dr. Jenner asked as soon as they met.

"Well, I can't be sure now. I have been living in an underground secret base. I just came out a few days ago, and I have avoided the most infectious period of the virus, so it is very likely that I have not been infected." Li Yunfei made up a reason and said.

"...You really shouldn't come out of that secret base!" Although Dr. Jenner was a little speechless, he saw that the other party had a small bag all over his body, and the small bag also knew some food and water, and there was no threat, so he still Let people into the base.

"If you don't come out, you will starve to death there."

"Perhaps for this world, death is a relief."

"Doctor, you are really pessimistic, maybe I'm not infected."

"Forget it, you'd better draw some blood first, and I'll analyze it!" The doctor said indifferently. Basically, it's impossible for someone to walk outside and not be infected.

So I just reminded me a few words, and I took the blood to the laboratory for analysis.

Dr. Jenner has given up no hope for the future, but since this guy has come from a long way, he doesn't want to disappoint. Also, he hasn't seen a normal living person for nearly a month, and he is in a slightly better mood to see a big living person again. some.

Watching the doctor leave, Li Yunfeixun also quickly put down the oversized cement block on the gate of the safe passage, and stuck the door first, so as not to wait in case something happens, UU read www.uukanshu. com himself is also very lucky.

After finishing this, I went to the place where the generator was located and filled up a barrel of oil, which allowed the CDC to support it for an extra four or five days.

I still have a barrel of oil left. After thinking about it, I still don’t want to stay here. Anyway, if this doctor is willing to leave, then three to five days are enough to prepare. Just stick to it for a few more days, and I can't stay here forever to help him get oil.

After returning to the processing center, that Dr. Jenner appeared soon after. From his disappointed expression, Li Yunfei immediately understood the result. The result was indeed a bit hopeless, and he was actually infected.

This is simply bad news for Li Yunfei, but one can also believe that as long as he successfully completes the task, the mysterious system must have a way to help him deal with the virus, otherwise it would be too unreasonable.

To be honest, Li Yunfei was also quite disappointed. He thought that his guess was right, but he was completely wrong. What is the hint? It's just a coincidence. Although the chance of this coincidence is lower than that of winning the grand prize, it can still exist.

It can be speculated that someone was going to the CDC to do something, and then drew a circle on the map, and then the map was lost and floated in front of him, that's all...

"...I think you already know the result. Unfortunately, you were also infected, although it was true that you were infected for a short period of time!"

"There is no other way, have you come up with a vaccine or special medicine?" Although he guessed the result, but after the other party confirmed the guess, Li Yunfei couldn't help but feel quite disappointed.


"any solution?"

"God has mercy on us human beings, and then gives a miracle."

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