Time Traveler

Chapter 29: On the way to the CDC

I came to the gas station I visited last time. It was really stinky. I killed hundreds of zombies here two days ago. After the zombies destroyed their brains, their bodies decayed very quickly. In just two or three days, it became horrific. It is these stench that even the zombies are too lazy to migrate here, so no new zombies have been found nearby.

I even had to wear a gas mask when I went to pump oil, so as not to be stunned by the stench all around me. Just drove away from here.

Not to mention the stench, the buzzing flies alone can drive people away.

The way back to the camp is quite safe, but I occasionally encounter some zombies, and I have no interest in stopping to kill monsters, so I should send the oil back first, lest those big machines run out of oil and affect the work progress...

A gust of wind swept up the garbage, but it blew a map and stuck it directly on the wipers. What's even more strange is that the map was actually on the map, and I saw the red circle drawn, but it was the disease prevention. Control Center Location…

"I don't think I'm so evil, right? It's a coincidence, it must be a coincidence." Li Yunfei said that he was not superstitious at all, but when such a strange thing happened, he also thought that something unknown gave him some hints, which seemed very strange. It was inevitable that people would be suspicious. On the way back, I was always a little uneasy, and I almost drove the car into a ditch a few times.

"Rick, I'm going to go to the CDC, it will take about three or four days!" After returning to the camp, he said directly. Li Yunfei still decided to take a look at the situation. As for the danger, to be honest, it is still very dangerous now. Sickness, accident, attack by others, just one bullet can kill him, then the CDC is not a dragon pit. It's safe to do a little bit of preparation yourself.

"...Let Glenn accompany you to go with you, so that you can take care of him on the way." Rick didn't ask why, because he knew that Li Yunfei was going, and there must be a reason to go.

"This can't be done. I have to go and return quickly. I said that the camp is also needed. It is better for someone who is familiar with the city to stay and continue to bring people to collect some supplies that can be used. It is better for me to go to the CDC. Go, it will be faster."

"Why don't I accompany you!" Andrea's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Uh, you can't do it." Li Yunfei directly refused.

"This time, I just wanted to verify one thing, and I will be back soon. I need to leave as soon as possible. It may be too late for a long time." Seeing that the two wanted to say something, Li Yunfei continued. explained one sentence. You really need to leave quickly. What if you can't catch up with the time, and the fuel runs out and blew up?

"...Aren't you going to say goodbye to Amy?"

"I really don't have time, I'm leaving." Li Yunfei didn't have time to continue chatting, so he got into a car and left.

"Take this and contact us after seven o'clock at night. If you encounter anything that you can't handle, ask us for help. We will support you in the past." Rick saw that Li Yunfei had already decided, and he didn't stop him much, so he took out the said a walkie-talkie.

Now in this apocalyptic era, the electronic interference signal has almost disappeared, but the distance of the walkie-talkie is much farther. It is possible for the signal to transmit a straight line distance of dozens or hundreds of kilometers on this mountain, so it may be possible to bring this thing with you. can be contacted.

Li Yunfei didn't refuse either, he took it directly and stuffed it into his backpack, and then left in a hurry, completely unprepared, he drove a small car and left, which surprised both of them, what was the matter in such a hurry? ?

"Rick, do you think he will never return?" Looking at Li Yunfei who was leaving, Andrea said worriedly.

"Probably not. He's a good man, so he shouldn't leave you alone."

"Rick, I think you have misunderstood. In fact, Li and we have no close relationship. On the first day, Amy just played the game console with him in the middle of the night. As for the night before, he was actually just drunk and very innocent. We just took a nap, nothing happened to us." Andrea helped clarify.

"Ms. Andrea, I think you have misunderstood. I don't mean that you have any special close relationship with him. Anyway, you are also his good friend. It can be seen that this Chinese still seems to cherish it very much. Friendship, so he'll be back."

Judging from the map, the distance to the CDC is about 300 miles. It is reasonable to say that the speed is a little faster and it will take half a day. However, it was not until Li Yunfei drove the car on the road that he only walked a few dozen miles before he understood what was going on. . The traffic jam is really serious. In the original play, it took a lot of time for a group of people to clear the traffic jam.

Of course, I don't have time to clear these road blocks, but I have already prepared for it. There is a mountain bike in the storage space, so I just need to get out of the car and walk over, take out the motorcycle and go on the road. As for the car, if it was really driven away by some survivors, it wouldn't be a big deal. There were even more cars in the city than zombies.

In the original play, Rick and the others procrastinated on the road for three or four days to get to the CDC. After staying there for a day, they ran out of gas. After all, they had been in the camp for five days. Deducting the two days that the camp was attacked and everyone left, I have already left two and a half days late, so I have to get there tomorrow night to be safer.

As long as you get there, and you still have a few barrels of diesel in your space, you can hold on for a few days and see if you can't help fooling that doctor out and start a new one.

As night fell, for safety's sake, Li Yunfei finally put away the car and found a truck that was blocked on the road to rest on the roof. Today, we have advanced more than 100 miles, more than half of the distance. If it is not already in the evening when you go out, you should be able to reach your destination within a day.

I randomly found a scrapped truck and got on the roof to prepare to set up camp. It was a pitch-black night, the moon had not yet risen, and the surrounding area was very dark. Occasionally, some animals passed by like ghosts. It does look a little creepy. Of course, I have been used to this kind of darkness these days, and I don't care too much, but I really can't sleep so early, so I took out an emergency light, and took out all the firearms and weapons at the same time. conservation.

Looking at the piles of long guns and short guns, I really can't believe that I have this day too, especially the 12.7 caliber heavy machine gun, plus the weight of the gun rack is more than 50 pounds, the power of the data given by the tablet is quite huge. , up to 25 points of power evaluation, equivalent to 25 times the pistol, of course, using this thing to fight zombies is actually a waste. If this thing is used well, it is an anti-equipment weapon. Its power is almost the same as that of anti-equipment heavy sniper. This product can still be fired in bursts.

As for the M16 rifle's power rating of 5, which is also five times the power of the pistol, the comprehensive rating given by the powerful military grenade is that the power is 100, and the killing radius is as high as 3 meters.

In fact, the sword of Edman alloy also has a power evaluation, and the base is very low, only 1. However, unlike firearms, the formula for calculating the highest attack power is: 1*(strength + agility)/2, so the highest output of this sword is 6.5, which is even higher than the damage of a rifle.

However, the evaluation of other knives does not seem to be low. For example, a sharp fruit knife has a base number of 0.5. However, due to material problems, the maximum output number cannot exceed 5. If it exceeds, the knife may be damaged. Deman Alloy's war knife can still support up to 1000 output, but to achieve that awesome output, the required strength and agility are also a terrifyingly high average of 500. I really think it's crazy, it's almost an ordinary human being. More than 80 times, how powerful is this?

After sorting through the items, I suddenly found the walkie-talkie. Only then did I remember the matter of maintaining communication at seven o'clock. I don't know if I can still communicate at such a long distance. The straight-line distance from here to the camp on the mountain may be fifty or sixty kilometers.

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