Time Traveler

Chapter 2: storage space

Why do you want me to pass through? Is it not pleasing to the eye, and let me come over and die?

This seems unlikely. If the mysterious colored ball of light really wants to die by itself, it will do just fine. There is no need to waste energy to travel through time and space.

Since it wasn't for me to come here and die, why did you **** here, wearing pants and slippers, it seems difficult to live, why is that?

Is this a special test? Is this just a real world? If you hang up in this world, will you really die? I have crossed over with my body, and if I die, I may die directly...

But since it's a test, you should give yourself a little something to save your life, right? A pair of slippers and a pair of shorts, what's the matter?

"Could it be that this flip-flop has become a very powerful artifact?" Li Yunfei groped his whole body and couldn't find any more legendary gold fingers such as bracelets, rings, necklaces, etc., and the whole body was clean and slippery, just one piece Shorts with slits and a pair of flip-flops.

It is a pity that after careful study for a long time, flip flops are just two flip flops, nothing special.

What should we do now? Waiting to die is unwilling.

Looking at the car from a distance, although it hit a big tree, it seemed that the hit was a little serious, but it didn't seem to damage the engine, and it might still be able to move. If I clean up those zombies, maybe I can drive the car away. Although I haven't officially obtained a driver's license, who can manage this now? It's fine to drive on the road reluctantly.

I walked around the school bus from a distance, and there were five zombies in the bus. I could tell from the clothes that they were two men and three women, but their faces had been completely gnawed away, and they looked completely unrecognizable. fear.

These five zombies were all stuck in their seats and couldn't move. In fact, they were just stuck by the seat belt and couldn't stand up. These zombies were too stupid.

The zombies who couldn't stand up were still no threat to him, so he finally got on the bus with courage and picked up a bat that he didn't know who fell.

Although it is very **** to use this thing to clean up zombies, but now there is really no other weapon, so this is the only way to do it.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..." A series of dull blows came from the car, and all five zombies had their heads shattered, thus completely cutting off their ability to move.

Smashing the heads of five zombies with a bat in one breath, Li Yunfei felt that he was a little collapsed, not tired, but frightened by the **** scene. Abruptly endured. Whether or not you can find food is a problem.

After a long delay, he finally regained his composure. He took a few corpses off the seats and put them on the side of the road. He really didn't have the strength to dig holes and bury people.

After cleaning up the body, I quickly started the car, but unfortunately, the car must have been hit by something and couldn't start. But it's not a waste of time, because there are still many large packages on both sides of the car.

There are more than twenty luggage bags in total. When they are opened, they are basically filled with food and water, as well as various necessities for life in the wild. The people in this car should know that disaster is coming, so they prepared things to escape. I just didn't expect an accident on the way.

I also found a lot of change of clothes, shoes and socks, and even flashlights, lighters, everything. It's even good to see a brand new psp game console in a package, and even a hand-crank charger. Maybe a certain guy is also a game fan, maybe he thinks he can't live without a game console, so he took one with him when he ran for his life.

To Li Yunfei, this game console is already a super old antique, but to this world, it should be the latest product. At least the packaging box is quite new.

I don't know what year it is now. It seems to be after 2000. There is a lot of dust when the car is parked here. It looks like it has hit a tree here for at least half a month.

Now that I found out about the clothes and shoes, of course, I found a suitable one and put them on first. It was considered a novice outfit, so I didn't have to run around wearing pants and slippers.

Although I found more than 20 gift bags and temporarily solved my food and clothing problem, the car failed to start. As for the reason, I, a person who doesn't understand cars, really can't find it. It seems that I have to rely on it. Just walk on your legs.

I really don’t know where Li Yunfei is going, and I don’t know how long he will stay in this world. Maybe it’s just a few days, then everything can be said. Be careful and you should be fine. If you stay for many years, or even a lifetime, it will happen sooner or later crazy dead...

I opened more than 20 bags. If I eat the food alone, I can save it. It will not be a problem to eat it for more than two months. Unfortunately, I really can't take so many things with me.

"Hey, if there is a storage bracelet or something, just open the storage space directly, and it will be done in minutes..." Li Yun just complained out of boredom, and suddenly a translucent phantom appeared in front of him without warning, but it was Let Li Yun froze there.

"I wipe, do you really have storage space?" Seeing the sudden change, Li Yun was immediately excited. If there is a change, it is good news. If there is a storage space or something, it feels right to him. A huge piece of good news.

Storage space: length: 2.5 meters, width: 1.8 meters, height: 1.8 meters, a total of 8 cubic meters, the mind is turned on, the mind is closed, the mind is collected, the mind is taken out...

Li Yunfei didn't know why he knew this information. It seemed that the information came directly from his brain.

"Is it true, is this my golden finger to survive in this world?" It's just that it remains to be determined whether this thing is a storage space, but when he saw that there was something inside, Li Yunfei's heartbeat accelerated. a few points.

There is a long knife in the phantom, and something similar to a tablet computer. Although there are only these two things and nothing else, but now the thing is not the key, the key is whether it can really be taken out and put in...

Thought to drive things away, what kind of idea is this? Think of the mind as a hand?

Thinking of this, Li Yunfei also concentrated his mind and asked his right hand to 'take' the long knife. Sure enough, the long knife appeared in his hand automatically...

His heartbeat suddenly sped up a bit. Li Yunfei didn't know how to describe his current mood. Anyway, he felt like a dream.

I really wanted to shout a few times to relieve the excited emotions in my heart. The excited little heart was thumping and beating non-stop. It was a feeling of ecstasy. I grabbed a small package and thought about putting it in. As soon as I let it go, the package was in the space. I just thought about closing the storage space, and then the space was closed. I thought about opening it and then it opened…

"Artifact, this is definitely an artifact!" Such a huge storage space like a room, a real storage space, what a fork of technology, let alone so big, even 1 cubic meter is an artifact.

But thinking about it on the other hand, that group of colorful rays of light can make you travel through time and space, so it doesn't seem very strange to create a storage space. harder.

I was still frustrated before. Now that I have such a large storage space, I have the capital to survive in this world. At least after those packages are put away, I don't have to worry about food and clothing for three months.

In the future, there will always be other ways to find more supplies and live better. Maybe this is just a test of survival. You can send yourself back after a while. If you can keep this storage space by then, That would definitely be countless times more fortunate than winning the tens of millions of jackpots.

However, there is also a possibility that this world is a highly realistic virtual world at all, and I am just happy for nothing. Of course, with this storage space, at least the ability to survive in this world has been greatly improved, which is also an excellent thing.

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