Time Traveler

Chapter 28: meditation

"Andrea, please help me think of a way. That guy even gave up his own tent. He must have taken a fancy to that Anna. What should I do now?" Taking care of her, Amy was really uncomfortable, and angrily returned to her tent to help her old sister.

"What should I do? Didn't you say you didn't like that person earlier? He liked Anna as long as he liked it. Why do you care so much."

"I was angry, that guy is a stone, and I was like that last night and even sent me back!"

"...Amy, maybe I'm wrong, don't be in a hurry, maybe the Orientals and our ideas are really different. I'm not used to girls being too proactive, especially when they meet a girl, they take the initiative to embrace, It is likely to scare them. It is said that the appearance of refusing and welcoming will be more attractive to men."

"Why did Andrea let you say everything? You were the one who told me to take the initiative quickly, and now I'm telling me not to be too active. What does it mean to refuse and welcome? I can't do it. If you want it, Don't just pull it down, how can it be so long-winded."

"Amy, you are so good, why do you ask me to find a way?"

"Andrea, you are a lawyer, aren't lawyers the best at giving advice?"

"I'm a lawyer, not a life consultant... Okay, let's take a rest in the middle of the night and talk about it tomorrow!" Andrea helped build the wall during the day, and was really tired, and last night, she had to take care of it again Sister, I have to take care of that guy again, and I didn't sleep well at all, so I couldn't be sleepy in this world, and fell asleep as soon as I lay down.

"I knew that I would become a pig sooner or later." Amy muttered out of nowhere, and took out the only game console that could be used for entertainment.


It is said that Li Yunfei was attracted by Anna's spring heart today, and he was really a little restless. He could only sit in the chariot and keep practicing the unrecognizable meditation technique that was changed by himself. This meditation technique is not only a sleep aid effect. , It also has a calming effect, and sometimes even feels a little rejuvenating effect, a bit like that panacea.

The exercise of meditation is really boring. Although it is said that it has the same effect as panacea, it is not very obvious. It seems that a good night's sleep does not have the same effect. It seems that practicing this is just a waste of time. Pretty sister talk about how good life is...

Thinking of women, Li Yunfei started to think wildly again, fell into endless YY, and was looking for a reason for himself to give up his practice.

In other words, someone said it a long time ago: People are still very smart, but they can't persist in doing things, so they can't do great things in their lifetime.

Originally, I was a little commoner, and it didn't matter if I couldn't do big things.

But now it's different. If you don't insist on many things, you may die in this world, such as exercising your body, such as meditation, although I don't know if it can really improve your spiritual power, but since there is such a possibility, then Let's stick to it and see the situation, let's stick to it, stick to it...

In the state of tranquility, the two minds are fighting for dominance, and in the end, the one who continues to insist on gaining the upper hand, the distracting thoughts finally slowly fade away, and there is only one thought that guards the point between the eyebrows, and there is a faint light in the direction. , but it's too hazy to see the truth...

The looming light spots lasted for more than ten minutes, and finally disappeared. People also felt a wave of sleepiness and fell asleep directly.


He woke up at the slightest dawn, and his mental and physical state were very good. Perhaps it had something to do with the meditation technique he practiced last night. Of course, if he slept well, his mental and physical strength could have recovered very well.

After exercising around the camp for more than half an hour, after eating a nutritious breakfast, I drove the truck to go out again. This time I was going to the city to get some construction materials, and by the way, I was getting some more oil. The machinery has barely survived. Although the project is progressing very quickly, the fuel consumption is also quite large. The oil obtained a few days ago has almost been used.

Atlanta is a mountainous city with a small population of only a few hundred thousand people, but within a radius of more than 100 kilometers of the entire city circle, the total population may be more than five million, and the number of zombies that have now become more than nine may be more than nine. into the above.

Of course, there must be a lot of deaths. For example, if he killed more than a thousand people by himself, the army must also kill a lot of them, and ordinary people will definitely kill a lot of zombies in order to survive.

Therefore, it is initially estimated that there are more than one million zombies within a radius of more than 100 kilometers. As for the zombies that are more than 100 kilometers away, it is unlikely that they will migrate here. The speed of these zombies is too slow. some.

Moreover, zombies are not really immortal. They are very active in the first few months, but they will become weaker and weaker as time goes by, until one day they will collapse on their own and become extremely turbulent. Of course, as long as the virus is not subdued, the zombies cannot completely disappear. As long as there are people, there will always be people who will die, and they will always turn into zombies.

As time goes on, the vitality of these zombies will become weaker and weaker, at least what is shown in the plot. As long as you survive the first one or two years, the zombies are basically not too big of a threat later.

When the two of them went out, Glenn was basically the driver. They drove the truck around the city slowly. From time to time, they still encountered some groups of zombies, but now they are much calmer when they encounter these groups of zombies.

There were more than 40 zombies swaying along the road ahead. This number is really not worth mentioning. I got out of the car and took out the knife. Glenn also followed. Nice machete practice every day. Although it can't be said that it is very powerful, it is completely a problem to cut seven or eight. The two of them cooperated for a while, and more than 40 zombies were taken care of.

"Glen, how about taking that RV back to the campsite?" Li Yunfei said, pointing to an RV that was blocked by the roadside. There was an old RV in Dale in the campsite. It was indeed not enough. The main reason is that there are not enough toilets, and now there are more than 20 people.

"Good or good, know how we got it out, there are traffic jams in the front and back of the car!"

"It's not easy. We tie up the car in front and drag it out, then can't we hook up the car and pull it back?" The only thing blocking the car is a car~www.wuxiamtl. After com~ is checked, it can be easily dragged out.

"The problem is that we don't have wire hooks... Why do you still put a bundle of wire ropes in your bag?" I wanted to say that there were no tools, but suddenly Li Yunfei pulled out a bundle of wire ropes from the bag, but was stunned. Living. When you go out, you put such a bundle of steel cables in this bag?

"When I passed by here yesterday, I fell in love with this car, so I came here with a wire rope." Li Yunfei found a reason to explain, no one knew anyway, he was just on a whim.

"So that's the case, I thought you would count!" No wonder he came here to wander around when he had nothing to do. It turned out that people were thinking about this RV yesterday.

"That's of course. Now in the camp, there are more than 20 people in one RV, which is really not enough." As a modern civilized person, so many people use a bathroom, which is shared by men and women. I really want to When painful. If there is no way, you can only use it, but since 80% of the new RVs are found, of course, you have to pull them back.

There was only a small car blocked in front of it. The large truck still easily pulled it aside, and there was an empty seat of four or five meters, so that it could be dragged away by hooks.

There was also a corpse stench on the car. There might be zombies or corpses. I checked the car carefully and found a suicide in the bathroom, but there were no other zombies.

Although it smelled bad, it was so dark that he endured nausea and removed the body with rags. The car can still be used after being pulled back for a good cleaning. Now there are not so many special conditions.

The car was not damaged, it started smoothly, and even had more than half of the fuel, so the car was handed over to Glenn to drive back first, and continued to get fuel.

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