Time Traveler

Chapter 27: choppy

After soaking in the river for more than half an hour, I finally swam to the river with satisfaction. The girls had already gone back, and when I turned around, I didn't notice anyone around, so I took off my shorts... Suddenly I realized that I didn't A very strange and **** beauty came out from the shade of a tree in the distance. Li Yunfei was indeed a little frightened, and quickly put on his pants.

"Sir, you can be considered washed. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Uh... Excuse me... who are you... why are you here?" Li Yunfei's hand quietly blocked his lower body, because he just glanced at it a few more times, his little brother actually salutes shamelessly, this is really too unpromising So embarrassing.

However, this woman's figure is really too hot, with her tall breasts, slender waist, and her **** suddenly enlarged, her figure looks like an hourglass, and her fair skin can be squeezed out of water. As a promising otaku, seeing such a **** stunner will naturally appear, and it will be embarrassing.

"Don't you know me, sir? In the morning, he saved me..."

"It's you, I'm so sorry, I didn't recognize it just now." The other party said that he did remember the two women who came back in the morning. One of the women was also very good, but she was wearing ragged loose clothes at that time. , Dirty can't bear to look directly, and the body is also dirty and can't see the original skin color. Now, after cleaning and dressing up a bit, it doesn't look like a person at all.

"It's normal not to recognize me. I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself. It's really dirty. I'm really sorry for soiling your clothes this morning."

"It's okay, it's okay, you're welcome, but why are you still here, are those clothes for me?" Li Yunfei finally saw that she seemed to be holding a set of clothes in her hands.

"Yes, Andrea said you were taking a shower, but I didn't see you bringing clothes here, so let me help bring a set over." Seeing Li Yunfei's hand still covering his lower body, his face was a little unnatural, and he felt a little funny. , but also feel quite proud.

"Thank you then, I'll go change clothes!" Seeing the girl smiling, Li Yunfei took the clothes quickly, ran behind a big rock to change clothes without looking back, and stood in front of the woman It's really embarrassing. I couldn't help but think about whether to declare in the future that I have good hands and feet, so I don't need to give clothes when I take a shower?

"By the way, my name is Li Yunfei. I haven't asked you what to call me yet?" I suddenly remembered that I didn't seem to know the other person's name, so I asked.

"Well, my name is Anna... Is Mr. Li's surname?"

"Yes, it's really nice to meet you, classmate Anna!" I finally got dressed, relieved my embarrassment, and could finally look at each other directly.

"I'm also very happy to meet Mr. Li. Thank you for saving me and Julia today. I'm really grateful." Anna was very grateful for the life-saving grace that morning. After the two of them climbed onto the roof of the truck, Besieged by dozens of zombies, he was almost ready to kill himself. At that time, the reason why he climbed onto the roof of the car was because he didn't want to be killed alive. It was not until he discovered Li Yunfei's appearance that he rekindled his desire to survive.

On the way back to the camp, the two of them chatted each and every sentence, their eyes always looking at Anna's chest involuntarily...

"Hey, please forgive me for being a vulgar person. A vulgar person like me can only see the appearance and body of others." Li Yunfei laughed at himself, and tried his best to withdraw his gaze from his chest.

Previously, Anna was all dirty and could even smell a pungent odor. At that time, she had not bathed for more than ten days, her face was ashen, and her clothes were so dirty that people dared not look directly, so she was interested in taking a closer look. None. But now, after washing it, I put on clean clothes again, and in minutes, I changed from an ugly duckling to a white swan. Maybe it was originally a white swan, but it was so dirty that it looked like an ugly duckling.

Wearing the slightly smaller clothes on her body, it looks like a tights, showing her body to the fullest.

He finally retracted his gaze and looked around at the scenery, but when he looked at it, his eyes involuntarily turned to the other person.

Of course, Anna also noticed Li Yunfei's gaze, without a trace of shyness, she deliberately raised her chest a bit. In Western people's cognition, being able to attract the attention of the opposite **** is something to be proud of, but I don't think there is any problem with being looked at. It is a big problem that no one is looking.

Anna naturally hugged Li Yunfei's arm. Judging from the appearance of the other party, she should like her body very much. She has already aimed at her chest several times. She still likes the other party quite a bit, so Anna chose to take the initiative.

Suddenly being hugged by someone's arm, Li Yunfei was very useless, and his heart beat faster. He also blamed himself for acting a little too pig, always peeking at people's chests. No wonder this girl would do this. However, when someone's big chest was attached to his arm, the soft touch, the hand was completely sunk in, it felt really good.

"Well, the weather is really nice today." The nature of such a pig brother was seen through, and he always needed to say something to ease the embarrassment. The two were not very familiar with each other, so it seemed that it might be better to chat.

"Yes, it's really good. I also like sunny days." Seeing that Li Yunfei didn't show any disgust, Anna moved closer.

When I first saw this guy in the morning, I just touched him a little, and then I showed a look of disgust. I thought this person was gay, but now it doesn't seem to be, it should just be a little clean, or I was really too Dirty, normal people can't stand it.

When she remembered that she had 'polluted' a large area of ​​the river when she took a bath, Anna's expression was also a little unnatural. It was really dirty at the time. It was a normal person who touched it, and everyone would feel uncomfortable.

Amy, who was originally waiting at the intersection of the camp, saw that Li Yunfei came back so intimately with Anna, her expression changed, and she turned around and left.

"Amy, that thing is actually..." Li Yunfei instinctively wanted to stop Amy to explain, but suddenly remembered why he wanted to explain. Yes, but you can swear to God, but do nothing.

If Amy keeps a distance from herself because of this, it would be a good thing. She will only stay in this world for more than a year at most, and it is best not to have any girlfriends and so on. Yes, so as not to trouble yourself.

"I'm sorry, Li, did I do something wrong?" Seeing Amy's situation, Anna suddenly felt that she was robbing someone else's boyfriend. She didn't know what was going on here, so she hurried. Apologize first.

"It's okay, it's okay, Amy just has a bad temper, but she's actually quite nice." Li Yunfei said ambiguously.

"Then I'm relieved, I really didn't know you were boyfriend and girlfriend." Anna let go of Li Yunfei's arm. If the other party already has a girlfriend, it's better for me to be more conscious. I just joined this camp, and I'm just messing around. To suffer a big loss.

"Uh, that, by the way, my tent will be used by you, I can't use it anymore!" Li Yunfei did not deny it, although there was a voice in his heart screaming to take this woman down, but in the end reason still prevailed , Be as careful as possible, I have a mission, and I don't want to stay in this dangerous world forever. After handing over his tent to Anna, he left and returned to his chariot.

It's fine to make this Anna misunderstand that she is Amy's boyfriend. To be honest, she is really not very resistant to women. If someone takes the initiative to give her a hug or something, as long as it is pleasing to the eye, it will be copied in minutes. guy on.

If this Nana took the initiative to seduce herself, she swore that she would fall if she couldn't hold on for a few minutes. The reason why she didn't give Amy the first two times was because she never took the initiative to seduce her, the second time. It was because I was drunk and fell asleep directly, or else... We are just an ordinary otaku, how much concentration can we have?


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