Time Traveler

Chapter 26: Do you want to go to the CDC?

The car swayed all the way and finally returned to the camp. I was quite surprised to see the two girls in the camp. It turned out that there was such a big base in this ravine. It seems that the days ahead may not be as dark as they appear.

Because there are women, children and elderly people in the camp, it seems that these people are rare good people to meet, otherwise there would not be so many women and children. The two girls were really grateful to Li Yunfei for bringing the two of them back to the camp, and they kept thanking them even after getting out of the car.

It is said that the people in the camp are generally very good, so Li Yunfei also accepted the rescue of the two people with great enthusiasm, but after a few cross-examinations, it was true that there would be no problem between the two, and the two officially officially became a camp member.

"Hey, Amy slept so well last night!" Seeing Amy coming over, Li Yunfei said hello, but the other party didn't pay attention to him, just glanced at him resentfully, and then took the two of them to wash And the problem of changing clothes and dealing with that wound.

This actually made Li Yunfei feel uncomfortable all over. It was really inexplicable. What does it mean? Shouldn't he save people, this Amy doesn't look so bad... Is she still jealous? Is this too stingy?

"Forget it, the woman's mind is definitely not clear, let's unload the goods first!" Li Yunfei quickly gave up thinking about those inexplicable little problems, which are not something a normal person can analyze clearly.

"Man, I'm so sorry. I was drunk last night and overslept today. I didn't wake up until noon." Glenn apologized while helping to unload the goods.

"It's alright, I'm drunk, it's normal to take a little rest. The stamina of that drink is really strong. I'm still a little drifting when I walk."

"Long live for understanding, thank you brother!"

"You're welcome, today, I also built three very good mountain bikes. Would you like one?"

"Of course, it's much more convenient to have this thing to patrol around this camp."

"Can you drive?"

"Of course...don't you know how to drive?"

"This meeting will be a little bit. It's okay to drive on the main road, but I dare not drive on this mountain road." In fact, Li Yunfei only drove on the playground once before, but after a few laps, he was hit by a small stone. I overturned the car, and then I never drove it again, saying that I can drive on the main road, and there are bragging elements in it.

"...It's really surprising."

"It's nothing, I used to like to stay at home... By the way, what happened to Amy today, why is she so resentful when she sees me?"

"You ask me this, and I'll ask who to go... By the way, you slept in their sisters' tent last night, how did you feel?" Glenn asked mysteriously.

"Uh, how did you know about this?"

"I'm sorry, when you helped Amy back, I saw it, and then you didn't come out. How does it feel to do that kind of thing with the three of you?"

"Well, that one was just drunk. After he fell down, he didn't know anything. I didn't do anything!"

"...Believe in you to be a ghost."

"Okay, it's really cool, it's really cool, Sao Nian, let's go ahead and move things!" Li Yunfei didn't bother to explain. The more you explain this, the more energetic you are.


I was sweating badly when I moved things, but it wasn’t that I was tired, but the weather in this big summer was already very hot. Now it’s after three o’clock in the afternoon, when it’s the hottest time, so I’m sweating after a little activity. Fortunately, There is a small river not far away, but it is the best place to escape the summer heat.

Walking directly towards the river, it happened that Amy was taking a bath in the river with two new girls who joined the camp. Although the two were still wearing underwear, the white body was swimming in the water. Swimming is still quite enjoyable.

Andrea was also washing clothes by the river, and it seemed that she was washing her own clothes that she had changed. To be honest, it was very stressful to face her. It was certain that when she changed clothes last night, she saw everything, although This is really not a thing for open Europeans and Americans. But I was a little embarrassed to myself, thinking that I was lying there like a dead pig, being taken off cleanly by this woman, and turning over and over again, I felt a little unnatural.

Seeing Li Yunfei standing in the distance and not daring to approach the river, Andrea stood up and walked directly to Li Yunfei's side.

"Well, it seems that I came at the wrong time." Seeing Andrea walking directly towards him, Li Yunfei looked a little embarrassed and said the first thing.

"...Can I understand that you are being shy?" Andrea asked curiously, because seeing the other party's eyes flickering, it could be seen that the other party seemed to be afraid of seeing her, and she made the other party afraid. That's what happened last night, it's really funny.

"How could that be? Of course not. It's hot today, so I'll go take a shower first." Li Yunfei quickly ran towards the river, jumped directly into the river, and dived more than ten meters in one breath. I live in this world just to complete the task, so I'd better not provoke women, it's better to stay away.

The two girls in the distance saw their savior and came to take a bath. They originally wanted to go over to say hello, but when they found out that the other party was swimming farther and farther, they gave up the plan.


Spread out your arms and gather your arms above your head, adjust your breathing, you are like a wooden stake, lying in a calm river to rest, quiet and distant, floating with the current is very comfortable. This is the best way to restore physical strength in the water when swimming. As long as you control your breathing, you don't have to move your hands and feet, and you won't sink.

As a person who grew up by the water, this swimming skill was naturally learned from a young age when I was choked with water, which is no worse than that of professionals trained in swimming pools.

I closed my eyes and looked at the information records on the tablet in the storage space. In fact, to check the information on the tablet, there is no need to take it out. If you focus on the storage space, you can see the information displayed inside. You can just think about it, you can turn the page, slide up and down.

It is not clear what the principle of this operating system is. Anyway, storage space and time travel have become a reality. You can use your mind to control the computer without electrode caps. It is really not a black technology~www.wuxiamtl. Of course, the attributes of com~ haven't changed, except for a little increase in strength, nothing else has changed from when he first came to this world.

Strength: 6, Agility: 7, Body: 5, Spirit: 8. Apart from the fact that his physical strength is still inferior to that of a middle-aged man, the others are more than normal, especially the mental strength of a normal person is two points higher. I really doubt whether the meditation technique has improved some of my spiritual strength. .

Today, 430 zombies were cleaned up, and the total number of cleaned zombies has reached 1733. In just a few days, more than 1,000 zombies have been eliminated. It seems that the task of eliminating tens of thousands of zombies is really simple. The points are still a single digit, only 7 points can be ordered, and two of these points are still awarded 2 points because they saved four people.

What exactly is this point, and why is it so stingy? It’s a bit of a pain in the ass, but this point is so difficult to obtain, and there are reasons to believe that it will be of great use in the future. Maybe it can be replaced with a powerful and incomparable baby. So I don't need to complain too much. It's already very kind to give points. Even if I don't give anything, aren't I still obedient to complete the task?

As for helping to solve the zombie virus, there are not only special rewards and 100 points, but unfortunately I can only see it. This task is simply a decoration... I am not an expert in genetic engineering, and I don't have any equipment I want to close. Why? Something that might help with the zombie virus? Do I still have the immune system?

"By the way, do I really have a mysterious immune body from another world? Should I go to the CDC to verify it?" Li Yunfei suddenly thought of a possibility. What kind of immune constitution, then draw some blood to study, maybe you can come up with some vaccine...

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