Time Traveler

Chapter 25: Clear the monster and save the life

After a series of gunshots, there was no movement, but two women were seen from a distance, appearing on the roof of the truck.

It seems that it is a good habit to close the door after getting out of the car, otherwise the truck is very likely to be driven away this time. The situation of the two of them is not good. One of them seems to be injured and bleeding on the arm. I don't know if it was bitten by a zombie. If it is bitten, it will be dead.

There are about 80 zombies in the distance, and they have surrounded the truck. There are still many zombies moving here. The two people on the top of the car have obviously fired all the bullets. Very desperate.

It seems that these two people should have no weapons on their bodies. They should not threaten themselves, but they can try to save them. In other words, the quota of 100 people to save people is not easy to complete. So far, only two people have been saved. I don't know if I can get it in a year.

He quickly went up to the second floor of the car shop and found a suitable design location, about forty meters away from the truck. It is better to use a rifle.

He took out an M16, and at a distance of about 40 meters, the success rate of burst headshots was quite high, and it didn’t require any skills. It only needed to aim at the head at three points and one line.

"Bang!" The first shot was a direct headshot. It seems that the shooting practice these days has also improved a lot.

With the continuous sound of Li Yunfei's gunshots, the zombies fell one by one, and the two people hiding on the roof also rekindled their desire to survive. Looking around, they finally saw Li Yunfei who was not far away, also excited. She screamed loudly, especially the girl with the injured arm. She should be hoping to get help as soon as possible!

However, Li Yunfei did not respond to them. If the girl was bitten by a zombie, he would not be able to save her. If it wasn't for the zombies, then the wound would not bleed a little, but he felt that they were a bit stupid, but so Silly should be waiting quietly to recover their physical strength at this time, instead of yelling and wasting physical strength, but why they are so stupid to survive in this world of zombies.

"Is there any other accomplices?" Li Yunfei couldn't help but think, could this be a trap, but it's unlikely, he didn't provoke anyone, why set up a trap to trap himself, it should just be lucky to survive Come down!

After firing the magazine, switch to another and continue to shoot. After firing, switch again and continue shooting. It is completely like shooting training. Those zombies are at a distance of 40 to 50 meters, which is just for their own practice.

The shooting continued for more than half an hour, and finally no new zombies appeared around, and the zombies surrounding the truck were basically cleared, only the shooting blind spot on the other side, maybe there are some, the number should not be much , it can be easily solved with a knife.

I took out my sword and went out of the store, and carefully turned to the other side of the truck. There were fewer zombies than I guessed, only about ten zombies. Of course, this can be easily solved. I walked over and slashed one by one, as if slashing. The radish was wiped out in a blink of an eye.

Holding the **** battle knife, standing more than ten meters away, watching the two tremblingly get off the roof of the car, Li Yunfei hesitated for a long time whether to bring the two back to the camp. It stands to reason that it should be brought back, but it is really unpredictable. In this dangerous world, how the two girls survived, this must be figured out first.

Without others to take care of them, how could these two dare to wander around the city? Is it like the mother and daughter the day before yesterday, the car broke down, and then they got out of the car when they saw that there were no zombies nearby, and then they were chased and killed by the zombies?

"You two, for safety's sake, please throw all the weapons on your body first. Don't worry, if I were to deal with you, I would have shot just now." Li Yunfei said very calmly, each of them had a short knife and Pistol, the pistol should be out of bullets, but saving people can not be too risky, if you are stabbed with a knife, who can you turn to.

The two girls looked at each other, but after a little hesitation, they threw their weapons over. There were actually two bullets in a pistol, which really made Li Yunfei break into a cold sweat.

"Sir, don't get me wrong, that's what we prepared for ourselves, we don't want to become that undead monster." Seeing Li Yunfei's surprised eyes, one of the women quickly explained.

"...Okay, I'll trust you for now, but who are you, why are you here?" Li Yunfei can trust the other party's explanation. If he really wanted to resist just now, he wouldn't hand over the pistol. Now that he has, the possibility of resistance Not too big.

"Our college classmates were originally eight, but everyone else died on the road... Help you and take us out of here, okay? We will follow your orders in the future!" said one girl, and the other nodded desperately. Agree.

"Well, you stay in the carriage first. There is still some food and water in it. You can eat it, but don't do things that make me misunderstand. I don't want to kill people. When someone threatens my life, I will still If you have overreacted, please understand that it is not easy for everyone to survive now." Li Yunfei opened the door of the truck and threatened a little by the way.

There shouldn't be any problems with the two of them. It's all luck that they survived. I'm going to take people back and let Rick cross-examine him. He may have a better understanding of whether people are good or bad as a policeman.

"Yes, yes, we must obey your arrangements, we must be obedient, and we will not threaten your safety..." Both of them are very happy to have found a new backer, although it is very possible in the future He will live a life of admiration, but in such a dangerous world, the two of them simply cannot survive. If this person hadn't appeared just now, both of them would have been ready to commit suicide by splitting the two bullets.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Li Yunfei couldn't help but ask when he saw that the two still didn't want to get in the car.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, our feet are a little weak... just recover a little bit." The reason for getting on the roof earlier was because I was too nervous, so my potential exploded. After Fairy was safe and relaxed, both of them started to feel soft.

"This is not a good place to rest. God knows if zombies will come." Li Yunfei directly picked up the two of them and sent them to the car. To be honest, the two of them were really dirty, and I don't know how long they haven't showered. Now, there is no feeling of holding a woman at all.

In fact, the facial features of these two people are still extremely decent, and one of them is even hotter, but this body is really dirty, which completely destroys the hero's feeling of saving beauty.

The car walked unhurriedly, and finally found a small convenience store. I took a look at the situation inside. Although it seemed that someone had collected things in it, there was not much food left, but there were a lot of other useful things. , Although there is no shortage of daily necessities in the camp for the time being, it will definitely be lacking in the future, so if you see it, you will bring more back.

"Have you two recovered? If you recover, come over to help move some things together. UU read www.uukanshu.com" Li Yunfei opened the door of the truck and gave a command, and went to move things on his own.

Although the two girls still had some weak feet, they had recovered after eating and resting for a while, and they did not dare to disobey Li Yunfei's orders. Although their strength is not too big, the speed of the three of them moving things is still much faster. In half an hour, the truck is almost full, and the convenience store is almost emptied.

There was no room for people in the carriage, so the two of them also got into the cab. The two girls without weapons could not threaten them. It's just that the two of them have a pungent smell on their bodies, and they haven't taken a bath for too long, even a hot beauty can't stand it.

On the way back to the camp, the hot girl with big breasts, I don't know if it was intentional or not, got close to her body, but this girl looked dirty. For Li Yunfei, who is a bit clean, this is not something to take advantage of. , totally suffering...

"I said can you sit better, this is a mountain road, don't affect my driving, if the car goes into a ditch, everyone will be finished together." Li Yunfei finally couldn't hold back his words.

I really wonder if this big-breasted girl has an unstable center of gravity because her **** are too big.

"Yes, I'm sorry sir, there is no seat belt, I have no place to grab it, and Julia's arm is injured again, so I can't lean on her." The girl explained quickly.

"Forget it, I said how long has it been since you took a bath!"

"It's been almost half a month, it really seems like taking a hot bath!"

"Don't even think about a hot bath. There is no hot water in the camp now, but you can take a cold bath."

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