Time Traveler

Chapter 24: 1 point of strength

The sky was bright and Li Yunfei woke up in a daze. He was still a little dizzy. It seemed that his alcohol intake was really poor. At most, it was equivalent to about four or two 60-degree liquor, so he was so drunk. , the whole body is a little weak and weak.

I stretched my arms and suddenly bumped into someone, but when I opened my eyes and saw the situation, I was a little stunned. Amy lay beside her and slept soundly, and she immediately remembered that she slept in Amy's tent last night. In fact, it seemed that Andrea was also in the tent at the time, she fell between the two, and then fell asleep directly.

"No, why did I even change my clothes? What the **** did I do?" When I sat up, I suddenly realized that I was wearing a pajamas, most likely women's pajamas, and all the clothes and pants inside the pajamas were No, this problem seems to be quite serious, quite serious.

Shaking his head vigorously, he recalled what happened last night, but he really had no memory at all. He slept like a dead pig...

"You're awake, drink some water, you'll feel better, I really didn't expect your alcohol intake to be so bad!" Andrea came in with a cup of hot water, and when she saw Li Yunfei who was dazed, she also handed over the hot water come over.

"That, Andrea, I'm so sorry last night... I shouldn't have done anything!" Li Yunfei was quite embarrassed. If he knew it would be like this, he might as well bring drunk Amy into his tent. Anyway, when I was drunk, Amy was also drunk. As soon as I lay down, I didn't know anything, and there was no need to appear in this extremely embarrassing situation.

"You really didn't do anything, it's just that Amy vomited all over you, and you didn't feel it at all. It's really admirable for your sleeping skills!"

"...Whose is my pajamas?" Li Yunfei originally wanted to ask who changed his clothes, but this question seemed a bit embarrassing, so he didn't ask.

"Don't worry, this is a new unused pajamas, but we don't have men's styles here. Your clothes are all dirty." Seeing Li Yunfei's embarrassed appearance, Andrea also guessed something, but she also If you don't remove that layer of veil, it's like nothing happened. In fact, it really doesn't really matter. At most, when you help him clean up the dirt from his body, he just sees his body, but this kind of thing really doesn't matter. Worth the fuss...

"Then I'll go back and change clothes first." Li Yunfei hurriedly ran back to the chariot in his new home, and hurried back to change clothes while it was still early. If he ran out of it, he jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it.

Fortunately, everyone drank a lot of alcohol last night and played relatively late, so most of them still woke up. Even if they woke up, they would lie in the tent to rest. Li Yunfei sneaked back to his chariot, but no one was there. Lucky to find out...

"Dude, you went to the morning exercise so early?" Hearing the sound of the door of the chariot being opened, he greeted him from the tent that Darryl drilled out of in a nearby tent.

"Uh, good morning, Daryl. Last night, I was dizzy with a lot of alcohol, so I exercised, sweated a little, and went to get rid of the alcohol."

"Dude, seriously, your pajamas don't look right for you...it's too small." Daryl said seriously, carrying his crossbow bolts directly on his back, ready to check the traps. , I didn't laugh at the pajamas for women. Everyone's hobbies are different. Maybe people like this women's pajamas?

"You're right, isn't this coming back to change clothes!" Li Yunfei also closed the car door a little embarrassedly, and quickly changed into his clothes, finally feeling a lot more at ease.

I habitually organized the storage space and glanced at the data on the tablet. I was very surprised. My strength increased a little without knowing it, and finally reached the level of a normal person at 6 points, which is really gratifying. Hey, these six days of hard work have not been in vain. Maybe after a few days, my physical strength will also increase, because I can feel it, and my stamina has also improved a lot.

I drank a bag of milk, added a few pieces of bread, and then drove the truck to the city. I was going to call Glenn, but the guy was drunker than himself, lying in the tank, sleeping soundly. Don't bother him. Anyway, I was just wandering around the city, collecting some things and coming back, I didn't need to bring a carload of things back every day.

Driving this thing, the more you drive, the better the skills will gradually improve. Today, it is obvious that I feel a lot easier when I go down the mountain. Maybe I can get rid of the novice name in less than a month.

Not long after I hit the road, I encountered a wave of zombies passing by, about 150 or so in number. If the body is in the best condition, it can be completely eliminated with a knife and a kite, but the current The situation is a little weak, and it is true that so many zombies cannot be solved with a war knife.

The truck was parked on the side of the road, and he quickly climbed the top of the car, took out an M16 rifle, and fell down. When the zombies approached him at a distance of 80 or 90, he started to shoot unhurriedly. All of them chose the way of shooting headshots.

The accuracy of the rifle is much better than that of the pistol. At a distance of 80 to 90 meters, the success rate of headshots is only 20% to 30%. As the zombies approach, the success rate of headshots also rises rapidly. Li Yunfei mainly wants to practice. Marksmanship, otherwise it would never have been shot that far.

When the zombies are close to 50 meters, the success rate of headshots is as high as 50%. When the zombies reach within 30 meters, they can basically achieve headshots with guns. The shooting of rifles is indeed easier than that of pistols. Much more, and the accuracy is many times higher than that of a pistol.

Any skill can be improved the fastest in actual combat, especially shooting. In addition to talent, sharpshooters are basically fed with bullets. I hope that one day I can be a sharpshooter.

When the zombie group reached a distance of ten meters, the hundreds of zombies had basically been wiped out, and a dozen or so sparse zombies had successfully reached the bottom of the car, and all of them were rewarded with treasured swords.

After destroying all the zombies, Li Yunfei did not leave in a hurry, but cleaned and maintained the firearms in an orderly manner, then filled the empty magazines with bullets, and even stayed on the roof of the car, resting for more than half an hour before continuing. Hit the road.

Along the way, I passed some shopping malls, clothing, and there seems to be no shortage of clothing in the camp, at least for a few months now, so I drove directly there and saw a building materials mall. Open directly. I saw a motorcycle shop in the distance. UU reading www.uukanshu.com seems to be too... It seems that I can't use it in the camp, but I can use it myself, and I need to learn to drive a motorcycle. Anyway, this world is so long. Time, what not

The volume of mountain bikes is not large, so if the storage space is well organized, it can still be put down.

Now that the cars are all stopped, of course it is impossible to get just one motorcycle for myself. I thought that Daryl and Glenn, who was in charge of the mountain patrol, probably liked it very much, so I just got three motorcycles.

After getting on the truck, he scoured the large motorcycle shop again. He took a lot of helmets, clothes, and boots. He found a revolver and a dozen boxes of ammunition under the cashier.

The old beauty is that there are many guns. You can find pistols casually, and even found thousands of dollar bills and put them away. Although this thing is useless, if you take it back, it can still be used. This The space-time plane and the world in which he is located are almost the same, and the banknotes are exactly the same.

Although it is still uncertain whether this is a real world or not, I basically don't doubt the authenticity of this world. After so many days, I can't see any false things at all. If the virtual can be so real , then even the virtual is already real...

Suddenly, a scream came from outside, followed by a series of gunshots. Li Yunfei was stunned for a moment, then quickly took out his pistol and ran to a corner, using the gap in the window to observe the situation.

Li Yunfei was quite nervous about the sudden sound of gunshots. He was not a superman. If he was shot, he would be dead in minutes if he was unlucky.

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