Time Traveler

Chapter 23: 1 day of harvest

The simple defense project of the camp on the mountain was constructed very quickly. Although the drivers of the two excavators are not professional, it is still possible to dig a hole, but it is still more efficient than relying on manpower to work. Twenty times.

A simple defensive wall, just dig a ditch outside, and then pile the excavated earth inside to build a city. A suggested earth wall is just to prevent zombies from coming. It only needs a drop of more than two meters, and the **** exceeds seven. At eighty degrees, those zombies would not be able to climb up.

Of course, the construction of such a simple defensive wall is extremely fast. With the work of two excavators and a bulldozer, a simple defensive wall of dozens of meters can be constructed in just one day. Several people stood on the newly built earthen city wall, holding simple hammers to ram the **** of the earthen wall. The two men were stronger and used hammers to knock out the protruding stones.

Although everyone feels very tired, but for the sake of future safety, a little tired now seems to be tolerable. When talking about laborious things, those three heavy machines have taken care of them.

The really dangerous thing is to go to the city to collect items. That is to face the constant stream of terrifying zombies. For people like me, it's nothing to do with a hammer and some strength.

When Li Yunfei returned to the camp, it was already sunset. One car went out and two cars returned. The appearance of the armored infantry vehicle attracted a crowd of onlookers, but when they saw a car full of food in the truck, everyone immediately Cheering up, plenty of food reserves always make people feel at ease.

I sincerely admire the two people's means of scavenging supplies. Although the truck is not very big, it has enough three or four tons of food. If so much food is distributed to about twenty people, it should be enough to last for eight or nine months. , If you add some game hunting to supplement it, it is not no problem to persist for more than one year.

As for a year later, if this camp can develop and everything goes well, it should be able to complete the transition to self-sufficiency. At that time, it will really be able to survive this catastrophe stably, although they are only surviving, but Alive is better than dead.

Before Li Yunfei arrived, a group of people in this camp were all eating their old books. They were all the food they brought out when they escaped. Basically, they were almost exhausted. In the last few days, they could only live on game. It happened that those few people ventured into the city together to collect items.

Now that there are so many food reserves all of a sudden, everyone is in a good mood, so tonight, I also prepared to be cool and threw a small party to celebrate the temporary solution of the food problem.

Maybe I haven't been so relaxed for a long time, so this small celebration party, everyone seemed very excited, and consumed a little more things. Although this waste of resources made Li Yunfei feel a little worried, but seeing everyone so happy, Li Yunfei will no longer be the villain.

There are a lot of traps prepared around, and there is no need to worry that there will be zombies or something attacking at night. Now the possibility of someone attacking the camp is zero, so I don’t bother to think about other things. Everyone is drinking happily. Why so tired.

As for setting up a home in a chariot, no one has robbed Li Yunfei, but if you have settled in a chariot, you need to be responsible for the machine gun on the chariot. If something happens, you need to be able to use the machine gun as soon as possible. For this kind of thing, Li Yunfei of course agreed.


People who have drank some wine will also look more hilarious. Amy seems to have drank a lot. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Li Yunfei sat in Li Yunfei's arms without any scruples, touched the glass with the wine glass, and said Cheers, and then took a sip to himself, and Li Yunfei also took a small sip.

To be honest, Li Yunfei doesn't like this high level of foreign wine, but there doesn't seem to be other low-alcohol drinks in the camp, but there are some fruit and milk drinks, which are quite suitable for him to drink, but he is also an adult man anyway. Children can't help themselves when they grab milk and drink.

"Amy, don't drink too much, you're a little drunk." Seeing Amy's dizzy appearance, she also persuaded her.

"Everyone really hasn't been so happy for a long time, hero... Cheers!" After speaking, he slammed the quilt again and took another gulp.

"I just found some food. How could everyone be so happy?" Li Yunfei was really curious. If the virus has been dealt with and there are no more zombies, then it is worth celebrating. Now I'm just looking for a bunch of food, and I can barely last a year and a half. Is it worth being so happy?

"Dear hero, don't be gloomy, this world is already like this, we all have to live happily every day... Maybe that day we will die of illness inexplicably, or be killed by Those terrifying monsters were bitten to death..." As he spoke, he might have remembered something, and he lay on Li Yunfei's shoulder and cried.

"Don't worry, you won't be bitten by monsters." Li Yunfei could only pat Amy on the back to comfort him. If he followed the original play, this girl was bitten by a zombie last night. It's fine now, but in the future If the defense engineering of the camp is done well, the possibility of accidents will be even lower.


"I believe that one day, everything will be fine!" Li Yunfei said something against his heart. The world can only be better if the virus is completely eliminated. Otherwise, the world will not be better.

Although I also have the task of helping to clear the virus, but it seems to be an impossible task, even the experts from the CDC have no way to do it, how can I do it myself?

Speaking of the CDC, Li Yunfei couldn't help but think that the death of the doctor who chose to be buried with the CDC was indeed a pity.

That doctor is really on the horns, and there are many people who communicate with each other. Maybe one day, a sudden flash of inspiration will really fix the virus. Only when people live can there be hope, and when they die, there is no hope...

"Should I go over there to see the situation? Go there to get people out, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope for the ultimate mission." Li Yunfei couldn't help but think about the matter of rescuing the doctor.

That thing is definitely very dangerous. If you don't get it right, you will get yourself in, and it's just a glimmer of hope when you get out. It seems that it's not cost-effective if the gain and the effort are not proportional.


The party lasted for nearly three hours. Because everyone had arranged traps and protections earlier, they were not worried about zombies breaking in, so after a rare relaxation, everyone drank a little too much. Maybe this apocalyptic world ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Everyone wants to get drunk once, so you can forget about your worries!

Everyone drank all the time, and went back to sleep. In fact, Li Yunfei also wanted to go back to sleep earlier, but Amy was dragged by him to drink and he couldn't leave. In fact, Li Yunfei also drank a lot of wine. It was really difficult to accept the hospitality. Many people came to ask Li Yunfei to touch the glass. Although Li Yunfei didn't have a dry mouth, he always needed to take a sip.

The back of the neck of this wine is so big that I didn't realize it at first, but after a few hours, two figures appeared.

Amy drank more and leaned on her shoulder, crying and laughing for a while, which made Li Yunfei not know what to do. It seemed that her sister didn't care about her own rest and could only support her. Back in her own tent.

Andrea, who was already drunk, saw that Li Yunfei was helping her sister back, and she was a little helpless to pick up the person. Yaoyao stood up slowly, she wanted to help her or something.

But even herself was not unstable. I really don't know if she did it on purpose. She fell directly in Li Yunfei's direction. The weight of her entire body was almost on Li Yunfei's body. Originally, Amy was almost hanging on her body. When they were hung up together, Li Yunfei, who was already in a drunken state, could stand it. He was crushed to the ground all of a sudden, and was directly pressed by the two of them, and he couldn't get up for a while.

Of course, this has a lot to do with resistance. If there are two zombies holding him down, there must be a way to push them away. But it's just two big girls pressing themselves down, they won't die, and they're quite comfortable, so there's not much resistance in their hearts. Then the smell of alcohol came directly to his head, and he fell asleep directly in a dizzy state.

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