Time Traveler

Chapter 22: Food is the most important

After lunch, the two drove the truck out again. Li Yunfei didn't want to waste time. There are still many things in the city. They have to get those living materials back to the camp as soon as possible. It is certain that there are still many survivors in the city to collect things. , so the longer you wait, the more things will be taken away by others. However, before going out, I cleaned out a lot of daily necessities in the storage space and put them in the tent, so that it would be wasteful to always throw things habitually.

The most important thing in finding survival materials is of course food. Although it is said that it is 20 boxes of military rations (five boxes are kept by myself), it can alleviate the problem of rations in the camp for 20 to 30 days, but after all, it will not last for a month, so Find as many things as possible to store.

Because food is important, the two of them wandered around the city all afternoon, looking for places with more zombies, because these places are basically uncared for, and the possibility of finding supplies will be greater. .

After wandering around for more than an hour, I finally found a supermarket that is not a large supermarket. Although the door is closed, I can see from the window that there are more than a dozen zombies wandering inside, so it can be concluded that this supermarket has not been cared for. .

Li Yunfei didn't pay attention to more than a dozen zombies. There were also some zombies on the street outside. The two of them cooperated and eliminated them more quickly. They knocked on the door and knocked on the door to attract the zombies. Come here, and then the zombies lined up one by one to die, and it was quite easy to clean up.

It is said that this supermarket has a lot of things, but the food is indeed less than expected, especially those ready-to-eat foods are quite small, and many shelves have been emptied. Before the outbreak of the epidemic, there was a shopping frenzy. Appeared. Of course, there are still a lot of food, such as rice and noodles that are not ready-to-eat.

Of course, the camp will not dislike these things, and the more the better, all the things are moved away, anyway, the camp has a special responsible for cooking. There are also those seasonings, dipping sauces, etc. I have not let go, anyway, the food that can be eaten will be removed and loaded first.

While moving things, Li Yunfei will also take the opportunity to fill his own pockets and fill his storage space first. He said that if the food reserve is for himself, he can eat it for at least four or five months before giving up and continuing to pack. Beating of food. It took the two people more than an hour to fill the truck, and the food in the supermarket was basically completely emptied before they drove home.

"This time, the food problem has been completely solved. Pull the car back, and occasionally hunt some prey to supplement it, so the people in the camp can hold on for a whole year."

"Well, if the number of people does not increase, it can last for a whole year, but if the number of people increases, it is not necessarily. Maybe the number of people in the camp will increase a lot. Although there is a large-scale outbreak of the epidemic, there are many The survivors of the camp are scattered all around. If they know that there is a safe camp on the mountain, they will definitely come to defect. If it is a vote, the people in the camp will basically agree to take in those people.”

"Dude, if someone really came to seek refuge, would you agree to take in or oppose taking in?"

"Of course I agree, why do you need me to be that wicked person?"

"Man, how about we get that infantry vehicle back by the way?" Halfway back, he saw the infantry vehicle in the distance, and Glenn began to think about it again, but there were dozens of zombies wandering around there. Without Li Yunfei's help, he would never have dared to get that infantry vehicle by himself.

"Well, why don't you come back tomorrow for this matter? I think you were very tired just moving things. It would be bad if you drove that infantry vehicle into the ditch." Li Yunfei spent most of the time moving things just now. It's just wandering around, eliminating the occasional zombies, so this truck is basically moved by Glenn.

"How come, it's just helping a truck, it's nothing... Can you drive this truck back?" Glenn asked in return.

"Of course, no problem, drive slower at most..." Although I have no confidence in driving that infantry fighting vehicle, because that thing is still a lot harder to drive than ordinary vehicles, but this truck can still be driven back.

"Then help get that chariot back!"

"No problem, but let me settle down after that chariot is back!"

"Okay!" Glenn originally thought, moving to another home, it's really uncomfortable to live in the tank, and the tank is a lot more spacious, but since Li Yunfei proposed it first, so he couldn't be too stingy, and agreed directly. down.

Li Yunfei didn't say much nonsense. He jumped out of the car, took out his knife, and got on. There were less than a hundred zombies in total, all scattered. These zombies had no chance to gather together and were eliminated. Lun also helped, but more than 90% of them were killed by Li Yunfei.

If you kill a lot of monsters, you will naturally gain experience. One knife is very easy, and even the blood on your body is splattered. On the contrary, Glenn cut off the heads of a few zombies, but was splattered with blood. Maybe it was a matter of luck. This infantry vehicle is really useful. Even the oil in the mailbox is still 70% full. .

In the camp on the mountain, Andrea and Amy found a very easy job, and that is to go fishing in the small river. Of course, this is a technical job.

"Andrea, did you feel comfortable when he hugged you?" Sitting on the boat, Amy asked suddenly and thoughtlessly.

"What is he, who is he?" Andrea asked in confusion.

"It's that Yunfei, you were frightened yesterday, he hugged you to comfort you, right?"

"Amy, are you stupid? I was really frightened at the time. I just wanted to find a little sense of security. How can I feel!"

"... He doesn't seem to like me very much. When I was holding him, his hand never took the initiative to wrap my body around me." Amy said a little unhappily. To be honest, she didn't really like Li Yunfei that much. It was entirely because he saved her that she was very grateful. Later, she gave herself a gift, so she felt that this person was still very good.

Later, when she fell asleep, the man gave her the bed instead of moving her, which made her feel that this man was quite reliable, so she had the idea of ​​dating him, but suddenly found that the other party didn't seem to care about her. , this is a bit irritating to her. Once upon a time, she was a school flower in school...

"Amy, things are not what you think at all, I was scared to death..." Andrea explained the situation at that time, UU reading www. uukanshu.com didn't want to talk about that embarrassing thing, but in order to avoid my sister misunderstanding herself, she explained it completely.

"...Andrea, your courage is so small!" After listening to Andrea's words, Amy expressed her contempt.

"Stinky girl, if you encounter that disgusting thing face to face, you will be scared to wet your pants." Andrea also replied.

"I saw only two or three meters the day before yesterday, so it's nothing to be afraid of. At that time, Li rushed over and chopped off seven or eight easily with one knife!" Thinking back on the situation at that time, I couldn't help but feel a little bit in my heart. The heartbeat is racing, and it can't be called nervousness, excitement, or hero worship.

"Then you were still screaming so loudly. I heard that Li's ears were almost deafened by you."

"That's just a natural reaction, it's just a natural reaction!"

"Amy, that person is actually quite good. If you have a chance, you should turn him into your boyfriend as soon as possible, so as not to be taken away by others."

"This kind of thing requires mutual affection. That guy doesn't seem to like me very much. What can I do?"

"How can a man not like beautiful women? If I were a man, I would like a beautiful woman like you, so believe me, if you take the initiative, you will definitely be able to take him down easily."

"Andrea, how do you like it, why don't you take people down yourself?"

"...If I were ten years younger, I would have taken him down long ago, and there is still your share." Andrea doesn't feel ashamed. If she was really ten years younger, she would have taken the initiative to take the initiative. People are seduced to bed. In such a troubled world, with a strong man to rely on, life will be much easier.


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