Time Traveler

Chapter 21: lots of weapons

The tank drove away and led a large wave of zombies away, but although the speed of the tank looked cumbersome, it was not slow. It rushed out of the city at a speed of more than 40 yards and quickly disappeared. Those sluggish zombies can't keep up, so don't worry about leading a large number of zombies back to the camp.

There were only thirty or so zombies gathered under the platform, waiting for him to deliver the knife. Of course, Li Yunfei didn't hesitate to reward each of these persistent zombies with a knife to end the strange life form of zombies.

Without the attraction of the gunshots, the zombies in the distance became stragglers again. Because a large number of them were attracted away just now, only a few zombies were still wandering aimlessly near the station of the group of soldiers, and the total number was less than two. ten.

In this case, there is no need to hide on the platform and shoot the gun. I jumped off the platform more than two meters high, and walked quickly towards the direction of the car. I only encountered one or two zombies on the road, and they were all knocked down with a knife. , and returned to the car in less than two minutes.

But seeing the heavy machine gun and the machine gun behind the sandbag in the distance, there is still a box of bullets, and there are several boxes of bullets found on the ground on the other side. If you don't take this kind of good thing, it's really unreasonable. .

I quickly got off the truck, and the heavy machine gun came with the shelf, and four ammunition and bullets were all put into the storage space. There should be about 2,000 rounds of bullets. Looking at the surrounding situation, it seems that there are quite a lot of good things. , just a quick glance to see several rifles.

As for why these firearms have not been taken away, it should be that there have always been many zombies gathered here. It is too unsafe. There are always many zombie activities here. For example, when Rick came over yesterday, he just got the gun bag. Just ran away, and did not intend to remove the heavy machine gun.

Of course, this thing is too heavy and difficult to remove, and it is not as convenient as a pistol, rifle, and shotgun. Also, in places like Laomei, where guns are not restricted, the first choice to get weapons is to go to a weapons store. Generally speaking, the harvest is large enough to go there. It is not worth taking the risk of taking these weapons and ammunition here, so it is all cheaper for Li Yunfei.

It can be seen that these soldiers did not hang up after running out of ammunition at all. Otherwise, there would not be a series of bullets hanging on the heavy machine gun, and there were several boxes of bullets on the side.

For Li Yunfei, the temporary stronghold of this unit was simply a big treasure. While looking for guns and ammunition nearby, he was unhurriedly cleaning up some zombies that were approaching. Occasionally, there are some guns and ammunition or one or two grenades from some dead soldiers, and they are all put away.

A lot of military supplies were even found on a military vehicle, such as those two dozen boxes of canned food and compressed biscuits, which are very good things. Of course, this kind of thing should be moved back first, and there are some very good things. Practical daily necessities are also packed away.

After searching the scene for several minutes, I still haven't found a place to temporarily store ammunition. This is a small team, and there will definitely be a place for spirit stones to store ammunition. Since they are stationed here, they must have brought a lot of ammunition, and from those Judging from the fact that the bullets in the magazines on the soldiers have not been exhausted, it is definitely not that the ammunition is out of food, so there must be a lot of ammunition based on the above comprehensive information analysis.

Generally speaking, for safety, the ammunition is stored a little farther away, not inside the temporary position, just in case the ammunition is buried or something.

According to the above clues, I carefully searched around, and sure enough, in an inconspicuous corner, I found a temporary arms storage point, which was covered tightly with oil cloth. At first, I thought it was a **** heap, because a lot of scrap newspapers were scraped, plastic bags, leaves, etc., were piled up here...

"Nima's, this is the best garbage dump camouflage method I've ever seen, and I almost didn't find it." Li Yunfei was of course very excited when he found the arms storage site, but also felt lucky that he dared to look for it for a long time. Found out, really ready to give up.

It's just that such a large pile of garbage in this corner always feels a little weird, and it is within the range of the defense circle of the temporary station, so I came over and rummaged.

There is not much ammunition, at least not much for a team of dozens of people, but for Li Yunfei, who has never seen the world, it is simply too much. With so many guns and ammunition, Li Yunfei feels like he has become a local tyrant in an instant, and he will not have to worry about bullets for a long time in the future.

I counted 8 boxes of heavy machine gun ammunition, each with a standard 500 rounds. 10 boxes of rifle ammunition, standard 1500 rounds per box. More than 30 magazines filled with bullets, 6 M16 rifles, and two 12.7 caliber heavy machine guns, and even two boxes of grenades, one that has been opened...

The number of zombies gradually increased, one after another, there were zombies wandering over, and there was a tendency to surround him. Li Yunfei did not intend to continue to spawn monsters, so he quickly moved some military items from the military vehicle into himself. The truck drove back.

Originally, I wanted to drive the infantry vehicle away, but after thinking about it, I was still worried that my driving skills were not good enough. On the mountain road back home, one would accidentally drive the big guy into the ditch, so be honest. It's better to go back in the truck by yourself, and when you come next time, let Glenn drive the tank back.


After all, the speed of the tank is slower than that of ordinary cars, mainly because I was not used to driving it at the beginning, so I was on the way back before entering the mountain. Li Yunfei finally caught up with the tank driven by Glenn, but he did not accelerate, but kept about the same speed and drove towards the mountain. It is really a novice driver who can't drive fast on the mountain road. It seems that Glenn is still very happy driving a tank. Yes, seeing Li Yunfei appearing in front of him in a car, he was even more excited.

However, when you enter the mountain road, you will not be able to get up. The field of view of the tank is quite narrow. On the mountain road, you can only move forward carefully, so as not to drive directly into the ravine. The short mountain road of six or seven kilometers takes more than half an hour. ...

There was the roar of tanks in the distance, and everyone in the camp was alarmed, and came out to check the situation, but when they saw the familiar truck in front, everyone was relieved.

I only got three heavy machinery yesterday, and today I got a tank. Will I get a plane back tomorrow?

However, with such a big guy parked in the camp~www.wuxiamtl.com~ with two large and one small machine guns mounted on it, it can really give people a feeling of peace of mind.

Speaking of which, when the tank was brought into the camp, a few men couldn't help coming over and wandering around. It was different from stopping on the road and getting back to their camp.

"Don't fight with me, I will live in this tank from now on!" Glenn said directly, wanting to settle down in the tank. Although it looks a bit stuffy inside, but I just like to stay in it, then all the problems are not a problem.

"If you live in it, you should master the artillery skill as soon as possible, otherwise you still need to replace people, you can't waste this big killer." Li Yunfei also said something, originally he also wanted to be in the tank. Ryan's house is coming.

"Of course, artillery is still very easy to learn. I can drive a tank without seeing me!"

"Come here for a few people to help move things, and I also took the opportunity to get a lot of military supplies!" The trucks have arrived at the camp, and of course they can't use the storage space to carry things, so I still greeted a few people who were walking around the tank. road.

There are quite a lot of things that Li Yunfei handed over to the camp. At least the large pile of military rations can be said to be extremely practical for ten years. It should be the consumption of thirty or forty soldiers for ten days, and nearly twenty people in the camp If you want to consume it, you should be able to last for more than 20 days, because there are still many women and children in the camp, and there are less than ten real men.

"Wow, finally you don't have to worry about finding food."

"It's amazing, you actually got so much rations."

"I like to eat military rations!"

Seeing a lot of rations, the people in the camp are very happy, but they are still worried about finding food these days.

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