Time Traveler

Chapter 20: get rid of the tank

Li Yunfei woke up when the sky was slightly bright. The unrecognizable meditation technique transformed by himself was really good. Every time he exercised before going to bed, he always felt refreshed when he woke up the next day.

Although the whole body is still a little sore, but the situation is much better than yesterday. You can't be lazy in this dangerous world. You must make your body stronger. A little more strength will be more when you encounter danger. A security, so I didn't dare to stay in bed, and got up early to exercise.

That simple knife technique still needs to be practiced well. In fact, it is the most basic slashing and stabbing. The more basic movements are practiced, the easier it is to chop the heads of zombies.

"Young man got up very early, it seems that you were not busy last night!" Dale hadn't gone to bed yet, and seeing Li Yunfei getting up so early, he also took the initiative to say hello.

"Well, I wasn't busy last night, and I slept soundly. I'm going to practice swordsmanship. I'll be able to do it well by relying on this **** to eat." Li Yunfei didn't say much, just said hello a little bit. The practice started straight away. The three most basic movements were slashing, slashing, stabbing, and occasionally turning around to slash or something. A battle knife was a slap in the face.

However, there is no sound of breaking the air. This Edman alloy is really different from ordinary metals. It seems to have a strong noise reduction effect. If it is a long knife made of ordinary metal, it must be chopped so fast. There will be some cracking noises.

After a while, many people in the camp also woke up and saw that Li Yunfei had practiced so early, so they also took their own sticks and watermelon knives and began to exercise.

In fact, there are not many tricks to chopping with a knife. It is just that the speed is fast and the accuracy is enough, and the power will naturally increase. As long as you keep practicing chopping, the accuracy and strength will naturally increase. Anyway, it's just to deal with zombies and is not a martial arts master. He doesn't need any superb skills at all, and he is saying that he doesn't have any skills.

After practicing for about half an hour, she stopped after sweating. Amy, who was watching from a distance, walked over quickly. When the other people saw the situation, they immediately found a reason and left.

"Hey, good morning Amy." Seeing Amy and walking towards him, Li Yunfei still took the initiative to say hello. He is not a stingy person. If a girl misses an appointment, she will show a stinky face. .

"That Li Yunfei, I'm really sorry about what happened last night, I forgot." Amy explained embarrassedly, saying that Amy really wanted to find Li Yunfei last night. But she was too busy during the day, and at night another mother and daughter lived in her tent temporarily. A few people chatted together, and while chatting, they forgot about their appointments, and then fell asleep directly.

"Uh, what else happened last night? I forgot about it a long time ago, so I don't need to apologize." Li Yunfei pretended to have completely forgotten, but in fact he did wait a little bit nervously last night.

"Thank you, then I'll make breakfast first." Seeing that the other party was really not angry, Amy also went back happily. Seeing Amy leaving, Li Yunfei also waved goodbye, and then continued to practice his movements of drawing and raising his gun, hoping to improve his reaction speed.

After breakfast, everyone was busy with their own business. Of course, the basic defense project was built quickly. It would take at least ten days to complete the defensive earthen city walls in those important areas.

Li Yunfei saw that everyone began to plan to live here for a long time, so Li Yunfei was not in a hurry to leave. There is a camp that is not much more comfortable than living alone, not to mention that those people basically adopted their suggestions. , so there is no reason to leave.

Glenn was a talker who drove the car all the way into the city and kept talking. He also learned a very important piece of information from his words. That Mel and Rick were reconciled again. It was originally yesterday morning. It turned out that Mel and Daryl had already left, but seeing them again last night felt strange at the time.

It turned out that when the two of them were about to leave and go on their own, they encountered a group of people in the city. The six or seven people pointed guns at their heads and stole everything, and then they were killed by a lot of people. The zombies were trapped in a small car. For most of the day, Rick rescued them, and then they let go of their previous suspicions.

Glenn drove quite fast. He arrived in the city in less than 20 minutes. He saw the tank in the distance. To be honest, Li Yunfei really wanted to get it back to the camp. Although there are zombies nearby, it doesn't seem to be many, there are probably only a few hundred, so find a good place to clean up those zombies, and maybe there is a way to get the tank back.

"Glen, what do you think we are going to drive back that tank?" Li Yunfei finally couldn't help but make a suggestion,

"Can you drive?"

"I don't know this, but I heard that the tank is similar to an ordinary truck, but it is more laborious to drive and has a much smaller field of vision!" Li Yunfei actually heard the truth about the tank.

"Why don't I try it?" Glenn was also a little moved when he heard that it was similar to a car.

"Yes, let's try it, what you're waiting for is what you said." Li Yunfei was also very excited when he told Glenn to get the tank. As long as the tank was returned, he could also study the internal structure of the tank. Now, at least talk about the basic driving lessons.

"But there are hundreds of zombies hanging around over there!"

"Don't worry, hand it over to me. I'll take those zombies away later. You can see if you can drive the tank. If you can, drive back directly. But if you can't, just get the armored infantry vehicle back. Then The quality of things is good, it's definitely a good thing... If it doesn't work, it can only be considered that we have bad luck!"

"...Well, when you lead the zombies away, you have to be careful!" Glen looked at the big guys and wanted to get it back.

The tanks and infantry vehicles should not be broken, because there is no possibility of damage, it is just a zombie attack, and it is not possible to destroy the tank sun. Preliminary analysis shows that this team should have been ordered to station at that time, and has never received an order to retreat, so it cannot retreat. Later, many people in the army also fell ill. UU read www.uukanshu.com and then bit his comrades, causing the entire army to be annihilated by surprise. In fact, many places fell completely because of this. Otherwise, with the fighting power of these zombies, it is impossible for the thirty viruses to sweep the world.

"Don't worry, I have experience in dealing with zombies. If the tank can move, you can put the car key in the car, and I will return the car when I come back."

Before the zombies gathered, Li Yunfei got out of the car at a place where there were few zombies, and then climbed to the roof of a house skillfully. He came to the last golden monster spawning point.

Although the corpses on the ground below the platform exuded a stench, Li Yunfei was well prepared, so he put on a gas mask and used gunfire to lure the zombies over, and then used a knife to destroy them.

For the first time, I put the **** on the pistol, trying to hit the head of a zombie thirty or forty meters away.

The gunshots sounded, and the zombies were naturally attracted by him. Those who stood at a high place and didn't hit them would hit the zombies thirty or forty meters away. Shooting in an orderly manner, although it can't achieve headshots, it can also achieve the efficiency of killing one after two shots on average.

There are more and more zombies under the platform. In fact, if several batches are being killed, those zombies can use the piled corpses to reach the platform with their hands, so Li Yunfei is not in a hurry to solve the problem with a knife.

Glenn, who was hiding in the distance to watch the movement of the zombies, saw that the zombies on the street were all attracted by the sound of Li Yunfei's gunshots, and he drove his car close to the tank. He quickly got into the driving seat of the tank, and after fiddling with it for a long time, he was really activated by him. The tank, which had not been activated for more than a month, made a deafening roar with black smoke, and drove away crookedly.

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