Time Traveler

Chapter 19: plan

The river is not far from the camp, and the straight-line distance is less than one kilometer. The water is really clean. There are two people washing clothes in the distance. Li Yunfei just said hello from a distance and jumped into the water. .

The ice-cold river water makes bathing not very comfortable, but in such a world, it is very good to have a place to wash. I took off my clothes and trousers in the shower, rubbed and washed it, and dried it to the side.

It was still early, so I continued to lie by the river, soaking my body in the water, thinking about what to do next. In fact, the best way is to build a camp here that can live for a long time, or even open a small camp. From the farm, the land that is full of mountains and fields looks quite fertile, and it is not a big problem to feed three or five hundred people.

I only need to stay here for a year. Relying on a safe camp, I go to the city every day to get some supplies, clean up some zombies, and if I'm lucky, I can save some people. It will be much safer to complete the task.

There is even hope that all the zombies in the city will be cleaned up, because many zombies have already left the city, and there are at most more than 100,000 left. Find some and kill some every day, and one day it can be cleaned up. a city...

I can't wait for that day, but I believe that as long as everyone sticks to the first two or three years, they will be safe later, as long as the strength of the camp is strong enough...

"Li, have you washed up? Everyone has eaten, and it will be too late if you don't go back." Amy's voice came from the river, interrupting Li Yunfei's thoughts.

She came to bring clothes to Li Yunfei. She didn't know that Li Yunfei actually carried a dozen sets of clothes with him.

"Well, okay, okay!" Hearing the greeting, of course Li Yunfei didn't lie down by the river thinking about the problem, but stood up directly.

"That Amy, can you avoid it? I'll change clothes!" Seeing that Amy didn't mean to avoid it at all, Li Yunfei still said something.

"Well, hurry up, I'll give you this dress. Everyone is waiting for you to discuss the defense settings together..."

"Let's go, I'm ready!" In a blink of an eye, Chen Jialuo changed his clothes.

"You move so fast!"

"That's a must. Thank you for sending me clothes specially, but I won't need to send them next time. I really know the clothes myself."

"You brought it here, there are only some tools in that backpack?"

"Uh, don't look at other people's backpacks in the future, do you know?"

"Oh, I see, let's go back!" Amy immediately wrapped Li Yunfei's arm, and now walking around the camp, she really looked like a bunch of couples.

It's just that Li Yunfei looks a little unnatural, and his clothes are quite thin in summer. I have to say that Amy's figure is still very good.

Being hugged like this, and then walking on the bumpy mountain road, the two of them are always rubbing against each other, so it will cause a lot of reverie.

Seeing a girl walking so hard, of course she would support her. As a 'gentleman', she certainly wouldn't take advantage of this opportunity. Amy felt that Li Yunfei was really a gentleman.

She wished that the road would be a little farther, and it felt really good to be hugged and walked more. There was only 1 kilometer of road, and the two walked for nearly half an hour. It was almost dark before they returned to the camp.

When everyone saw how close the two were, they didn't have any unusual reactions. If they didn't make out, it would look a little strange. How should I say it, it's not a good sign that I'm not making out now.

After a feast of venison, more than a dozen people gathered to discuss the construction of the defensive city wall, and it was indeed much more convenient to have those large machines.

After looking around for a while, I finally decided to dig pits and build walls in several key places, and replace some other places where it is not easy to build walls. In addition, we will do some traps to attract zombies. The initial goal is to prevent zombies from invading. As for whether to do that kind of anti-human fortifications in the later stage, we will talk about this later.

Their respective tasks were also arranged quickly. It has to be said that Rick still has quite strong leadership ability. In addition, Li Yunfei also deliberately supported him, so Rick is basically a temporary leader.

Li Yunfei really has no idea of ​​being a leader. His main purpose is to complete the task and go home, so it is better for Rick to be the leader. So support Rick in secret, which surprised Rick a bit, but he was not too humble.

Since this very powerful young man thinks he can do it, it should be really possible, right?

This was Rick's idea, so everyone's tasks were quickly arranged.

The two of them continue to be responsible for collecting more supplies in the city. Since they have to plan for a long time, they can't just look for some ready-made things. They even need to collect some seeds, otherwise they will be consumed sooner or later.

Li Yunfei, as the most powerful monster clearing expert, is of course a member of the collection team, and the other is Glenn, who is very familiar with the city.

Rick himself and Sean also have a black man named T-boy who can operate some excavators, so they are responsible for getting the three heavy machines to dig holes and build walls.

There were also two other people who helped deal with some other sundries. Brother Meldalil was responsible for inspecting the nearby mountains to see if there were any zombies intruding, and of course hunting.

Dale and the other women were in charge of logistics, made some simple spear traps, and even a few children were in charge of helping out with things they could do. Anyone who can help has contributed his own strength. If you want to be lazy in the team, you can't do it except for children.

I have to say that one thing is very strange. That Sean actually took special care of the new mother and daughter. I don't know if he is trying to change his goals. If that's the case, then everyone is happy. Sean is actually a very good person in essence, but he is crazy because of love.

Regarding this point, Li Yunfei said that he couldn't figure it out at all. What is love? Can it really be so crazy?

It was getting dark, and everyone started to take a break. The two most likely places where zombies would pass through had already dug deep holes. There are also many traps set up in several places, so as long as thousands of zombies don't come together, it will be fine. Originally, there would be an attack today that would kill several people, but now it seems unlikely that this will happen. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Li Yunfei went back to sleep after waiting until eight or nine o'clock in the night, when he didn't find any zombies appearing. Actually, he still had some thoughts about what Amy said in the daytime about coming to him at night. Although it's not good to do it by myself, if Amy really comes to find me, it's hard to say whether I can resist the temptation, and only eight or nine will be easily won.

In all fairness, it is of course very good to have beautiful women looking for you, and of course you are very welcome in your heart, but you definitely want to leave here. Things need to be carefully considered...

I was a little anxious and waited for a long time, but no one appeared. I had prepared a lot of rhetoric. If Amy came, I would tell her, but no one appeared as expected. While breathing a sigh of relief, I also felt a little lost. Humans are such strange animals, which can be summed up in two words, tangled, simply too tangled.

Now that I'm seduced, I can't sleep, and I can only practice my improved meditation technique. In this world without entertainment, there seems to be no entertainment to pass the time other than finding someone to have **** every night.

In other words, since the body attribute scans the reminder of the spiritual power, it seems that it can still grow, otherwise it is impossible to remind that the ability will appear when it reaches 100 points or more.

Since spiritual power can be grown, why not insist on practicing the meditation technique if you have this spare time? Anyway, idleness is idleness, and relaxing and meditating on the body is not harmful to the body. If you can practice any special method, you will earn it. In the past few days, I have been practicing that meditation technique at night. When I wake up in the morning, I feel much better.

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