Time Traveler

Chapter 1: accidental crossing

In this noisy and impetuous city, Li Yunfei said that he just wanted to be a quiet otaku. He wouldn't go anywhere after get off work every day, he would go straight to his kennel and become a decadent man in minutes.

Even though the name is Yunfei, but in this world, people who have money can fly. With my meager income, I can't even support a girlfriend, so don't even think about flying. It's better to be an otaku.

After using a broken computer for more than five years, the fan made creaking noises, and I played a game before the special effects were activated. There was a lot of scolding.

"Damn, I'll just sell your **** tomorrow." Li Yunfei couldn't help but lost the mouse and quit the game directly. This product has been used for several years and has lost the meaning of upgrading. It is more appropriate to assemble a new one. .

It was only after nine o'clock in the evening. As a senior otaku, it was impossible to go to bed so early. Since I can't play games, I can only open some movies and TV dramas to pass the time. As for what dramas to watch, to be honest, I have become a single dog now, and I really can't watch any romance dramas. I prefer watching doomsday themes. 's film and television drama.

As for why I like watching movies and TV dramas with this theme, it's not that there is a world-weary plot, but a very strange mentality. Many people have this mentality, and it seems that some people have done special research.

It is said that when people watch movies and TV dramas with this theme, they can’t help thinking subconsciously, I am living in this safe world now, compared to those who are struggling in the end of the world, I am lucky, and then people happiness index will soar.

Li Yunfei expressed his agreement with this point. For example, in the story of The Walking Dead, seeing the protagonists struggling to survive in a world full of zombies, he suddenly felt that his life had become better. Although he didn't make much money, It's not difficult to support yourself, at least you don't have to worry about food and clothing, you can sleep in peace, you don't have to face those disgusting zombies, and you don't have to face those crazy humans that are more terrifying and evil than zombies...

"It seems that we have a small life, don't be too happy!" Although the plot is very heavy, but I am glad that I am safe, this is a very strange state of mind.

It's early summer, but the weather seems to be a bit stuffy, so the air conditioner has been on and never stopped, but now it's late at night, and the heat outside has gradually dissipated. It's time to turn off the air conditioner and open the windows to let in. Breathable, open the air conditioner with the window open all day, the electricity bill is still quite expensive, and it is not good for the body.

He came to the window and opened the curtains. Just as he opened the window, he suddenly saw a ball of seven-colored light, rushing towards him very quickly. He subconsciously wanted to dodge, but before he could react, he was directly hit by the ball of light and hit his forehead.

The whole person seemed to be hit by a huge force, and it felt like he was knocked out, but in fact he stayed in place and fell straight down.

"Fuck..." Li Yunfei only had time to say two words, and then he lost consciousness and didn't know anything.

I don't know how long it took, when I woke up from a stupor, my whole body was sore, and my head was sore. After lying on the ground for a long time, I recovered.

"Am I having a lucid dream?" Looking at a completely unfamiliar world, my head was a little foggy, and it felt like a dream. He was lying on this desolate road. It could never be the small city where he lived. It was unbelievable that he would change to another place after sleeping.

"Damn it, who can tell me, where the **** is this place?" This is a wilderness, there is no house in sight, and it is quite empty. To be honest, it is really rare to see such an empty place in my hometown. place.

Moreover, the sun in the sky is also very warm, it doesn't seem to be so hot, at least it's much cooler than my hometown.

I was only wearing a pair of boxer shorts and a pair of flip-flops on my feet. No matter how I looked at it, I looked like I was dreaming, but my consciousness was very clear and the touch was completely normal, so it was really unlikely that I was dreaming, and the surrounding environment was like this. Unfamiliar, completely unable to see a familiar scene... everything seems extremely strange.

More than 100 meters away, a passenger car hit a big tree on the side of the road. The front of the car was severely deformed. No one came to deal with the accident. Everything seemed strange.

"Could it be that the road is so remote that no one usually passes by, so no one can help the police?" Thinking of this, Li Yunfei decided to go check the situation and at least figure it out.

Stepping on the flip-flops, making a slight tapping sound, he walked quickly towards the car more than a hundred meters away, just to check the situation. Why no one handles such a serious car accident, and another point is, where is he?

But after getting closer, I found some annoying things, because I have basically never seen this kind of bus in China, and it seems that I have only seen it in TV dramas. It seems that there is no such model in China, at least I have never seen.

Speaking of which, he even went abroad for a 'sleepwalking', which is really troublesome. He went abroad wearing shorts... Basically, there is only one possibility. And it appeared not far from the scene of the car accident. It is inferred from common sense that something bad will definitely happen.

From a distance, he could see some dry and blackened blood on the car window. After a gust of breeze, he smelled a stench. Li Yunfei's heart was even more suspended, and the speed of approaching was much slower.

It seems that the situation is quite bad. For the sake of safety, I searched carefully on the side of the road for a long time, and finally found a stone that I had in my hand. It is always better to have a stone in my hand than to be empty-handed. Stone boldly continued to move forward, and had to go over to see the situation, at least to clarify things first.

Trembling finally, he approached the bus and wiped the dust on the window, just to see what was inside.

"Bang!" A dry hand that didn't look like a living person slapped the car window, and a face had been eaten by more than half. The extremely terrifying living dead looked at himself through the car window. From time to time, he roared and wanted to eat people.

Li Yunfei was so frightened that his whole body went numb, and even the stone in his hand fell to the ground, hitting his foot directly before he could react. The first response was to turn around and run.

After a long time, the heart is still beating wildly, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com sat on the ground for a few minutes before he recovered a bit. Looking at the car window from a distance, there were several zombies knocking on the window glass, trying to come out, but they all seemed to be stuck in position. can get up.

"Damn it, there are actually living dead in this world, and now it's really dead..." Li Yunfei didn't think he could survive in such a world. If he stayed in such a place for a long time, he would die sooner or later.

The situation of those living dead, it looks like the zombie image in The Walking Dead, it's really disgusting, and when you get closer, you feel a little numb all over your body. That terrifying appearance can weaken the combat effectiveness by more than half, and it is really very, very smelly, and you can smell the stench from a distance.

According to the situation of those zombies, it can be preliminarily judged that it is very likely that he has crossed into a world similar to the walking dead. This may be a parallel world, or a highly realistic virtual world, but why did you travel here inexplicably?

"It seems that I just opened the window, and then saw a group of colored light hitting me, then I fainted, and then I wore it? And it doesn't seem to be in the form of soul crossing, but the body is actually coming. , because I was still wearing shorts and shorts, the flip-flops went straight through..." Li Yunfei sat on the ground with some weak hands and feet, carefully observing the surrounding situation.

Recalling the process of my crossing, it was completely unreasonable. I didn't need any reason to wear it, I didn't give myself any preparation time, and I didn't even put on a piece of clothes for myself.

Traversing into such a dangerous world, if it weren't for the luck that he was thrown outside the city, he might have been eaten by those hungry zombies and only bones were left... Maybe it was possible that he had already turned into a zombie.

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