Time Traveler

Chapter 18: successful rescue

The door of the car a dozen meters away finally opened, and the two who came down, a young mother and a four- or five-year-old child, walked in front of Li Yunfei in shock.

"Thank you, thank you for saving us." The young mother was also quite excited about escaping death. Just now, the young mother had already thought about self-termination, and even loaded the pistol. The bullets were prepared for the two of them.

"Well, you're welcome, your car is broken?" Li Yunfei was a little surprised when he saw the young mother, because this woman was somewhat similar to that Rick's wife, Lori, at least in temperament. .

"Yes, sir, can you help me fix the car?"

"This lady, I'm very sorry, this one doesn't know how to repair cars, but there are people in our camp who can." Hearing someone talking, Andrea finally stopped crying and took the call. . The woman is indeed very strange, and her emotions come and go quickly, as if it was not her who was crying just now.

She was really frightened just now, but she felt a little ashamed when she found out that she had no image and stained other people's clothes with a lot of tears and snot. How could such a thing happen to her?

"You still have a camp, can you let me and my daughter join your camp? I can do anything..." In fact, when Li Yunfei wiped out the zombies just now, she wondered if she would follow these two in the future. I don't know what reason to look for.

Now that we know that the other party still has a camp, of course there is a good reason. In this apocalyptic world, with a child, he originally came to this city to defect to his husband, but only when he came to the city did he realize that it was all over here too.

"Whether you can join, we have to go back and discuss this, but I think everyone will not embarrass you... To be honest, you really look like a person in our camp!"

"Thank you, thank you..."

"Don't be so polite, what do you call me, my name is Andrea, this is my sister's boyfriend Li Yunfei!" Andrea directly called Li Yunfei her sister's boyfriend, but asked Li Yunfei to I don't know how to argue, and I don't even bother to argue.

"Thank God for letting me meet you. I'm really grateful. My name is Aaliyah, and this is my daughter Ashley." Seeing that she finally found a place to live, Aaliyah felt a lot more at ease. Being besieged by zombies, she really thought about ending her life and that of her children, but she never thought that someone with kind heart would save her.

I have met some people on the road before, who either ignored them or stole some of their things, and were even forced to provide services, and then were abandoned at will. These days, they have almost been desperate. If I hadn't met these two people today, I and my daughter would have died...

"Li, after we return to the camp, if we encounter opposition to the mother and daughter joining, you can also help me. I think everyone will listen to your suggestions." Andrea whispered to Li Yunfei. A few words, everyone's life is difficult now, she is quite aware of how hard it is for a woman to carry a child.

In fact, for a team, the addition of the mother and daughter will indeed increase some burdens, because she seems to have no materials, and at most she will help with laundry and cooking, but there are many such people in the camp, and the children also have For several, it was indeed difficult to find food. If it wasn't for the fact that the camp's items were almost consumed yesterday, it would be impossible for a few people to venture into the city to collect things.

"Don't worry, there are always very few real villains. People should help each other in order to live better in such a catastrophe." Li Yunfei of course agreed directly. A mother with a child doesn't look like anything. People with sinister intentions, as long as they don't sabotage their mission, everything is easy to say.

What excites you the most, Li Yunfei, is that the tablet in the storage space actually shows the information that he has successfully saved people twice, and even got a reward of 1 point of gratitude. It was quite good. It was finally admitted that the two of them were saved. After all, maybe the unknown system thought that the two would die without their own help.

In fact, to be honest, after getting off the car just now, I really didn't think about saving people and completing the mission, even if there was no such mission...

"Do you need to save people without being utilitarian?" Li Yunfei suddenly thought of this possibility, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

"No matter what, you don't have to think about anything when you save people in the future. As long as you are sure that the other party will not threaten your life, you can help if you can!"

In essence, being able to save someone's life and thus get the other person's gratitude is also a very good mood. Gratitude can purify one's dirty mind...

"What are you thinking, so ecstatic?" Andrea patted Li Yunfei on the shoulder and asked.

"Uh, nothing to think about, let's go back to the camp early!"

"...After returning to the camp, don't tell others about my embarrassment just now, okay?" Andrea was very embarrassed about her embarrassment just now, and really didn't want too many people to know about it, so please Li Yunfei Help hide it.

"Don't worry, I'm not a talkative person. In fact, I was wrong just now. I should let you know first."

"Thank you, you are indeed a good person, and Amy did not see the wrong person."

"Andrea, actually nothing happened to Amy and I, don't get me wrong." Li Yunfei explained.

"Do you think my Amy is ugly, you hate her?"

"Of course not, Amy is beautiful, of course I don't hate it..."

"That's fine, go back!"

Regardless of whether she is interested in her sister or not, Andrea subtly refers to this as her sister's lover first. In such a doomsday world, both herself and her sister need a strong man to rely on. My brother-in-law doesn't look very strong, but killing zombies is really powerful, and the person is also very good, he should be a really trustworthy person...

On the way home, a small car was dragged behind the truck. Nothing happened on the road again. Of course, it was only a short distance away. It was just an accident.

I could see it from a distance. There were two excavators, a bulldozer, and even a couple of heavy trucks parked outside the camp. It seemed that Rick and the others were really moving very fast. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

As we approached the camp, Andrea happily honked the horn a few times, and saw the people waiting from a distance. To Li Yunfei's surprise, Mel and Daryl were actually there, as if they were not the same. did not leave. What's even more surprising is that Mel and Rick don't seem to have any hatred anymore. Is it because of the role of the protagonist's halo, or because of what Rick has done, Mel thinks this policeman is very good...

Suddenly, someone jumped into his arms, interrupting Li Yunfei's thinking.

"That Amy, I'm a little dirty. I'm going to take a bath first. Your sister is very tired today. You should take good care of her." Li Yunfei also said something helpfully, adding that he was indeed a little dirty. , The sweat-stinking self, holding a fragrant beauty, felt sorry for him.

"It doesn't seem to be very dirty. It's very manly and has a little other flavor." Amy finally let go of her hand and said something.

"Amy, did you treat me like this? You know that I almost couldn't come back today." Amy completely ignored her open arms and threw herself into Li Yunfei's arms. Andrea He couldn't help but mutter a word, but Amy was still in a daze.

"Amy, isn't your soul seduced by that guy?" Li Yunfei left, Amy was still in a daze, Andrea couldn't help but patted her head and said.

"Andrea, I smelled your breath on him just now, you guys..." Amy said with some doubts.

"It's a long story. Come and support me. My legs are still soft. Oh, by the way, it's Aaliyah and Ashley. They stay with me at night." Andrea pointed to The mother and daughter who were greeting everyone said hello.

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