Time Traveler

Chapter 15: collect supplies

When I woke up again, it was already three poles in the sun. I was really tired yesterday, especially my arms were sore. Even raising my hand was a little laborious. Amy should have left long ago, and she was so sleepy that she didn't even know it.

He got out of the tent to say hello to everyone, and everyone sent some greetings with kindness. Last night, a dozen zombies were trapped in the trap, which made everyone feel Li Yunfei's foresight. Although it is said that there are only a dozen zombies, but if it really broke into the camp in the middle of the night, no matter who it bites, it will be a very scary thing.

After eating a little something, I walked around the neighborhood to check the traps, and at the same time, I moved my hands and feet. Although I said that my back was sore, the recovery was much faster than expected. After the exercise, the soreness of my arms was relieved. A lot, standing in an open space, twisting left and right to stretch the muscles.

"It's amazing, my brother. I heard that you were busy until midnight and didn't sleep last night. How do you feel? Do you feel like your body is being hollowed out?" Glenn suddenly appeared behind Li Yunfei and asked.

"...If I said that nothing happened last night, would you believe it?" Li Yunfei asked back.

"Well, as a person from the East, I can barely believe it, but others may not believe it. Then Amy seems to be really interested in you. When she came out of your tent in the morning, she was in a very good mood. of."

"It should be because I got a game console, so I'm in a good mood!"

"I don't think so. Didn't you notice that all the clothes in your bag were taken and washed by her?"

"This, maybe I just want to help. Didn't I give her a gift."

"Well, what you say is what you say. Let's not talk about this. How to do those traps today? To be honest, everyone is starting to worry about protection at night."

"How about we go to the construction site in the city and bring back those large excavators? With the help of the big guy, we can even make a lot of more comprehensive defenses."

"I still need to ask Rick for help in this matter. Yesterday he drove an excavator for a long way... Would you drive that excavator?"

"To be honest, I have never driven, but I used to live near the construction site, and I could see those people driving excavators every day, so let me experiment for some time, I should be able to start and do something in front of me."

"Well, maybe there are other people in the camp who can play with that big guy." Glenn immediately went to discuss with the other people. Li Yunfei continued to exercise his body carefully at this time to restore those sore muscles. .

Yesterday, everyone was a little tired, but everyone was really worried that a large number of zombies would suddenly attack at night, so they just rested for a while in the morning, and went out again after lunch to work on those large equipment.

However, when everyone was discussing the task, Li Yunfei proposed to act alone, which made several people very worried, and everyone thought that it would be safer to act together.

"You have to get the oil alone. It's too dangerous. Let's get the oil together first, and then get those machines back together!" Rick felt that although this person had a good idea of ​​​​cleaning up zombies, but after all It is still very dangerous for one person to have 6 of himself to get the machinery, and he alone to get the diesel oil. This arrangement is really unreliable.

"Yes Li, you can't go alone, why don't I accompany you to get diesel oil!" It was Andrea who was talking. She was really worried about Li Yunfei's safety. Her sister had just met this guy. Bit 'OK' on. Then I hung up that my sister didn't cry to death. When she came back in the morning, she showed off a game console in front of her for a long time. It could be seen that she hadn't been so happy for a long time.

"Don't worry, I can really handle it alone..."

"Hey, man, we all know you're amazing, but let Andrea go with you. To be honest, your driving skills are really bad!" Rick directly hit Li Yunfei's pain point.

"Yes, at least my driving skills are much better than yours!" Andrea also answered.

"That's fine, but if you encounter a zombie, leave it to me to deal with, you can just hide in the car." Li Yunfei still made a statement in advance, lest this woman come out and cause trouble.

Finally, the task was arranged for Rick and his group to get those excavators together. Li Yunfei and Andrea were responsible for finding diesel gasoline.

"Dude, take this with you, there is basically no power supply at the gas station now." Dell put a small oil pump that can be connected to the car battery to work, and put it in Li Yunfei's hand. It can really be put in his hand. That miniature oil pump.

"Dell, is there a bigger one, this thing is really too small?"

"No, it's just such a small thing."

"Well, at first glance, this thing really looks like a child's toy!"

On the other side, Andrea and her sister also said goodbye. The two sisters came over at the same time, but Andrea stood in the distance.

"Be sure to come back safely, I'll find you at night!" Amy whispered in Li Yunfei's ear, which made him seem a little embarrassed, but really embarrassed, such a naked seduction seems to be the first The first time we met, there were still many people watching at the scene, and I don’t know if others heard it.

"That, Amy... I will be safe, that, goodbye!" I didn't know what to say, so I could only respond like this.

On the way to the city, Andrea, as her driver, wanted to laugh several times, but she held back.

"Andrea, if you want to laugh, just laugh. It's hard to hold back, but I'm just curious, what's so funny?"

"Well, it's nothing, Amy said. When she came back in the morning, she said that he saw someone and set up a tent." Andrea pointedly said.

"What's so funny, isn't it that someone is setting up a tent? I really don't understand where you Americans are laughing!" Li Yunfei didn't understand what that meant, so he couldn't help but complain.

"Aren't you American?" Li Yunfei's words made Andrea a little curious.

"Of course I'm not an American, I'm a Chinese. I just came here to travel. I didn't expect to encounter such a huge disaster inexplicably, and then I was trapped here and couldn't go back!"

"No wonder your accent is so awkward and your speech is not so smooth. It turns out that you are a foreigner... But now the whole world is like this, and there is no difference between countries." Speaking of this cataclysmic situation, Andrei Ya's mood also became heavy.

"Andrea, what do you think of Sean?" Li Yunfei suddenly mentioned Sean, in fact, he wanted Andrea to seduce Sean. Lest that guy always think about other people's wives.

If that Sean really threatened the protagonist's life, it would mean his own life. If it really develops to that level, there must be a way to get rid of him. In other words, killing zombies is now completely stress-free, but if you really want to kill living people, it's still very stressful, so I felt that the unstable factor should be eliminated.

"Well, he's a pretty good person. At first, he protected us. How did you mention him, you wouldn't really be..." Andrea showed a suspicious expression.

"Hey, I really don't know what to say about you guys. Don't be suspicious of other people's sexual orientation. I like women 100%, especially **** beauties." Li Yunfei said seriously.

"Then you also like Amy, don't you?"

"Of course, as a man, being a **** beauty basically likes it. It's human instinct!"

"You don't seem to be so concerned!"

"There is a saying that people can't look good. In fact, I'm really a very caring person... In fact, as long as a normal man likes **** and hot beauties, men are all fraternity." Li Yunfei also said without any scruples, anyway, he didn't want to. There's really no need to pretend to be a gentleman when chasing each other.

"Maybe you're right, but the world is already like this, and there aren't many beautiful women who give you the chance to spend your time."

"That's not necessarily true!"

The car drove slowly towards the city, and the two chatted each and every sentence. In fact, it seemed that someone would be on a mission together, which seemed to be pretty good, at least not as boring as one person.

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