Time Traveler

Chapter 16: find oil

As for where there are gas stations in the city and where there is oil, everyone is not very clear, so they can only look for it from family to family. The luck is not very good. I searched for several large gas stations in the suburbs, and I was surprised to find the The oil was all taken away, and many empty oil drums, large and small, were picked up.

"It seems that there are no gas stations where zombies gather around these cities, and the gas has been drained. We have to go to those gas stations in the city where there are many zombie activities." After looking for more than an hour, only After getting a few barrels of oil, Li Yunfei felt it was necessary to go to the gas stations in the city.

"Is it too dangerous for the two of us to go?" Andrea hesitated a bit. She thought that she would go to the suburbs where there are no zombies, but she wanted to enter the interior of the city. How can people do it?

"What, are you afraid?"

"There is one thing, do we really want to go in?"

"The oil in these gas stations outside has been taken away by others. If we don't enter the city, should we bring back a truckload of empty oil drums?"

"…OK then!"

Since Li Yunfei insisted on going in, Andrea had no choice. She thought it would be easier for her to help find oil, so she didn't need to go to the city.

The car was driving towards the city, and occasionally there would be some zombies on the road. Although I saw two gas stations, they had to give up because there were too many zombies. After wandering around for more than half a minute, I finally found a gas station. There didn't seem to be many zombies nearby, only thirty or fifty. Li Yunfei finally decided to eliminate those zombies and go forcibly refuel.

"You wait here first, I'll clean up those zombies first, and then drive the car over." Li Yunfei ordered Andrea and got out of the car.

Andrea still admires Li Yunfei's ability. Yesterday, she killed hundreds of them by herself, so these dozens should not be a problem, so I'm not too worried about Li Yunfei going to clear monsters alone.

"Li, be careful, if you don't look right, run back quickly." Seeing Li Yunfei jumping out of the car, Andrea couldn't help but say something. Li Yunfei didn't say anything but nodded, turned around and drew out the sword, hurry up. Step by step towards the zombies, some zombies have started to turn around and walk towards them.

There are only thirty or so zombies in the vicinity, and they are not swarmed, so it is not difficult to solve.

The sword is extremely sharp, and chopping the heads of zombies is as easy as chopping carrots, so after seeing a flash of sword and sword, the battle was basically solved in less than two minutes. The strength of zombies is indeed too scum. In fact, as long as people overcome their fear, it is really easier than killing chickens. It is no wonder that the task of eliminating zombies given by the tablet will have such a low score. Only a few hundred zombies have a point.

A large number of zombies were solved by Li Yunfei in a blink of an eye. Andrea also hurriedly drove the car over. No one has swept the oil here. The previous guess was completely correct. Station, the zombies will basically be cleaned up.

This is a quite large gas station. Of course, the underground oil storage tank is also quite huge, but the lock of the opening was cut off by Li Yunfei with a knife. oil.

"It seems that luck is not bad, it's not a waste of time, Andrea, I'll go inside to see if I can collect some useful things, you can watch it here, if you encounter anything, remember to shout, I Come back soon." The small oil pump that Dell gave was really a miniature, and the speed of pumping oil was really a bit long. Having nothing to do, Li Yunfei decided to go to the hall to check the situation. Anyway, all the zombies in the vicinity were cleaned up.

"...Well, be careful, go and come back quickly." After looking around, she did not find any zombies. Although Andrea said she was a little scared, she still agreed because she had a younger sister. You need to take care of yourself, so try your best to make yourself appear stronger, so as not to be bullied.

"Don't worry, just look at it and go." Li Yunfei actually made Andrea tremble on purpose, making her feel insecure when forming a team with her, so that the next time she goes out to look for supplies, she will not feel safe. I will choose to follow myself.

This is a very large gas station, and the hall is still quite stylish. However, when I opened the door of the hall, I found two zombies rushing towards me not far away. Li Yunfei, who was used to facing zombies, was not caught. Frightened, it was eliminated directly with two swords.

There are still zombies in the hall with the door closed. It can be seen that no one has ever cared for this gas station. Otherwise, the zombies inside will definitely be cleaned up. Zombies outside can also be said to be other. It is absolutely impossible to wander in this hall with the door closed.

There were six zombies not far away, two of them seemed to be security personnel, but they were all cut down by Li Yunfei soon.

After carefully checking the left and right sides, I did not find any zombies, so I carefully looked for useful things in the hall. There are indeed quite a few useful things, but the most useful ones may be some tools for repairing cars. As for some other daily necessities, Can't move for a while, or wait until later.

There are security guards at the gas station here, so there should be guns. In places like Laomei, it is normal for security guards to have guns. If the security guards do not have guns, it is strange that there are some strange guns.

So after a while of searching, I finally found three shotguns in a small studio, and in a large box, I found nearly 30 boxes of bullets, 25 rounds per box, full of 750 rounds of bullets, UU When reading www.uukanshu.com, of course, I put it away and said, Li Yunfei likes things like extra firearms very much, the more the better, the more I see it.

With a large bag of tools, he returned to the car and put them down. These things should be the favorite of the old driver of Dale.

"It looks like your harvest is very good!" Andrea was still very happy to see Li Yunfei coming back. In this big city where zombies may appear at any time, having a man by her side will always feel at ease. many.

"Andrea, there's a very comfortable sofa inside, do you want to get it back?"

"That's too much trouble!"

"Okay, then, I'll go and bring back the dozen or so small sofa seats." Li Yunfei didn't mean to hand in the shotgun, so he just went in again and carried a few toolboxes. There were more than a dozen orders. The small sofas made by people were all returned to the car.

Finally set off to go home. Andrea is still quite happy that the mission went so smoothly, but the strange thing is that whenever there are scattered zombies on the road, this Li Yunfei always has to get out of the car and clean it up. Those zombies seem to have a huge hatred with these zombies.

"Li, why do you have to stop and clean up those zombies?" When Li Yunfei lowered his waist and got out of the car to clean up when he encountered dozens or twenty zombies several times in a row, Andrea couldn't help but ask. one sentence.

"Well, dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, I hope these deceased can rest in peace sooner!" Li Yunfei replied with a very strong word, he can only say that, he can't tell this woman that he is cheating Bar.

"You are quite suitable to be a priest!"

"The problem is that I don't believe in God, do you believe in God?"

"...I used to believe, but now my faith has been shaken."

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