Time Traveler

Chapter 14: just a misunderstanding

"Amy, do you have anything else to do?" Li Yunfei asked involuntarily after seeing that Amy wanted to leave for a long time.

"It doesn't matter, but I just came in here, and then I was kicked out by you like this. It would be very embarrassing, so I need to wait here and wait for everyone to rest before going back." Amy was a little embarrassed To explain, it is said that the concept of Westerners is indeed quite different from that of Easterners.

"Uh, well, you can do whatever you want, I'll rest first... By the way, this is a game console I picked up on the road, and there are actually several games in it, as well as this hand-cranked charger. I’ve already sent you, I’m really sleepy, so I’m going to sleep first.” Li Yunfei felt that it was too weird for someone to sit here and watch him sleep. So I gave the game console that I found in those big bags to this little girl to play by herself, and let her have something of her own, and the atmosphere in the tent would not be so weird.

"Thank you so much for your gift. I haven't played with electronic products for a long time. I can't believe that I can still play it today." Although I am not a game fan, when I saw an almost brand new game console, Ai Mi's eyes lit up.

There are really too few things for entertainment in the camp now. At night, it seems that there is nothing to do except sleep. If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, or you can do some things you love, but there are none, so the days are actually very of boredom.

"Well, you're welcome, I'm going to bed, good night!" Li Yunfei put on the blanket and went to sleep directly with the help of the meditation technique. He concentrated on relaxing his body, and soon drowsiness struck. The other benefits of this meditation technique have not been found, but the effect of helping sleep is indeed quite good. Basically, it only takes ten to twenty minutes of practice to fall asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but suddenly I felt something pressing on my body. Li Yunfei, who was in a daze, was almost scared to death. The first reaction was that when a zombie attacked him, he reached out his hand and was about to draw a knife. Fortunately, he felt the breath of the other party and smelled the unique body odor of a woman, so he stopped drawing the knife, but when he looked closely, it was Amy playing the game. Ji was tired and fell asleep. It turned out that she had been playing in her tent all the time. Maybe it was because she had not had any entertainment for too long and suddenly she played very fresh, so she forgot the time and fell asleep immediately when she was sleepy...

"What's this called? Since it's playing games, why don't you go back to your tent? Why are you playing here for so long? People who don't know think I've done something to you." Looking at Ai, who was sleeping soundly Mi, I'm a little embarrassed to wake someone up in the middle of the night, so I can only put them on the bed and cover her with a blanket, but I'm out of the tent.

Today is the first night, and those traps are not perfect, so it's best to be careful, and you should be able to sleep peacefully when you fix them tomorrow.

It is said that he should have slept for five or six hours, which means that Amy stayed in his tent for five or six hours, and the lonely boy and the girl lived in the same tent. It seemed that no matter how he explained it, it was useless. But anyway, everyone doesn't care about these things, so they don't bother to explain them specifically.

Seeing the top of the truck in the distance, Dale was vigilant. Dell's main task is that he is basically guarding in the second half of the night. There is no way he wakes up early, and he can't fall asleep after waking up, so he guards everything in the second half of the night.

As for the first half of the night, everyone took turns to watch. Of course, because he needed to watch at night, he basically didn't need to do anything during the day. He only occasionally helped to repair a car or something.

"Master, why don't you go to sleep for a while, leave it here for me to watch for a few hours!"

"Aren't you tired?" Seeing this young man who had been busy all day during the day and was busy again at night, even in the middle of the night, he even helped to watch the night.

"Of course I'm not tired. I have slept for five or six hours and have fully recovered."

"Did you really sleep for five or six hours? I didn't see Amy in your tent yet..."

"Uh, I think you have misunderstood, sir. Amy has been playing games, so she never left, and today I was really tired, so I fell asleep soon... Sir, you have to understand that today was cut for a long time. Zombie, I have chopped firewood for a long time, how can I have the energy to do other things." Li Yunfei also wanted to clarify, but to no avail.

"Hey, it's good to be young. You've been busy all day, and you can still be busy for a few hours at night, but you should hurry up and go back to sleep! Everyone is very grateful to you for things during the day. Don't worry, I'll be here to watch the night. It's okay, I'm getting old and can't sleep at night, so the vigil is just right. Go to bed, everyone will need your help tomorrow, and complete the plan you proposed to prevent the trap." Dale chattered and made a large piece, but ignored it. Li Yunfei's explanation.

"This... Okay, remember to say hello to everyone if there is a situation." Seeing the old man completely understands the mind, Li Yunfei is not explaining anything. The more he explains, the more dishonesty he can only show, which will make his image suffer. damage.

As long as we look at each other, it's nothing to play together. We won't say anything about what you love and I want, even parents don't care, but if you play it and say that you don't play it, it's dishonest. This is a character problem.

After standing outside the tent for a while, he finally entered his tent.

If you sleep in the tent of Glenn or other men, you will definitely be frightened, and 100% will be regarded as a GAY, so for that misunderstanding, it is still a normal misunderstanding of sexual orientation, which is much easier to accept. .

Originally, there was a tent in my storage space that I could take out, but taking out a tent out of thin air is really confusing, so for unnecessary trouble, don’t do that kind of weird things, be honest In fact, I will spend one night in this tent temporarily assigned to me, but I just took out a blanket, lay down beside Amy and leaned on a large backpack. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

However, sleeping with a girl in a tent is a ghost. If you can sleep peacefully, you can't sleep, so I took out the tablet and studied it.

There is still no change in the basic attributes of the body. Although I feel that after three or four days of high-intensity training, I should have slightly improved my strength. These basic attributes do not have numbers after the decimal point, so the amount of improvement is too small to be seen.

The total number of zombies killed in the past few days is as high as 800. Today, he killed more than 700. However, the thing that makes Li Yunfei a little bit painful is that none of them can be saved by himself, maybe because they can't die even if he is not there. Well, but this task is indeed a big trouble. If this is always the case in the future, it will really kill people.

However, I was a little surprised to see the points record below. Although there are only a pitiful 2 points, it can be seen how difficult it is to earn these points. It is a bit abnormal.

Maybe these zombies are too scum in the eyes of Brother Pingban, like chopping wood, to be exact, it is easier than chopping wood. The necks of zombies are not as hard as wood, so hundreds of zombies will give a little bit of perverted ratio.

"I got three people's gratitude, and I got 3 points of gratitude!" When I saw this information record, I was really stunned. I don't know why this gratitude is used, but it looks like it should be a good thing...

Carefully analyze how to complete the task in the future, leave this unsafe world early, still can't sleep in the middle of the night, and finally have to practice my own meditation relaxation technique, this thing seems to have a tendency to become addictive, do not exercise Don't let sleep.

Fortunately, there is no harm in exercising this meditation technique regularly. At most, it is only a heavy sleep, and every time I wake up, my spirit will be better.

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