Time Traveler

Chapter 13: attack on camp

"You are really wasting bullets. Don't you know that this zombie needs a headshot to eliminate it?" There were only eight zombies, and a few people fired more than a dozen shots before they were eliminated. Among them, there were four zombies. It was eliminated by Li Yunfei's headshot. This efficiency is really not worth mentioning.

"I really didn't know it before, but now I know it, but why are there so many zombies here?"

"Yes, there has never been a zombie on this mountain before."

A few people were a little overwhelmed when you said that I didn't play.

"Everyone, don't worry about the rest. If you have weapons, hurry up in groups of two, go around and check around to see if there will be more zombies coming." Seeing that everyone had no idea, Li Yunfei could only arrange it and bring it up by himself. With a knife, he wanted to search the jungle.

Although Li Yunfei was not a leader, everyone still took their weapons to inspect the place. There were more than a dozen zombies in this safe place. This problem is indeed quite serious, and now the sun is about to go down.

If night falls, it will be too passive at that time. It is difficult for humans to find zombies that are quietly approaching in the night.

I don't know if there will be large-scale zombies appearing tonight. If they do appear, it may be a large number of people. Now there are no traps in the camp...

"Yes, hurry up and get the trap!" Li Yunfei quickly turned to the bushes and continued to chop down the bushes. The speed of the cutting was very fast, because the knife was really sharp and easy to use. A thick bush of four or five centimeters could be cut off several times with one knife. …

"Li, there is a way here, why do you have to cut a way?"

"You're here, just in time, call a few more people to cut these things into spears, and they will be of great use later."

"That's fine!" Hearing Li Yunfei's words, Glenn quickly carried a bundle of lumber back to the camp.

After a while, several people came to help and move things back. The adults in the camp basically helped to cut the spears. Everyone was a little scared by the zombies that appeared just now, and they all began to worry about the safety at night.

There were two thousand bushes in a whole piece of bushes. After all of them were chopped down, Li Yunfei had to stop work and go back to work. No matter how sharp the sword was, he swung it thousands of times in a row. He was so tired that his hands were numb .

When faced with the threat of life, the efficiency of work has been greatly improved. When Li Yunfei returned to the camp, the thousands of spears were sharpened.

Since it's done, of course, it's a trap directly. This is a trap that can only deal with stupid zombies without a trace of IQ. I made more than a dozen large spheres similar to spears. The spearheads of dozens of spears are all facing outwards. People or animals can see the danger at a glance, and they will not lean over, but zombies don’t know anything. It is called danger, as long as there is something there that attracts them, it is to ignore all danger and walk over.

Sounds, blood food, and the smell of living creatures will become bait to attract them, which is simply easier than attracting cockroaches.

The small speakers in the car were removed, and a few people also contributed their own equipment for listening to music. Tonight, I can only use the sound as a bait. Now it is a bit embarrassing to catch animals.

"Li, where did you learn this knowledge, why do you seem to know everything?"

"Well, I learned it from TV."

"Well, it's a pity that I didn't like watching TV before. I really didn't know that I could learn these things on TV."

"I'm going to sleep first. I'm really exhausted today. My whole body is sore. It seems that I need to rest for a whole day tomorrow." Tired, destroyed a large number of zombies, chopped a large number of firewood...

"Mr. Yunfei, you'd better eat something before going to sleep!" A girl brought a bowl of boiled fish soup to Li Yunfei. Looking at the girl's appearance, Li Yunfei was stunned. For a long time, am I very attractive, so soon a little girl likes me?

"Hey, Amy, you're really partial, why don't you give me a bowl... Er, let's talk, I'll get something to eat myself." Glenn suddenly found that Li Yunfei was in a daze, did he look right? In this case, it's better to leave by yourself, so I quickly found a reason to flash people.

"Well, Mr. Yunfei thanked you for saving me and my sister Andrea today." Amy didn't feel any embarrassment, since Glenn left and went directly to Li Yunfei's side, she thanked him solemnly.

"Oh, it turns out that's what happened, then you're welcome, it's just a coincidence, but if you shout so loudly, even if I don't go, other people will pass by, so you don't need to thank me specifically." You can be beautiful when you are bored Of course, it's good for little girls to chat, but it's very likely that she will choose to leave the team, so I hope it's better to have less contact.

"Anyway, I need to thank you!"

"You're welcome, I should thank you for the fish soup!" Li Yunfei quickly settled a bowl of hot fish and returned the bowl to the other party.

"You're welcome, there's more over there, or I'll get you some more."

"Oh, no, I've already eaten enough, Miss Amy, right? I'm sore all over now, and I'm really sleepy. Why don't you go back to rest early... Ah, take it easy, take it easy!" Li Yunfei was about to see off the guest, but he really didn't expect this girl to grab her arm and massage, but with a little bit of force, she couldn't help but screamed softly, which attracted a lot of people. His gaze made Li Yunfei feel embarrassed.

"It seems that your condition is a little serious. You really can't rest directly now. Your muscles may be slightly strained. You need to relax before you can rest." Amy relaxed a little bit, and massaged and kneaded although the technique was not very good. It's like this, but it does make people feel very comfortable. Of course, maybe I have never enjoyed it before. If a beautiful woman massages herself, it should be more effective in her heart!

"That Amy, I'm just a little sore. I'm too embarrassed to bother you. Just ask the guy Glenn to give me a few slaps. I helped him a lot today." Looking at the other side, a few people saw On his own side, Li Yunfei was somewhat embarrassed, so although he felt very good, he still hoped to end this enjoyment as soon as possible.

"Do you like men?" Amy asked with some doubts, does this guy have any relationship with that Glenn?

"Uh, how could it be possible, absolutely not!" Li Yunfei denied instantly, this is not a joke.

"That's alright, go to the tent, and I'll give you a few massages. It's a thank you for saving me and helping my sister!" Since it's not annoying, then it's alright, let Li Yunfei go to the tent and lie down.

"This, let's not do it. You see so many people watching, I'll take your thanks." This is the first time I met, and I've only seen it once, so I brought people into my tent. A little too much of that.

"...As expected...don't worry, I won't discriminate against you...but Glenn is not your type. It seems that there are no people in the camp with the same hobbies as you, so you should wait to find someone in the future..." Amy looked Looking at Li Yunfei, he comforted a few words and turned to leave.

"What's the matter with you, I'm really not like that, you little girl thinks too much!" It is really necessary to make a statement about this matter, otherwise, your image will be completely ruined. If it spreads out in the future, then Do you want to live a normal life?

"Don't you like women or men, but transgender people?" Amy asked again, her brain was really big, and Li Yunfei couldn't stand it.

"How is it possible, I'm a normal man, why do you have so many strange thoughts?"

"...I heard that Chinese people are quite conservative in their thinking, and I never believed it. Now it seems that I have really encountered one. Forget about it, you can sleep, I won't disturb you." Amy felt that she was quite ashamed. Just out of gratitude, I wanted to give people a few massages, but I was rejected.

It is understandable if the other party has a different sexual orientation and does not want girls to touch, but it is obviously not, as if he has been rejected, it would be a shame to go back...

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