Time Traveler

Chapter 12: temporary camp

For everyone who not only returned safely, but also brought back a lot of supplies, a dozen people in the temporary camp were very happy, and habitually gathered together to drink and chat. Everyone has the mentality of living by, and does not have much hope for the future.

So today, I got a lot of supplies, but they were unscrupulously squandered and wasted. Besides, this group of people have been here for so long, and they didn't even have any defense facilities.

"This kind of camp is too unsafe. If there are zombies attacking at night, we will be in big trouble. We'd better do some simple protection around." Li Yunfei couldn't help but express his opinion.

"Young man, think too much, there are more than ten kilometers away from the city, and we have stayed here for almost a month without incident. Zombies will not come to this mountain." The old man patted Li Yunfei. said on the shoulders.

"It's hard to say. If some zombies come during the day, it's not scary, but if they suddenly appear in the middle of the night, it will be a big trouble. Can you guarantee that those zombies will never come here?"

"...Then why don't you pull a rope outside, hang some bottles and cans, and make a simple alarm device?" Of course, the old man couldn't guarantee it, and he was afraid of what happened.

"I think it's better to cut down some trees, do some simple horse rejections, and then grab a rope and hang some bottles and jars on the horse, then it will be much safer."

"My God, what a workload!"

"If you are going to just stay here for a day or two and leave, then it doesn't matter, but why haven't you built some protective facilities after staying here for a month or so?"

"This workload is really too much, it can't be completed in a few days, and everyone still needs to go out to find food and other things needed for life, which is really unmanned."

"Yes, as long as we do some horse-rejection in some places where zombies are easy to pass according to the terrain, and pull a realm rope first in other places. Build a wall! You must understand that this is a global disaster, we have no rescue, we can only rely on ourselves! Therefore, we must have certain means of defense. We have nothing to block anything like this, and just sleep in tents at night , if a zombie comes over from the mountain, as long as we get a bite, we are finished!"

"Hey, man, your proposal is good, but it's still understaffed and the workload is too much. We have a dozen adults in total, and most of them are women, cutting down trees, doing horse-rejection, and building walls. .My God, this workload is too much, we might as well find a ready-made safer base when we have time."

"Isn't there no ready-made place? Do you know any safe place there?" Li Yunfei asked back, which made everyone fall into silence for a while. If there was such a place, everyone would have left long ago and would stay there. What are you doing here.

"Man, why are you so sure that the zombies will come? Maybe it's just a matter of worry." Everyone was really not interested in building a castle on this mountain. The main problem was that they didn't have the energy at all.

Everyone is dragging their families with them, and it is very troublesome to find food and living materials. There is still time there, and there are only a dozen adults in total for that kind of big project. There are only eight men and one elderly person.

After discussing for a long time without getting any result, Li Yunfei could only give up the unrealistic idea. In fact, he really wanted to leave by himself. This group of people would rather sit and chat in their spare time, and they were not willing to do as much preparation as possible. There is really nothing he can do about this attitude.

But when I thought about it, if the plot didn't change, several people might die tomorrow night. I really didn't want to waste the opportunity to save people, but there are 100 places.

There is one more thing that I don't seem to be able to help myself, so I decided to stay and help. No matter what, I will wait until tomorrow night.

As long as I help those people escape tomorrow night's catastrophe, I also say that I have done my best. Of course, saving people for a while can't save people for the rest of their lives, so in the future, everyone should seek more happiness for themselves!

If these people are willing to wake up and know the seriousness of the situation, then they can teach them some defensive countermeasures, but these countermeasures are things that I used to think about when I was watching dramas, and I even read some doomsday survival when I was bored. The strategy is coming.

In fact, as long as these people are really willing to follow their own, there is really a way to save their lives. Of course, if they die of illness, at least they are well protected. They are unlikely to be killed by zombies, and they can also avoid the forces formed by other people.

"I'll go around and see what's going on nearby." Li Yunfei got up and left immediately, he really needed to get acquainted with the environment here.

"Be careful, man, remember to come back early." The old man called out.

"Li, I think what you said makes sense, but don't blame everyone. In fact, everyone is quite tired."

"I know, but Glenn, why didn't you go to rest, but came with you?"

"In more than an hour, it will be dark. The two of you will be safe together."

"Glen, you are so familiar with the city, do you know where there is a weapons store?" Li Yunfei wanted to get more weapons for self-defense.

"You better get rid of that idea. It's been visited countless times, and it's basically impossible to find a weapon."

"That's such a pity!" Li Yunfei suddenly remembered the tank parked on the street and several military vehicles. It seemed that a lot of soldiers had died there, so he might be able to get a lot of weapons and ammunition.

"Well, these bushes are very good and can be used as spear traps." Seeing a bush that was more than one meter high, Li Yunfei also thought of a very simple trap that could easily deal with zombies.

"Li, what do you do with so many wooden spears, do you deal with zombies?" Seeing that Li Yunfei kept cutting down some bushes and quickly cut them into spear-like things, Glenn was also quite curious. Although he also helped cut down bushes, But the efficiency is much lower.

"You'll find out in a moment. In short, it can be used to save one's life at night." Li Yunfei didn't explain too much, the explanation was just a waste of time.

"Can this thing save lives?"

"Of course you can... Don't look at chopping. Your fruit knife is really not good at chopping wood. Let's help bring these things back."

"Well, be careful yourself." The efficiency of his little knife in cutting bushes was too low, so he stopped insisting. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Although it is said that according to the plot, it is impossible for zombies to come tonight, but the plot has changed a bit after I came here. When he came back, Ryan also drove by the way and found the guns he lost, which led to many zombies following him on the way back. In addition, when he came back, he was still driving an excavator, so the speed was also low. It was a lot slower, and I didn't get on the truck until I went up the mountain and came back together...

Li Yunfei was judging whether there would be zombies in the camp today, when suddenly he heard a scream from a person not far away.

Something must have happened, I searched for the source of the sound, and rushed over quickly, I really found three zombies swaying towards the two mushroom pickers, one big and one small, and one of the little girls had tripped. On the ground, the other one wanted to wrap the person up and run away, but she herself was too frightened to go weak. Sure enough, the plot still changed, and the zombies that should not have appeared still appeared. Of course, it's just a few zombies and it's not worth mentioning. After a few steps, he rushed over, his hand fell, and his head was instantly cut off.

"The two of you hurry back to the camp, don't come out to pick mushrooms, it's no longer safe nearby." He helped the two of them and gave a command, and suddenly the girl looked behind her in horror and screamed.

"You're deafening your ears when you're calling me!" You don't have to guess to know that there are zombies in the bushes in the distance, but now the woman's high-decibel scream is rushed, and the ears are buzzing It made a noise, and I couldn't hear the movement behind me at all. I turned around and saw that the number seemed to be a bit large. There were seven or eight zombies approaching.

At this time, some people in the camp finally rushed over, and they were also very nervous when they found seven or eight zombies. Quickly took out a long spear and a short spear, and after a burst of intense gunshots, the group of zombies were instantly wiped out.

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