Time Traveler

Chapter 1236: The Way to Avoid Misfortune Beyond Chaos

Using the Great Dao Formation to block the recovery of the consciousness of the Daoist Fate is actually equivalent to resisting the special rule attack of the Daoist Destiny. Although it seems that the wind is clear and the clouds are clear, the pressure is actually quite huge, but the benefits are also very much.

Even if there is no comprehension of the rules information provided by the consciousness of fate, in fact, the sparring of the rules that the Dao Master of Destiny hits across the Great Chaos Zone can also greatly promote the formation of the Dao.

Because the unknown rules that come in are changing, and if you want to prevent the wind and rain, you must constantly improve and upgrade the avenue formation. There are loopholes in the defense of the law, and Li Yunfei can also quickly improve and upgrade the avenue formation.

But what is a bit troublesome is that this Great Dao Formation is rapidly perfected, but it consumes a lot of time, causing my own cultivation to grow at the same time as the Great Dao Formation. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, the gap between the Spirit's Will and the Great Dao Formation Even bigger.

The most troublesome thing is that I still feel that the basic rules of chaos have a strong sense of repulsion to the avenue formation, because with the growth and improvement of the avenue formation, the function is almost the same as the basic rules of chaos.

Sometimes I really wonder if this is a conspiracy made by the consciousness of fate and the master of fate, because the avenue formation is excluded from chaos, and I will inevitably go with it, then this great chaos area will naturally fall to fate. conscious hands.

But now the consciousness of fate is all in his own avenue formation, it can be said that he is completely under his control. If he really appears to be expelled from the Great Chaos Area, then he can be pulled along with him. In the end, the calculation of fate is not the same. ? And this destiny consciousness does not want to live, and actively enters his own avenue formation?

Could it be that the consciousness of destiny was also kept in the dark, and the Taoist figured with him together? There is only one purpose to expel oneself from this chaotic zone. As for the expulsion by the basic rules of chaos, it seems that there is no essential difference between the Taoist and the Taoist.

He quickly deduced the Great Dao Formation, analyzed the possibilities in the future, and quickly gave various possible probabilities. The probability that he was unknowingly calculated by the Fate Dao Master was as high as more than 70%.

With the development of the current speed, the probability of being expelled by the basic rules of chaos in the next 20,000 to 300,000 years is as high as 80%. The probability of a chaotic zone is also 40%. The most effective way to avoid disaster is to restart a chaotic area outside the chaos, and the probability of successfully avoiding disaster is 7.50%.

"...It's really a hassle!" Looking at the deduction results of the Great Dao Formation, it was indeed a bit of a headache.

"What's the trouble?" The sense of destiny, who had just finished practicing, suddenly heard Li Yunfei muttering to himself, and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, what's the effect of your severing that fate disconnecting?"

"It's a little more troublesome than expected, and it may take 200,000 to 300,000 years!"

"...So, you and I are really being calculated by the Taoist!"

"How come, you and I calculated together, and he won't get any benefit."

"If he has a divine soul accidentally breaking into here, then as long as you expel me, I will have the opportunity to completely occupy this chaotic area!"

"Has something happened to your avenue formation?"

"It didn't happen, but this avenue formation is growing too fast, my consciousness is far from keeping up with the growth of the avenue formation, so I can't restrain the majestic momentum that extends hundreds of millions of chaotic zones, but now I feel it. To be rejected by the basic rules of chaos." Li Yunfei didn't hide anything, the strength of this avenue formation is already similar to the basic rules of chaos, so even if there is a real Taoist standing in front of him, he is also qualified to challenge , Of course, I am not afraid of what conspiracy the consciousness of destiny can have in my own avenue formation.

"Can't clear the newly emerged consciousness clone?"

"I can't, unless I am already the master of the avenue, and after integrating the avenue formation, I can completely control all the situations in this chaotic area!"

"How about now, are you going to use me for a knife?" Although the consciousness of destiny is very calm, it is also a little uneasy. If the other party directly takes action to avoid future troubles, the current basic rules of chaos may not necessarily limit this person, the maximum The punishment is just to expel this chaotic area, but since the current basic rules of chaos have revealed the meaning of expulsion, then the threat is invalid.

"...If I go to Chaos and reopen Chaos, are you willing to help me?" After carefully analyzing the gains and losses, Li Yunfei finally proposed a method of cooperation to improve the probability of success. With the help of destiny consciousness, the frequency of success can be increased. to ninety percent.

"Okay, I will let all the members of the Chaos Alliance fully assist me, but when you are done, help me open up a companion Chaos area."

"Why is it that I don't have much confidence in myself, but you are so confident?" Li Yunfei didn't directly refuse, but asked a little suspiciously.

"Whenever I am here, I always feel like I am in chaos. Your avenue formation is already a nascent chaos."

"...Okay, as long as I successfully open a chaotic zone outside of chaos, then I will help you to open a companion chaotic zone as well."

"Your decision is very wise. In this case, let's quickly gather our respective worlds, and the sooner we act, the better. If the Taoist has a clone consciousness here, then the Taoist himself will come here very quickly." The consciousness of destiny is that he doesn't want to wait for a moment. If the Taoist Lord comes to this chaotic area, it is a big deal for Li Yunfei to run as far as he can, but he has no chance to escape.


Since you want to leave this chaotic area and prepare to stand on your own, then of course all the worlds that can be taken away will be taken away. The avenue array can radiate up to hundreds of millions of small chaotic areas, and in principle can accommodate all the time and space that have been connected now. universe.

However, the space-time universe that can be taken away must not be too much, because if you want to take things away in this chaotic area, it is equivalent to weakening the growth potential of this chaotic area, and the power of backlash will be quite huge, just like the ascension of the cultivator. Taking too many things away from other worlds must be the same reason that the world he is in will be embarrassed.

Li Yunfei didn't say much about preparing to evacuate this chaotic area. First of all, he released the news and gave a time limit for the explorers to return to the headquarters.

Then I worried about the members of the Presbyterian Council~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and explained everything. Those who are willing to go together and those who are unwilling to go can stay. It is still unknown whether the Lord of Fate will come to this chaotic area in the future. .

In addition, a very formal arrangement was also made for the mission of the World Alliance to block the Fate Master. A small causal tree bred from the big causal tree flew out of the soul and disappeared into the vast chaos. , leaving an opportunity to stop the Daoist Fate's control of this chaotic area. As for whether it will be successful or not, no one knows, this is the only thing that can be done now, but ask for it with a clear conscience.

Originally, I really wanted to guard this great chaotic area, and it could be regarded as a disguised form of support for the big alliance, but it may be calculated by that fate in disguise. reaction. If you continue to stay now, something will definitely happen. Either you will be expelled by the basic rules of chaos, or you will be expelled by the Dao Master of Fate.

Although the news has not been announced, many people have guessed it, because many of the more important worlds have been brought into the prehistoric world by those big Luo Jinxian, and the prehistoric world that has never grown up for countless years has also begun to grow rapidly. Growing up, it was definitely something big to happen.

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