Time Traveler

Chapter 1237: Open up Chaos (End)

Tens of thousands of worlds have been received into the prehistoric world and placed all over the world. Although those time-space universes seem to be huge, they only exist in the prehistoric world as a singularity of time and space. There is still a limit to what the world can hold.

To be precise, Li Yunfei's current strength of spiritual consciousness is still limited. If too many worlds are integrated into the prehistoric world, exceeding the limit that Li Yunfei's spiritual consciousness can carry, then the prehistoric world may fall apart and collapse directly into countless. small world. At that time, the basic rules of chaos will add fuel to the flames, and directly throw those space-time universes into places that are difficult for Li Yunfei to find in person.

Just like the last war with the consciousness of destiny, the space-time universe that was separated from the world tree by the consciousness of destiny, there are still tens of thousands of them that have not been found, and many of them are fueled by the basic rules of chaos.

There are only millions of worlds that are finally chosen to take away due to various considerations, less than one thousandth of the total. Of course, when the prehistoric world that accommodates many worlds is separated from chaos, it is still subject to a huge backlash...

"...It's a pity!" Seeing that many worlds were stripped from the system, Bai Niangzi's emotions seemed extremely disappointed. Although most of those worlds were found in the last million years, they didn't have much interest, but they were already It is a bit reluctant to let go of the world that has been successfully connected to after getting it.

"In the future, we will open up a chaotic area by ourselves, and everything will be there." He hugged the person and comforted him.

"My concubine is just feeling, and my husband doesn't need to care." Bai Niangzi said something with a forced smile. She has always been in charge of the system, and she is very concerned about the expansion of the alliance. Perhaps her feelings for the World Alliance may be deeper than Li Yunfei's. point.

"The lady should be happy. After I borrow the Dao formation to open the chaos zone outside the chaos, the lady can continue to cultivate and grow. At that time, nothing can stop you from becoming a Taoist."

"At that time, Xianggong will also be the master of the Dao in the true sense!"

"It's not really a real Taoist master, it can only be said that there is a foundation for becoming a Taoist master, just like the big karma tree that was born at the beginning."

"By the way, Xianggong, when some of our testers evacuated those time-space universes, there were still some relics that were not cleaned up. How should we deal with them? Should we send special personnel to clean them up again?" Bai Niangzi called out some worlds. Leaving traces of image data asked.

"...It's just a few irrelevant things, let them go." After a few casual glances, they are just some scraps of copper and iron, or some basic knowledge left in the silence of some more showy testers. , said nothing.

"Didn't Xianggong say that the traces must be cleaned up? Why doesn't it matter now?" Bai Niang asked very puzzled.

"The cause of today, the fruit of tomorrow, it turns out that those things left behind are the result of the operation of the little causal tree for the ultimate goal. Lady, don't worry about these little things, why don't you enjoy this rare leisure!" As soon as you move, you know why those things are left behind, and you don't care much.

Because it is not clear what the outcome of the chaos will be once it starts, it is certain that the initial stage will be very uncomfortable, because it needs to resist the turbulent void outside the chaos, so I want to take the opportunity to spend a few days relaxed.

"Then what should I do next?"

"Well, the prehistoric world has expanded many times, let's walk around and have a look, how about enjoying this wonderful river and mountains?"

"How about calling Wansheng together, or else she will definitely be beaten to death by that girl in the future, saying that we won't take her with us when we go out to play." Seeing that Li Yunfei was going to take him to the green for an outing, Lady Bai did not forget to call Wansheng.

It's just that Halloween called Yelena by the way, and Yelena told Isabel about it, and then brought Mora over and looked at it eagerly, and then Li Yunfei could only go out with the four girls. Mountain and water...

This leisure time is always short, and a hundred years have passed in a flash. I wanted to be more dashing for a while, but the sense of destiny came in a hurry with all his belongings, and had to end the leisure days. .

This sense of destiny is really anxious. In the past few hundred years, the seal of the Great Dao Formation that Li Yunfei has blessed on his soul has been completely melted away, and the unknown rules have begun to melt his consciousness again, so he has to Act as soon as possible.


With the help of this super jump formation, Li Yunfei jumped directly to the edge of the chaotic zone. Looking at the nothingness outside the chaos, his senses were completely unable to detect anything, because everything that entered the nothingness would completely lose contact. , even if Divine Sense enters it, it will disappear instantly.

However, after the Dao Formation was extended, it was finally successfully maintained because of the self-contained circulatory system with no beginning and no end, supported by the will of the Spiritual Mind. Relying on the Great Chaos Zone.

"...Is destiny ready?" He turned his head and glanced at destiny consciousness and asked.

"Yes, let's start!" Destiny didn't hesitate much, and directly blessed all the power of the rules of destiny on the avenue formation, and really went all out, because the failure to open up chaos was for him. There is no benefit.

Li Yunfei didn't continue to say anything. With the expansion of spiritual sense, the avenue formation finally appeared in the turbulent flow of nothingness outside the chaos. The moment he left the great chaos zone, he lost all contact with the great chaos zone, even if Even the small causal tree that can be hidden in the depths of chaos did not perceive its existence at all.

Li Yunfei also officially embarked on the feat of opening up a chaotic area outside the chaos. This kind of thing is indeed a feat. Even if the two masters of fate and the master of the road have never done this, of course there has never been that one. Dao Jun has done this.

Of course, this time, the Chaos Zone was opened up in nothingness, but Li Yunfei was not alone. In fact, it was not only the consciousness of destiny that provided assistance, but all the Daluo Jinxian cultivators who had mastered the Dao Fruit were providing the Dao Formation. A steady stream of willpower supports the new Chaos expansion.

I don’t know how wide the nothingness outside the chaos is. Anyway, there will be no perception feedback when the divine consciousness is scattered. Also, no matter how the avenue formation is extended, it will always be an infinitely small point in the nothingness. It's just, as small as the singularity of time and space in the chaos.

Chaos derived from the avenue formation appeared in the turbulent flow of nothingness. Naturally, Xu Yaao was under enormous pressure. The strange and elusive turbulent flow of the void could appear anytime and anywhere, constantly attacking the new chaos.

The only thing Li Yunfei can do is to rely on a strong will to support the stability of the Great Dao formation, and at the same time improve the formation of the Dao with a little bit of improvement. Others really can't help this matter, and only Li Yunfei comes alone.

It can improve and upgrade the resistance of the avenue formation to the turbulent void, which is also one of the most powerful reliances for Li Yunfei to dare to open up a large chaotic area in the turbulent void outside of chaos.

As long as the Great Dao Formation continues to grow and perfect, no matter how strange the turbulent void is, as long as it is attacked by erosion more often, it will be completely clear one day, and a special response rule will be developed to directly ignore this kind of attack.

I don't know how many years have passed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The newly born chaos has finally successfully stabilized in the turbulent flow of nothingness...

"This is successful?" It's a little surprising that things went smoothly.

"...Congratulations to the leader of the chaotic Taoist master!" Fate hesitated for a while, and finally gave a slight salute, which was a disguised admission of the primary and secondary relationship between himself and the other party.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I promise you will do it." Li Yunfei, who was in a good mood, promised directly.

The divine sense instantly extended out of his own chaos. Although the great chaos area is not too big, it may not be one-thousandth of the great chaos that left, but this chaos area was created by yourself, but it can be omniscient and omnipotent. In the future, it can grow with the growth of one's own will, and it can be said that the owner has unlimited potential.

It’s just that chaos has been opened up now, and it’s still unclear what those big chaotic areas are... How big is this nothingness, and I haven’t figured out why there is chaos in nothingness... Suddenly I found this omnipotent omnipotence. It seems that it is only done within an infinitely small range. Outside this small circle, there are infinite unknowns waiting to be explored.

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