Time Traveler

Chapter 1235: The means of the Master of Fate

Chapter 1235: The Way of the Daoist Fate (Page 1/1)

Consciousness is expanding at an extremely fast speed in chaos with the avenue formation, and it is almost only a moment's effort to reach the edge of the exploration of the world alliance. The current expansion of chaos is actually the expansion of the time dimension of chaos, and the exploration direction of the world alliance is actually mostly the same. Explore along the time dimension.

This exploration method is actually not much different from the normal exploration method. The first is to determine a time dimension, then jump, and then expand in the direction according to the basic rules. Normal explorers are of course like this, they can only enter one time dimension to explore at a time, but Li Yunfei's Dao formation can enter many time dimensions at the same time to explore at the same time.

In principle, the current Dao formation can support all time dimensions for simultaneous exploration. Unfortunately, only the consciousness of Daojun can't support it after all, so it can't be omniscient and omnipotent in a large chaotic area like the Dao master.

Originally, the true spirit could grow completely at the same time as the Great Dao formation. With the current power of the Dao Formation, I can wish myself to break through the limit of Daojun, but because the growth rate of this Dao Formation is too fast, I also used a tricky method. .

In recent hundreds of thousands of years, I have been relying on other people to sacrifice true spirit information, and constantly superimpose the Dao formation. Therefore, more or less, the Dao formation is no longer purely original, resulting in a little unstable foundation. Imagine, of course this can be solved with time.

As for the true spirit information, it is really difficult to be kind. In the current alliance, once those cultivators have successfully perfected the Dao and obtained the dao fruit, they will take the initiative to sacrifice the inner dao fruit rules of the true spirit information. Therefore, it is only possible to integrate those rules into the perfection of the Great Dao Formation as much as possible.

After hundreds of thousands of years, more than 100,000 Daluo Jinxian-level cultivators have sacrificed the Dao fruit rules, so the Dao formations in the soul have been perfected to the extent that they are almost equivalent to the basic rules of chaos, just like the Zixiao Palace. The Heavenly Dao Great Array and the Heavenly Dao are almost the same.

At the same time, it quickly extends in all directions in hundreds of time and space latitudes. As long as there is any abnormality in the chaos, it is difficult to hide from detection. It is only a hundred years of continuous exploration, except for the chaotic turbulent flow. No abnormality was found outside the extension of the avenue formation.

In fact, these chaotic turbulent currents are one of the reasons for the mysterious disappearance of some explorers occasionally. Even if Li Yunfei's own consciousness clone is sucked in by those turbulent currents, he will lose contact. ...

There is really not much to discover, and it seems that the meaning of continuing to explore is not big. It is better to refine the Dao formation as soon as possible. Everything else is empty. As long as you break through the Daojun, all problems will be solved.

According to some information obtained by the big alliance, the Daoist master is completely omniscient and omnipotent in a chaotic area, unless another existence of the same level appears, so there can only be one Daoist master in a large chaotic area. The two will definitely be an endless situation. So I have to break through before other cultivators become Taoist masters anyway. Otherwise, there are only two choices, either to rely on the other party or leave. As for fighting Taoist Lord and Taoist Lord, there is no way to fight.

As soon as the consciousness moved, he had returned to the prehistoric world, but before he opened his eyes, he found that there was another person in the hall, but it was Isabelle who had not seen him for a long time. On the contrary, he was meditating, comprehending the Great Dao formation that was sealed in his soul.

It's a little surprising that this girl has always been very stable in her Taoism, but today she seems a little restless, and she can even vaguely see a hint of dark purple magic flickering between her eyebrows, and she has a tendency to re-enter the devil.

"Isabel, why are you upset?" He opened his eyes and asked directly.

"Ah, Master, you are back, but the disciple has been waiting for a long time!" Isabel stood up directly, came to Li Yunfei's side and sat down, very skillfully leaning into Li Yunfei's arms, looking for a Lying in a comfortable position, this situation surprised Li Yunfei quite a bit. Even when this girl was still a demon, she was very reserved. How did she become so active today?

"...Are you going to re-cultivation?"

"No, no, Master... When my disciple realized your Dao formation method recently, there was a slight change in the completely refined demon heart, so every time you practice, you can't help but feel a little uneasy. "Isabel hurriedly sat upright and explained, she couldn't control her heart just now, so her actions were a bit out of line...

"I'll help you see!" As she said that, she hugged the person directly, pressed her palm on her forehead, and her divine sense instantly entered her demon heart. It is reasonable to say that this thing has been reincarnated and sealed to death. Impossible to mess up. As for why it wasn't directly separated, it was planned to keep a little bit of refining to absorb it, which would help Isabel's soul grow.

The result of the detection was really unexpected. It turned out that the consciousness of destiny borrowed her demon heart to send a message to herself requesting a connection.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the avenue formation spread out all around, blocking all external perceptions, and at the same time brought Isabel to the dream world, which activated the set of information links.

Isabel's soul fell into a deep sleep in an instant, but opened her eyes again in an instant, but her eyes changed. Of course, the consciousness of destiny appeared on Isabel, just as it appeared on Zhang Yang.

"What's your situation? You must know that Isabel is my most important woman. If you don't give a reasonable explanation..."

"Don't be angry, Lord, of course I know that this woman is very important to you. I have no choice but to do it." Isabelle took Li Yunfei's hand and acted like a spoiled child, causing Li Yunfei's hair to stand up. .

"Hurry up and say, what's the matter, you are on my Isabelle, I'm really not used to it!"

"...Union Lord Yunfei, my consciousness is gradually dissipating, and it may not be long before it completely disappears, so please help me this time." The destiny consciousness hesitated, and finally decided to tell the truth.

"What's the situation... Could it be the Daoist?"

"Yes, the Taoist is using an unknown secret technique~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to take back my soul!"

"You have to understand one thing about this matter. You and I are only interested in cooperation, so if I help you, you have to get equal benefits. Is it wrong to pay unilaterally?" Li Yunfei did not refuse, but in fact he did It is impossible to refuse. If you really rush the other party, it will be dead anyway. If you just pull the back of the dead and summon the main body directly, it will be a big trouble. Of course, it is also necessary to take advantage of the opportunity to get some benefits. Examples of wasted work cannot be opened. Cooperation requires mutual benefits.

"I can open up my true spirit information to you." Under the threat of complete extinction, the consciousness of destiny directly offered a condition that Li Yunfei could not refuse.

"Okay, how can I help you?"

"Use your avenue formation to protect me for millions of years, and I will completely cut off all connections with the body."

"The remuneration is fair, and it's a word." A big deal was finalized in just a few words. After this time, as long as this fate completely cuts off the connection with the fate master, then the fate of the fate The threat will cease to exist.

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