Time Traveler

Chapter 1234: The secret of Chaos' rapid expansion

The rapid development of the World Alliance. In just a few hundred thousand years, the scope of exploration has expanded to billions of small chaotic areas, but the expansion of the chaotic areas has never stopped, so the scope of exploration is still less than one million. one part.

On average, there will be at least dozens of space-time singularities in a small chaotic region. Although these space-time singularities may not necessarily have opened the space-time universe, they can be used as seeds for the opening of the space-time universe.

As long as the Dao is in the combined Dao stage, you can use the singularity of time and space to open up a real time and space, so that you can grow together with the growth of time and space. This is already one of the most commonly used methods of cultivation in the alliance at this stage. With the help of the power of the world Growing up together, buying a time-space singularity is not expensive, at least a lot cheaper than the heart of the world.

In fact, seriously speaking, the heart of the world is not much different from the space-time singularity, but the heart of the world is at least a kind of singularity that has completed the birth and evolution of the world and then ended. It has more perfect creation rules, so the price will be higher.

Although the Heart of the World or the Space-Time Singularity of the Early Ecology is only something that can be derived from a single thought to Li Yunfei, this thought also requires time to pay, and the current alliance has demand for this kind of thing. can only be described as infinite.

Because there are so many connected time-space universes, there are more than 30 billion, and more than 30% of them have given birth to intelligent creatures. With so many intelligent creatures, of course, there will be many geniuses.

In other words, the current tester number already needs to be numbered with 6 letters and 12 numbers. From this, we can see how large the base of the tester is, and as a tester, he grows through various tasks. It will be very fast when it comes to the joint stage, and it will be very difficult to achieve the true immortal level.

Although there are many ways to become a Primordial Immortal, the most simple and effective way is to integrate into a world heart or a singularity of time and space, open up a small world of your own in the chaos, and then use the growth of that small world. Grow up together, easily prove the Dao Primordial Primordial Immortal...

There is no war anymore, and you basically don’t have to worry about being attacked by anything when exploring the chaotic universe. Generally speaking, as long as it is not a fleet attack from the Chaos Alliance, any explorer who is in the joint phase drives three generations of chaotic battleships, and can be in chaos. Come and go freely.

Of course, nothing can be said to be absolute. Occasionally, there will be some accidents, but in general, the probability of accidents is not high, so as long as you reach the joint phase, you will apply to become an explorer in all likelihood, and make a contribution to the exploration of chaos. force.

The number of new explorers added each year exceeds 10 billion. It stands to reason that with such a large number of explorers joining, the number of exploring chaos should be very fast, and the known areas to be explored will increase very quickly. But the result was just the opposite. For the entire Great Chaos Region, the exploration speed of the World Alliance was not as fast as the expansion of Chaos.

In the Zixiao Palace, Li Yunfei is still absorbing and merging some real spirit information, and some of the rules are integrated into the avenue formation, as perfect as possible. All Saints also sat honestly beside Li Yunfei and comprehended the avenue formation. , to perfect her Dao fruit, she did not sacrifice true spirit information to Li Yunfei, because her Dao fruit was born out of the Dao formation, even if it was sacrificed, it would not help.

Bai Niangzi is processing some data information sent back by the system, and at the same time adjusting some tasks that are no longer suitable. At the same time, she is also dealing with some unexpected events. There are millions of subordinates who assist her in managing the heavens and the world. She seems busy and fulfilled every day. She is really satisfied with her current life. Now she can no longer practice. It is indeed a great joy in life to be able to do some things.

"Xianggong has added 10.5 billion new explorers this year, an increase of 0.65% over last year, but according to similar news from the detection center, the speed of chaos expansion is even greater than the increase of our explorers, which has increased more than last year. 1% or more."

"...It's really strange, why is this chaos soaring like it's alive!" I used to think that it was because of my own strength and the growth of my destiny consciousness that stimulated the expansion of the basic rules of chaos, but in recent hundreds of thousands of years, the two have Growth is extremely slow, almost stagnant, why is this chaos accelerating expansion?

In the first few years, the speed of exploring chaos was faster than the speed of chaos expansion. For ten thousand years, the number of Chaos Explorers has been increasing year by year.

"Could it be that there are some powerful creatures in this chaos?" Li Yunfei thought a little suspiciously, and even a little doubted if the Daoist Fate had quietly appeared in this chaos zone, so it was exciting. The chaotic area has grown rapidly, but the possibility of getting the news from the consciousness of destiny seems unlikely.

"Lord Xianggong, didn't you say before that chaos might really be a creature? Could it be that this piece of chaos is really a creature, it used to be dormant, but now this chaos has awakened?" All the saints who were comprehending the Dao formation suddenly said sentence.

"That's just a wild guess. Speaking of which, I have worked hard for many years for this conjecture. For the past 100,000 years, I have been trying to have some simple communication with the basic rules of chaos, and it ended in failure. There is also fate. , or ended in failure, so it is unlikely that this chaos is biological, and even if it should be, it is not something we can understand, and it is impossible to communicate at all."

"Lord Xianggong, in order to understand the truth, let's explore the chaos together. Maybe if you are lucky, you will know the reason."

"Should I bring you to explore Chaos?"

"Of course~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Sister Bai has no time. If you don't bring me, Lord Xianggong will be so boring."

"You girl, you should practice well, I won't take you this time... When will you go to the Holy Rank Daluo Jinxian, I will definitely take you to walk around in the chaos." Said this, but closed his eyes, in the sea of ​​​​knowledge The avenue formation of the chaotic quickly extended to the basic rules of chaos. What Halloween said is indeed true. In order to find out the truth, we should go to the chaos to explore carefully, and maybe there will be some clues to be discovered.

"Sister Bai, Lord Xiang is leaving by himself?"

"I know and ask?"

"Did I say something wrong?"

"I didn't say anything wrong. There are indeed many unknown things in the endless chaos. There are hundreds of mysterious disappearances of explorers every year, and even the true spirits have not returned, so you can still feel at ease. It's better to stay in the prehistoric world, but don't think about sneaking out to explore the chaos or something, if he becomes a part of the bizarre missing person, Xianggong will be missing a pistachio."

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