Time Traveler

Chapter 1233: Growing Chaos Zone

It has never been speculated when the Daoist Destiny will come. Even according to the speculation of the Daoist formation, it seems that it has successfully blocked the arrival of Daoist Destiny without knowing it. Because it has a lot to do with the alliance of destiny consciousness.

What made Li Yunfei even more unexpected was that after a long period of observation and analysis, one thing was finally determined. It turned out that the peeps that Yue Lingshan appeared from time to time were not from the Dao Master of the World Major League, but the basic rules of chaos. What's even more surprising is that Peep is actually monitoring the fluctuation of the cause and effect avenue in Yue Lingshan's true spirit.

This is really inconceivable. If you look at it from this point alone, the rules of fate seem to be a kind of preliminary consciousness generated by some worlds, with a certain self, but because of the different latitudes, as a world creature, you can't understand that latitude consciousness at all.

For this kind of thing, you can only let it go, or you are just asking for trouble, just like the beings living in the prehistoric world want to deal with the way of heaven, they are simply not at ease, or continue to live a relatively stable and peaceful life. days are more realistic.

After spending hundreds of years in the fantasy world with sister Yue Lingshan, this adventurous little girl finally drove her Chaos Fortress team to start the journey of chaos exploration. In fact, what she didn't know was that Li Yunfei's clone directly transformed into She wore a small bracelet, which she always wore on her hand, to accompany her on adventures.

In addition, the growth of this chaotic area is still difficult. It is strange that the world alliance in another large chaotic area has not mentioned the completion of the chaotic exploration. Maybe the big chaotic area over there is growing faster. In other words, according to the growth rate of this great chaotic area, the hundreds of millions of explorers in the alliance act together, and the speed of exploration is not necessarily faster than that of chaos.

At the same time as chaos grows, there are still time-space universes that are automatically generated from time to time. Now it is also clear how the space-time universe is generated when chaos expands. It turns out that some chaos is generated when the space-time latitude and space dimensions intersect and separate from each other. The collision of forces inadvertently created a space-time singularity, and then space-time expanded with the intrusion of the power of chaos, and began to self-develop and develop, and many fragmentary rules began to move towards orderly achievement of a universe...

"It seems that my luck is really good. I can find a space-time singularity just by looking around, and I will get 100,000 points!" Zhang Fei had to speak to the communicator.

"I'm so sorry. Just now, I actually discovered a multiverse. I'll treat myself to you when I go back to the headquarters next time." Zhang Yang said something not to be outdone. Zhang Fei was immediately choked and speechless. Of course, Zhang Yang really found a multiverse. The universe, but it was a multiverse that was attacked by the consciousness of destiny in the last war and lost to chaos.

It is said that I lost nearly 100,000 space-time universes that time, one third of which was received from the consciousness of destiny, and the rest were thrown there without knowing it. In fact, the space-time universe basically appears in chaos. It’s just a singularity. It’s hard to find the infinitesimal if it’s not close to it. The most important thing is that when these space-time singularities are not connected by the world tree, they will move around with the basic rules of chaos without any rules, so they are missing for a while. It's hard to get it back after time.

"Zhang Yang, you said that if we encounter Chaos Alliance personnel in this public chaos area, should we kill them?"

"Of course we have to destroy it. Although we and the Chaos Alliance have already formed an alliance, but when we meet in Chaos, at most we can't use any secret technique to seal the other party's true spirit. As for other things, there are no restrictions... In fact, this public area, People from the Chaos camp generally don't dare to come."

"Then you are very wrong. Just now I destroyed a demon **** equivalent to the golden immortal level, and obtained twenty-eight world hearts... How about it, it is worth your multiverse."

Although the two did not explore together, they still talked endlessly. They each drove a chaotic fortress, and their strengths were both large and golden immortals. Therefore, in this chaos, it can be said that there is absolutely no need to worry about being attacked, unless it is fate consciousness. But now that the agreement has been signed, it is unlikely to go back on it.


This is an era of coexistence of peace and crisis. Although the large-scale wars have ceased, the small-scale wars have never disappeared. In order to facilitate mutual exchanges and contests, a public chaos zone has been deliberately opened for both parties to enter. , with a range of thousands of small chaotic areas.

From time to time, the two sides of the alliance will be in a specially created public area, which is called the chaotic battlefield by the lowly people, where they can compete with each other and promote each other's growth.

Of course, this contest is not a simple competition, but a real life-and-death battle. After entering the battlefield, there will be no restrictions. Life and death are conceited. Those who win the war can collect the spoils, but they cannot seal the true spirit of the other party. If you violate the rules set by the two ultimate Taoists, the problem will be very serious.

Another point is that this contest is not just a simple world alliance and a chaotic faction. In fact, there are still many strengths that have been hidden in the dark gradually surfaced and joined this special event.

I have to say that this kind of contest, which is equivalent to a small-scale war, is indeed quite effective in promoting the growth of strength. Due to the problem of the total population, the growth strength of the Chaos Alliance is relatively general, but for the World Alliance, the growth can be quite amazing. Now, in just over 100,000 years, there have been more than 8,000 Great Luo Jinxian, which sounds incredible, but it really happened.

The World Alliance has ushered in its most glorious period of development. The number of cultivators who have comprehended the Dao and obtained the dao fruit is increasing. Even those cultivators who have sacrificed the information of the true spirit~www.wuxiamtl.com~ have also successfully used the enlightenment. Li Yunfei's avenue formation has continued to improve.

It is not known whether he can become the king of the avenue, but one thing is certain, as long as Li Yunfei himself becomes the master of the avenue, then those who comprehend the Dao formation and practice will definitely have the opportunity to become the king of the avenue. This situation is a little bit. If there is no appetite for the main body and the clone, as long as the main body exceeds a large rank, the clone can comprehend the Dao and become a peak cultivator of a lower rank.

It is precisely because of this situation that many Daluo Jinxian who thought that their normal practice could no longer break through offered sacrifices to Li Yunfei with information about their true spirits. Later, almost as long as they became Daluo Jinxian in the prehistoric world, they would directly report to Lord Zuxian. Sacrifice the true spirit information and then modify the avenue formation for further improvement.

At this stage, the upper limit of the promotion is no different from comprehending the heaven and achieving the holy position. The end point is still the holy rank Daluo Jinxian, but as long as the ancestors can one day become the master of the road, then these young brothers who have sacrificed the information of the true spirit, Naturally, the tide will rise, and the breakthrough of Da Luo Jinxian will also become just around the corner.

It's just that the peak of the Daoist's cultivation base wants to go further, and he really doesn't know how to do it. No one can give experience to this kind of thing, but he can only find out by himself.

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