Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 94: Killing Two People Instantly

The two of them walked not far forward, and saw two warriors standing not far ahead. They looked like they were not weak in cultivation.

Seeing Su Chen and the others approaching, the two warriors immediately stepped forward to stop them, and said with an evil look on their faces: "Who are you? Don't you know that the Xingyang Mountain Range has been sealed by our iron gate, and no one is allowed to enter or exit at will?"

Su Chen stopped and said, "It's convenient for you two. I have some important things to do when I go into the mountain, so I won't disturb you."

"Can it be convenient?"

The two warriors seemed to have heard a big joke. One of them sneered and said, "If you don't go and inquire, who dares to make our Iron Clothes Sect convenient? Boy, I would like to advise you to go back quickly!"

Another person also said fiercely: "Boy, you'd better be more sensible. Our young master of the Iron Clothes Sect was killed. Everyone in the Iron Clothes Sect is looking for the murderer, but they don't have time to chat with a brat like you. If you don’t leave, don’t blame us for being rude!”

However, Su Chen stood still, showing a curious look, and asked: "Then I dare to ask you two, how do the Iron Clothes Sect plan to catch the murderer? I heard that your young master has been dead for a while. It’s time, any clues should have been eliminated, right?”

"Why do you ask?"

The two Iron Cloth Sect warriors squinted their eyes and looked at Su Chen, "This kind of thing is the secret of the Iron Clothes Sect, how could I tell you so easily?"

"However, I'm sorry that you, a young brat, can't be the murderer of the young master. We don't mind telling you two things. Our Iron Clothes Sect naturally has its own unique way of tracing, even if it's been several months. The murderer has already taken a shower and changed his clothes. As long as he is still in the Xingyang Mountains, we can trace him. "

Su Chen pretended to be surprised and said: "So powerful? Is it some unique magic weapon or secret?"

The two Iron Clothes Sect warriors were already impatient and waved their hands: "Why are you asking so many questions? What does it have to do with you? Don't delay us from doing business here, go ahead!"


Su Chen said and walked towards the mountain.

"Boy, you're going in the wrong direction!"

One person's face couldn't help but darken. He even said that the mountain was closed and he still went inside. Could this kid have come to cause trouble on purpose?

Su Chen seemed not to have heard anything, and continued to walk forward without stopping.

"Boy, can't you hear me talking to you? Are you deaf?"

Another person yelled, but Su Chen still didn't seem to hear it and just kept walking inside.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

"I think you're just here to cause trouble, right?"

"Go on, kill this kid!"

The two Iron Clothes Sect warriors' eyes were filled with fierce gleams. They each drew their weapons and attacked Su Chen from behind.

However, before they got close to Su Chen, Su Chen suddenly stopped as if he had eyes on his back. Then he stretched his arms to both sides, one on each side, and accurately grabbed the necks of the two people.

The next moment, Su Chen used his strength to lift the two of them up like chickens and held them high in the air!

The two were shocked and immediately began to struggle violently, but they felt that the hands stuck on their necks were like iron pliers. The harder they struggled, the tighter they became, making it impossible to break free.

"How can this be?"

The two of them suddenly panicked. Where did this seemingly young boy get such strange strength?

You know, the cultivation of both of them has reached the first level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. Could it be that this seemingly harmless young man has a cultivation level that exceeds the first level of the Condensing Yuan Realm?

"Boy, do you know what you are doing? If anyone dares to touch our iron gate, there will be no way for you to survive in heaven or on earth!"

One of them was struggling and yelling at Su Chen.

Su Chen ignored it at all, and slapped their bodies together as hard as beating gongs with his hands.

puff! There was a muffled sound, which was the sound of flesh and blood being squeezed into mud. The two Iron Clothes Sect warriors didn't even have time to say a word before they turned into two bloody corpses.

Feng Qixing, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but have a gleam of surprise in his eyes. He thought Su Chen would let him deal with these two people, but he didn't expect that Su Chen actually went into battle in person and took care of these two people without any effort.

Judging from the true energy released when Su Chen took action, it was obvious that Su Chen's cultivation had reached the third level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

I remember that when I first met Su Chen in the Five Treasures Hall, Su Chen was only at the tenth level of the Qi Entrainment Realm. Less than a month later, his strength had improved by leaps and bounds. It was no exaggeration. He said that even some geniuses in the imperial capital may not be able to achieve this kind of cultivation speed.

Of course, Feng Qixing didn't know that Su Chen had actually hidden his first-level cultivation in the Condensing Yuan Realm when he was in the Five Treasures Hall. However, even if he knew it, it would not affect Feng Qixing's surprise at this moment.

"What are you doing standing around, let's go!"

Su Chen clapped his hands and greeted Feng Qixing.

Feng Qixing then stopped thinking and followed Su Chen towards the Xingyang Mountains.

However, Feng Qixing felt that this matter must not end so easily. Su Chen killed two people from the Iron Clothes Sect, and the Iron Clothes Sect would not give up so easily.

However, as a strong man in the imperial capital, Feng Qixing would naturally not be afraid of a mere iron-clothed gate. At worst, he would help Su Chen get rid of them all.

"We are now going to the inner perimeter of the Xingyang Mountains. If we encounter monsters below the fifth level of the Ning Yuan Realm, please don't take action and leave it to me." Su Chen instructed.

"Okay." Feng Qixing nodded.

The two of them headed straight towards the inner perimeter of the Xingyang Mountains, encountering many monsters along the way.

However, for the current Su Chen, monsters below the second level of the Condensation Realm are completely worthless in fighting, and there is no need to take action at all. As long as the pressure of the second level of the Condensation Realm is released, the monsters can be defeated. Scared away.

Su Chen would only kill monsters that reached the third level of the Condensing Realm. Moreover, when he attacks, he will not kill him with one blow, but deliberately avoids the vital parts of the monster and engages in a protracted battle with the monster, just like using the monster as a sparring partner to hone his fighting power.

In this kind of efficient actual combat training, Su Chen's combat level also soared at a speed visible to the naked eye. His "Five Elements Fist" quickly reached the second level.

"Five Elements Fist" is a martial art specially developed for warriors with the Five Elements Core. Only warriors with the Five Elements Core can maximize its power. The more Su Chen fought, the smoother he got, and the power of the Five Elements True Essence Core was fully unleashed.

Su Chen felt that it was a pity that he did not have the opportunity to practice martial arts in his previous life. When he had the opportunity to follow the path of martial arts in this life, he discovered that martial arts was so interesting.

As for Feng Qixing, who was watching from the side, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He had been watching for so long, but he still couldn't tell what kind of warrior Su Chen was. Judging from the true energy released when Su Chen took action, , it seems that every attribute is present, but each attribute is not very obvious.

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