Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 93: Unexpected twists and turns

Su Chen left his room, found Shopkeeper Min, and asked, "Which room is Feng Qixing in?"

"Master Su, are you asking to be envoy? Please come with me."

Shopkeeper Min said as he took Su Chen to another room and said through the doorway, "Envoy, Mr. Su is here."


The door opened immediately.

Feng Qixing stood at the door, his eyes lit up when he saw Su Chen, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Master Su, are you here to teach me the back part of Ming Wang's finger?"

"Let's talk after we get in!"

Su Chen smiled. He knew that he had only taught Feng Qixing the first part of the second half of Mingwang Fingering, and had not taught him the subsequent parts. Feng Qixing should have been anxious for a long time.

Feng Qixing invited Su Chen into the room, made tea, and then asked impatiently:

"Master Su, Prince Ming points to the back part..."

Su Chen smiled: "Don't worry! Aren't I here to teach you the next part?"

As he spoke, Su Chen dipped his fingers into the tea and wrote a few lines on the table.

Feng Qixing took a closer look and found that these few lines were actually the formula pointed out by King Ming, and they were connected to the part he already knew.

Overjoyed, Feng Qixing immediately started practicing on the spot. However, after he practiced for a while, he found that the formula was still incomplete, it was just a little more than what he originally mastered.

Feng Qixing stopped practicing, with a bitter look on his face: "Master Su..."

Su Chen smiled lightly and said, "Don't look at me like this. Of course, I can't teach you all of the second half of the chapter that King Ming pointed out at once, but as long as you behave well, I will teach you part of it every once in a while."

Hearing this, Feng Qixing's eyes finally ignited with hope again. He nodded heavily and said, "Okay, as long as it can solve the problem of my obsessive practice, I will do whatever you want."

"That's right, there's something you need to do right now."

"What's up?"

"Come with me to the Xingyang Mountains!"

This was what Su Chen had thought about before. The environment inside the Xingyang Mountains was complicated and there might be unexpected dangers. It would be much safer to have a strong person by his side. Of course, if it wasn't a real life-or-death situation, Su Chen would not let Feng Qixing take action, as that would lose the meaning of going into the mountains to practice.

Without waiting for Feng Qixing to answer, Su Chen stood up: "Get ready, we will set off early tomorrow morning."

After saying that, Su Chen walked out of Feng Qixing's room.

Looking at Su Chen's leaving figure, Feng Qixing could only smile bitterly. What else could he say? Su Chen was his god now. As long as it could save him from the symptoms of obsession, he would do whatever Su Chen said, let alone just accompanying him on a trip to the mountains?

The next day, Su Chen got up early in the morning and left the Five Treasures Hall with Feng Qixing.

At Su Chen's request, Feng Qixing put on a black robe and covered his face with a black mask. This is to keep his identity mysterious. After all, he is a strong man from the headquarters of Wubaotang in the imperial capital. If someone discovers that such a person is actually following Su Chen, he will undoubtedly attract a lot of strange looks to Su Chen. Hope to see.

As soon as he walked out of the Five Treasures Hall, out of the corner of his eye, Su Chen saw a figure flashing past the corner not far away.

He sneered in his heart. Now he was accompanied by a strong man at the seventh level of the Condensation Realm. If the other party was not afraid of death, he could give it a try.

"Boss, Su Chen finally came out!" At the corner, a man in black licked his lips excitedly, "He finally came out after squatting for so many days. Should we go up and kill him now?"

"Yes, boss, as long as we kill him, the head of the family will definitely reward us heavily!"

"Wait a minute!" The person who spoke was one of the leaders. "Don't you realize that something is wrong?"

"No, is there anything wrong?"

The leader frowned: "Look at the man in black robe following him."

Only then did the other people notice that there was a man in black robes following Su Chen, and said nonchalantly: "Just a follower, nothing interesting to see."

"Yeah, look at him following Su Chen. It looks like he is a servant or a follower. Let's swarm up and deal with it together."

"The main reason Elder Ye San died at that time was because he was too careless. If a group of us go together, then Su Chen will never be able to pull any tricks."

"No." The leader shook his head, "I won't do anything today, let's go."

Then, no matter how reluctant the others were, the leader seemed determined and insisted on taking the others away.

The leader couldn't explain why. It was just the intuition of a warrior who had experienced many battles. He felt that the man in black robes behind Su Chen was emitting a very dangerous aura, which made him dare not approach him, let alone provoke him.

Su Chen and Feng Qixing left the gate of Qinghe City and rushed towards the Xingyang Mountains at full speed.

Su Chen was now at the third level of the Condensing Realm and had stronger legs. It took him an entire afternoon to come back last time, but now he arrived in just over an hour.

As soon as he arrived at the Xingyang Mountains, Su Chen felt something was wrong. Normally, there should be few warriors at the foot of the Xingyang Mountains. People are gathering herbs or practicing in the Xingyang Mountains. But today, there are many warriors wandering at the foot of the mountain, and many of them seem to be ready to go home just after arriving, which makes people feel a little strange.

Su Chen randomly found a warrior who seemed to be preparing to go back and asked, "Friend, did something happen in the Xingyang Mountains today?"

The warrior looked at Su Chen and Feng Qixing behind him and said, "Are you here to practice in the Xingyang Mountains? Don't go in, you can't enter the Xingyang Mountains today."

Su Chen wondered: "Why?"

The warrior shook his head and said: "I don't know very well. It seems that the young master of the nearby Iron Clothes Sect was killed in the Xingyang Mountains. His body was just discovered a few days ago. Now the Iron Clothes Sect has blocked the entire Xingyang. Mountains, no one is allowed in or out, and the murderer of their young master must be caught.”

"I see."

Su Chen didn't expect that the Xingyang Mountains were blocked, and it was because of him.

"You're welcome. Anyway, you don't need to go into the Xingyang Mountains. You will definitely be stopped by the people from the Iron Clothes Sect. Those people from the Iron Clothes Sect are very fierce. Anyone who disobeys their orders will be killed on the spot."

The warrior said that and left.

"Thank you."

Su Chen thanked the warrior, and after the warrior left, he continued walking along the road up the mountain.

Feng Qixing said: "Mr. Su, didn't that person just say that the people from the Tieyi Sect have blocked the Xingyang Mountains? Will they stop us if we go in? Why do we still want to go in?"

"Does this young master need you to talk too much?"

Su Chen smiled lightly, "Just shut your mouth and follow me."

When Feng Qixing heard this, he stopped talking and followed Su Chen silently. Anyway, if those people from the Iron Clothes Sect were really ignorant, then he could help Su Chen solve it.

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