Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 95 The terrifying leapfrog strength

Monsters that have reached the Condensing Yuan Realm usually have some parts of their bodies that are valuable materials. Su Chen naturally wouldn't waste it, but he also wouldn't do it himself, so the task of collecting materials naturally fell on Feng Qixing.

To be honest, Feng Qixing never thought that one day he would follow a fifteen-year-old boy like a follower to do some odd jobs.

In this way, Su Chen killed monsters all the way and went deep into the Xingyang Mountains.


When they were about to reach the inner perimeter, a roar suddenly reached their eardrums.

Turning around to look, I saw a huge body of a wolf-shaped monster coming into view. It was glowing red and was several times larger than an ordinary wolf. Its biggest feature was that it actually had two heads with blood open at the same time. Pen opened his mouth and looked at Su Chen with his green eyes.

"Two-headed blood wolf, a fourth-level monster in the Condensation Realm!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with excitement. This was the first level four Condensing Yuan Realm monster he encountered today. The highest one he encountered before was the third level peak Condensing Yuan Realm.

At this moment, seeing this two-headed blood wolf, Su Chen's inner fighting passion was ignited.

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, the blood of the two-headed blood wolf was an excellent body-tempering material. After absorbing it, he might be able to improve his physique to a higher level.

At that moment, Su Chen pulled out the Canghai Sword and walked towards the two-headed blood wolf.

Feng Qixing, on the other hand, firmly remembered Su Chen's instructions and stood aside without moving if the monsters below the fifth level of the Condensation Realm did not take action.

The two-headed blood wolf growled vigilantly and kept looking at Su Chen and Feng Qixing on one side. Wolves are the most sensitive animals to enemies, even the two-headed blood wolf that has entered the ranks of monsters. It instinctively He was aware of Feng Qixing's powerful cultivation, and while feeling fearful, he was unwilling to give up Su Chen as his prey.

In the eyes of the two-headed blood wolf, Su Chen is much weaker than Feng Qixing. Such human warriors are its best prey, because the bodies of warriors have been tempered by martial arts and various elixirs. It is also a great tonic for monsters.

The two-headed blood wolf has two heads. During battle, both heads can attack alone. The bite force of the two mouths is extremely exaggerated. Among the fourth-level monsters in the Condensation Realm, its combat effectiveness is at the upper-middle level. In addition, the combat power of the monster beast is far superior to that of warriors of the same level. It is no exaggeration to say that two or three human warriors at the fourth level of the Condensation Realm combined may not be its opponent.

Therefore, Feng Qixing was also very curious, how did Su Chen plan to deal with it?

After all, no matter how capable Su Chen was, he was only at the third level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. It was still very difficult to deal with monsters at the fourth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

The two-headed blood wolf roared, but was wary of Feng Qixing's presence and was always cautious and did not attack Su Chen.

Seeing this, Su Chen simply walked closer to the two-headed blood wolf and entered the attack range of the two-headed blood wolf. At this distance, the two-headed blood wolf could easily pounce on Su Chen, but Feng Qixing behind him would be out of reach if he wanted to rescue him.

When the two-headed blood wolf saw that Su Chen had entered its attack range, it immediately became excited and became ferocious. Its two bloody mouths opened at the same time, revealing its white teeth, like daggers, exuding cold air.

"Silly dog, come on!"

Su Chen deliberately made a provocation.

Suddenly, the eyes of the two-headed blood wolf showed a fierce light, roared, and its huge body shot out like a sharp sword, rushing towards Su Chen.

Although the two-headed blood wolf was big, its speed was not slow. It rushed in front of Su Chen almost in the blink of an eye. The two large mouths opened at the same time, the teeth were exposed, and you could even see the sticky saliva dripping between the teeth.

However, at this critical moment, Su Chen always seemed extremely calm.

His hands were holding the hilt of the sword, and his whole body remained motionless, as if he was accumulating strength.

When the teeth of the two-headed blood wolf were less than a foot away from him, Su Chen drew his sword.

His speed was extremely fast, and it took only one-tenth of a breath to draw the sword. The two-headed blood wolf didn't even react, and saw a sword light flashing away, so fast that it seemed like an illusion.

"One sword and nine waves!"

The next moment, a thin blood line appeared on the two necks of the two-headed blood wolf. Then, two huge heads fell down.

Bang! The huge body fell to the ground with a crash.

"The power is pretty good!"

Su Chen nodded with satisfaction. The Overlapping Wave Slash did not disappoint him. Every time he practiced to the next level of wave, the power could be greatly improved. The only drawback is that you need to accumulate energy every time you make a move, so it can only be used as a big killing move.

On the other hand, Feng Qixing was shocked and speechless again. Is this Su Chen still a human? Not to mention that his cultivation speed is incredibly fast, and now with his cultivation at the third level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, he can kill monsters at the fourth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. Is his potential endless?

You must know that the monster beasts at the fourth level of the Condensation Realm are different from the human warriors at the fourth level of the Condensation Realm, especially the two-headed blood wolf, whose strength is almost equivalent to three fourth-level Condensation Realm warriors!

Even the many geniuses in the Imperial City did not have such terrifying strength to challenge themselves when they were at the third level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

At this moment, in Feng Qixing's eyes, Su Chen's body was already cast with a layer of mystery.

"Collect the blood and heart of the two-headed blood wolf and let's go."

Su Chen ordered that the most valuable things in the two-headed blood wolf's body are its blood and heart. The heart is a raw material for refining elixirs, and the blood is a body-tempering material that is extremely effective for warriors.

After collecting the blood and heart of the two-headed blood wolf, they cut off one of the wolf's legs, and then the two of them got back on the road and continued deep into the mountains.

A quarter of an hour later.

"It smells of blood over there!"

Several figures shot out from the forest and landed around the body of the two-headed blood wolf.

After seeing the appearance of the corpse clearly, these people were slightly surprised: "It is actually a two-headed blood wolf at the fourth level of the Condensation Realm!"

"Look at the incision on the neck. It's obvious that he was killed with one blow. This person is quite strong. He might be the person we are looking for."

"Hmph, you dared to kill two warriors from our Iron Clothes Sect and broke into the territory blocked by our Iron Clothes Sect. I am really tired of living. Let's go and continue chasing along the smell of blood. Maybe we can find the bold maniac. only."

After a brief exchange, the few people chased deeper into the mountains.

Su Chen and Feng Qixing had now entered the inner reaches of the mountain range.

This inner area is not as full of monsters as imagined, and there are dangers everywhere. The density of monsters is even smaller than that of the middle and outer areas. Even after walking for a long time, you can't see a single monster.

This is because the monsters living in the inner circle are extremely powerful, so some relatively weak monsters will take the initiative to stay far away from their hunting range, resulting in a situation where traces of monster beasts in the inner circle are rare.

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