Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 92: Third Level of Condensing Yuan Realm

"Okay, it's time for us to go!"

The three alchemy association referees stood up and left.

"Let's go, three." Master Mo sent the three judges and the girl to the gate of the Alchemy Guild.

Before the girl left, she suddenly came to Su Chen's side and whispered: "Hey, you are so awesome!"

Su Chen smiled: "It's not bad!"

"Don't be modest. I have never seen those referees look like that. You are really awesome!"

The girl blinked her eyes and said, "If you have a chance to come to Anyang City in the future, you must come to the Alchemy Club to play with me!"

With that said, she jumped up and left with the three referees with her hands behind her back.

As for Master Wang, he felt that he was too embarrassed to see anyone at the moment and had already left in despair without saying hello to them.

"Master Su, thank you very much for today."

Master Mo was filled with emotions. Although he had known that Su Chen was very powerful before, Su Chen's incredible performance today was completely beyond his knowledge.

The old man even had the illusion that Su Chen was not a fifteen-year-old boy at all, but a superior Alchemy Emperor.

Of course, the old man knew that this was definitely impossible, but this illusion also showed how outrageous Su Chen was in his eyes.

The fact that Qinghe City has such a wizard of alchemy is not only the luck of Qinghe City, but also the luck of Anyang County.

"Even, maybe that can be done..."

Master Mo thought secretly, and then his eyes flashed. It's still too early to mention that matter now. Let's wait until the time comes.

"Master Su, shall I take you back to the Five Treasures Hall?"

Master Mo asked.

Su Chen shook his head: "Mr. Mo, I want to use the alchemy furnace. Please help me prepare an alchemy furnace without attributes first."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Master Mo said quickly.

Watching Master Mo's back, Su Chen thought in his mind that it was really inconvenient to always come to the Alchemy Guild to make alchemy. It would be much more convenient if he could have an alchemy cauldron that he could carry with him and make alchemy anytime and anywhere.

However, if you want to break away from the alchemy furnace and use the more portable alchemy cauldron to refine alchemy, you must have the alchemy fire yourself.

The alchemy fire is the flame condensed by the alchemist's own soul power. It exists in the alchemist's body and can be called upon by the alchemist anytime and anywhere. Therefore, the alchemist who has condensed the alchemy fire does not need to rely on the alchemy furnace.

However, generally speaking, only alchemists of level five or above can successfully condense alchemy fire.

However, Su Chen is not among ordinary people. In his previous life, he mastered a secret method for cultivating soul power, "The Great Wilderness Soul Refining Sutra". After practicing it, he can condense elixir fire as quickly as possible according to his personal physique, without the need for Restricted by level 5 or above alchemists.

When the Zhengyi Sect was refining elixirs in public, Su Chen shot out flames from his fingertips, which was the prototype of elixir fire.

Based on Su Chen's current level of soul power, he felt that after he was promoted to the third level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, he should be able to practice the "Great Wilderness Soul Refining Sutra" to try to formally condense the elixir fire.

"Little friend Su, the Dan furnace has been arranged."

Master Mo quickly returned and said.

Su Chen gathered his thoughts and came to an alchemy room with Master Mo.

The alchemy furnace in this alchemy room is made of a dark metal. Although it looks ordinary on the outside, Su Chen did feel a different kind of aura in this alchemy furnace. It should not be ordinary. Dan furnace.

Master Mo said: "This alchemy furnace was left behind by the first president of the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch. It is said that the first president liked to use this alchemy furnace the most. However, after so many years, this alchemy furnace has also slowed down. It has slowly become unpopular, mainly because it is too difficult to operate and ordinary alchemists cannot bring out its power, so they can only let it gather dust here. "

"Thank you, Mr. Mo."

Su Chen caressed the dust on the top of the alchemy furnace casually. In fact, he didn't care much about the quality of the alchemy furnace. After all, he was once an alchemy emperor. Refining a furnace of Dayuan Dan was easy. The alchemy furnace The good or bad impact is not big.

However, he still appreciated Master Mo's kindness very much.

According to the classification of elixir levels, Dayuan Dan is a second-grade elixir. However, compared to the Purple Star Pill, the Great Yuan Pill is not that difficult to refine. Its preciousness is mainly due to the difficulty in obtaining the gallbladder of the red crystal snake. As for the refining aspect, it is not the difficulty.

Speaking of which, Su Chen felt heartbroken when he thought that the alchemy world of the Yunyuan Empire actually used the gallbladder of red crystal snakes to refine Wind and Fire Pills. This was simply a crazy waste. It's not that Wind and Fire Pills are not good. But the Wind and Fire Pill is really far behind compared to the Great Yuan Pill.

This also made Su Chen clearly feel the gap between the Alchemy level of the Yunyuan Empire and the Alchemy Domain. In front of the Alchemy Domain, the Alchemy level of the Yunyuan Empire was as immature as a three-year-old child.

Skillfully lighting a fire to preheat, Su Chen began to refine the Great Yuan Dan. The refining of Dayuan Dan is not that complicated. It only requires the gallbladder of the red crystal snake and a few auxiliary materials.

Two quarters of an hour later, Su Chen's refining was completed.

During this refining, a total of four Great Yuan Dan were produced in one furnace, one of which was of eleven-star quality, and the other three were of eleven-star quality.

The quality of elixirs such as Great Yuan Dan is not mainly reflected in the efficacy, because the efficacy is to allow warriors below the fourth level of the Condensation Realm to improve their cultivation by one level. However, the higher the quality, the fewer impurities it contains, the fewer impurities deposited in the body after taking it, and the smaller the side effects on the body.

Su Chen put away the three eleven-star quality Great Yuan Dan, and then swallowed the eleven-star quality Great Yuan Dan in one gulp.

The elixir entered his belly and quickly dissolved. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth rolled in. The two Five Elements True Essence Cores in Su Chen's dantian began to spin crazily, and his cultivation level immediately began to soar.

He had just entered the second level of Condensing Yuan Realm, so it would take a long time to start attacking the third level of Condensing Yuan Realm. But the power of the Great Yuan Dan was too powerful. Under the infusion of massive amounts of spiritual energy, Su Chen's cultivation was pushed to the peak of the second level of the Condensation Realm in a very short period of time, and he could start to attack the third level of the Condensation Realm. .

Su Chen began to condense the third Five Elements True Essence Core. Only five tiny light spots appeared from scratch, and then quickly grew in size during the rotation, and finally formed a large True Essence Core, which was still the same as the previous two. It is composed of five small true essence cores of different colors.

Reaching the third level of Condensation Realm, accomplished!

Su Chen exhaled a breath of turbid air and felt the abundant power in his body. Compared with the third level of Condensing Yuan Realm and the second level of Condensing Yuan Realm, his strength had increased a lot. He could clearly feel the improvement in his strength.

At the third level of the Condensation Realm, with such a level of cultivation, he can be regarded as an out-and-out strong man in Qinghe City. Some heads of small families only have such level of cultivation. Even among the three major families, there are some elder-level figures. Such cultivation.

"Now, if I face a fourth-level powerhouse in the Condensation Realm, I should have no problem." Su Chen has this confidence. The explosive ability of his Five Elements True Yuan Core, coupled with the bonus of "One Sword Nine Levels" , there is no problem in jumping to the first level.

However, this is not necessarily the case when facing a strong person at the fifth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, because in the Condensing Yuan Realm, going from the fourth level to the fifth level is a hurdle. It can be regarded as a small step in the middle stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm. It is more difficult to cross, and the strength is The improvement is also more obvious.

Refining the second-grade elixir three times in a day also made Su Chen's soul power slightly exhausted. But even so, he was still very energetic, enjoying the excitement of breaking through the third level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

After riding the carriage back to Wubao Hall, Su Chen thought about where to go next.

Having broken through to the third level of the Condensing Realm, he wanted to find a place to practice his skills, and he really needed to sharpen his combat effectiveness in actual combat.

"Just go to the Xingyang Mountains!"

Su Chen made a decision.

The last time he went to the Xingyang Mountains, he mainly wandered around the outside, and at most he only went deep into the middle. But this time is different. With his current strength, he should be able to venture into the inner Xingyang Mountains.

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