Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 91 The incredible Su Chen

They saw that in the pillar of cyan flames, there was a small group of liquid elixir, which was completely wrapped by the cyan flames. It was constantly rotating and being compressed. The volume visible to the naked eye was getting smaller and smaller, and the density was getting higher and higher. The bigger.

This scene made one of the referees suddenly take a breath of cold air: "He is... not standing across the wall of the alchemy furnace, but directly using the flame to burn the alchemy liquid to quench and condense the elixir. This can greatly speed up the condensation." Dan’s speed!”

The other two judges were also completely shocked. They had never heard of such a method of condensing elixirs. They could actually burn the elixir liquid directly with flames without passing through the elixir furnace wall. How precise control does this require?

You know, if the flame is not careful, it may directly scorch the elixir. Su Chen dares to do this, which is based on the exquisite control of the flame. What kind of control is required to do this?

One of the referees frowned, as if he was remembering something. After a moment, he suddenly exclaimed: "I remembered that this elixir condensation technique is called 'Bright Moon in the Sea', which is an ancient elixir condensation technique. It has been lost now. I have only seen it in an ancient book. The description above is exactly the same as the technique used by Master Su now. "

"No way, it's a lost technique. How is it possible?"

The referee shook his head and said: "I don't think it's possible, maybe it's a coincidence. If Master Su really performed the 'Bright Moon in the Sea', it would be terrible!"

At the same time, he mastered the lost alchemy school "Star Picking Flow" and the lost alchemy condensation technique "Bright Moon in the Sea", and he is still so young. If this is the case, it can only be said that Su Chen is a monster that cannot be imagined by common sense!

"Mr. Mo, is it really as magical as they say?"

The girl also asked curiously.

Mr. Mo nodded and said in a deep voice: "If this is really the legendary ancient pill-condensing technique 'Bright Moon in the Sea', it can only mean that Su Chen's alchemy skills are far superior to those of us here!"

Master Mo was also in a very surprised mood at this moment. Su Chen's performance was far more than what could be described as a monster. He didn't look like a fifteen-year-old boy. He was at the level of an unfathomable old monster.

There is such a wizard of alchemy in Qinghe City. I wonder what those old guys in Anyang City will think if they know about it?

Just when everyone's minds were changing, Su Chen finally slowly uttered three words:

"Give it to me!"

The continuously rotating alchemy liquid in the blue flames was finally compressed to the extreme, turning into a solid the size of a longan core. It was suspended high in the green flames, like a bright moon in the sea, wrapped in the sea water. generally.

"I actually succeeded in condensing the elixir!"

The pupils of several people present shrank suddenly, and their bodies began to tremble violently. They even murmured in disbelief, "It's absolutely true, this is really the legendary ancient pill-condensing technique 'The Bright Moon in the Sea'!"

"I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that a fifteen-year-old boy could really know the 'Bright Moon in the Sea'. Today's trip is really worth it!"

I saw Su Chen making a hand gesture, and the green pillar of fire retreated in response.


The furnace lid fell heavily, and the next moment, a rich fragrance came from the alchemy furnace.

The fragrance is refreshing, as if just taking a breath, all the pores in the body will open, absorbing this alluring aroma.

"What a rich red fragrance!"

Several people murmured sighs and saw Su Chen taking out the refined elixir from the elixir furnace.

This elixir is as big as the core of a longan, round, and overall dark purple in color, dotted with silvery stars. It is obviously the finished Purple Star elixir.

As for quality——

Master Mo walked over quickly, took a close look at the Purple Star Pill in Su Chen's hand, and came to a very certain conclusion:

"This is the Thirteen-Three-Star Purple Star Pill!"

As Master Mo finished speaking, a "plop" was heard from the side.

But it was Master Wang who fell to the ground at this moment, with a pale face and completely speechless!

"Master Wang, you lose!"

Master Mo said in a deep voice, because Su Chen had just used "Bright Moon in the Sea", which greatly accelerated the speed of pill condensation, so at this moment, there is still a short period of time before the end of time!

The Purple Star Pill refined by Su Chen has ten stars, which is much higher than Master Wang's ten stars!

In this battle of elixirs, Master Wang clearly lost!

"I actually lost!"

Master Wang found it difficult to accept the reality in front of him. He, a second-grade alchemist, had actually lost to a fifteen-year-old boy.

Master Mo and the three referees were all shaking their heads. Master Wang used his actions today to vividly explain to them what it means to humiliate oneself. He originally wanted to win the Panlong Grass from Su Chen, but failed to steal the chicken. If you lose a lot of rice, you will lose both face and dignity.

As a second-grade alchemist, he took the initiative to challenge a fifteen-year-old boy for an alchemy battle, and even lost. If this incident were to spread, Master Wang's reputation in Anyang County would be completely destroyed.

At this moment, Master Wang was like a clown in their eyes, extremely funny.

"Master Wang, please abide by the rules of Dan Dou and give the red crystal snake's gallbladder to Su Xiaoyou."

Master Mo said in a deep voice, the two parties just signed the Doudan Agreement in black and white, and it was absolutely not allowed to be reneged on.

Master Wang obviously knew this too. With a sullen face and suppressing his distress, he took out a jade box that was only three inches long from his body.

After the jade box was opened, inside was a red translucent oval bead the size of an apricot kernel, which continued to emit scorching heat. For a while, even the temperature in the alchemy chamber rose several degrees. .

Master Mo took the jade box and handed it to Su Chen with a smile: "Little friend Su, here it is!"

Su Chen took the jade box and swept it away with a look of satisfaction on his face. This was indeed the gallbladder of the Red Crystal Snake. The quality was very pure and the medicinal properties were very strong. With this gallbladder of the Red Crystal Snake, he could refine it. The furnace is of good quality Dayuan Dan.

——The better the quality of the main material, the better the quality of the elixir can be improved. With this red crystal snake gallbladder, even if the quality of other main materials is slightly worse, the quality of the elixir will not be bad.

Master Wang watched helplessly as Su Chen put away the red crystal snake gallbladder, with a look of pain on his face. He spent a lot of effort and a huge price to get this red crystal snake gallbladder, but now it is After giving it to Su Chen like this, Master Wang even wanted to eat Su Chen.

As for the girl, she was looking at Su Chen in complete surprise at this time, with an extremely curious and inquiring look in her eyes.

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