Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 90 The bright moon in the sea

Dou Dan is different from ordinary refining pills. You need to manually select the materials yourself.

Everyone has a lot of various materials in front of them, some materials are useful, and some materials are useless. Both parties need to select the materials that can refine the Purple Star Pill from these materials in a very short period of time.

Afterwards, there is a series of steps of heating the furnace, adding materials, purifying, fusing, and condensing the elixir.

Master Wang carefully performed this series of steps, with beads of sweat appearing on his forehead.

After completing the fusion step, Master Wang also breathed a long sigh of relief. He performed well in the alchemy today. If nothing unexpected happens, he should be able to successfully condense the elixir in a while.

While waiting for the elixir to be condensed, Master Wang turned to look at Su Chen, wanting to see how far Su Chen had gone in refining it.

As a result, Master Wang was stunned by the scene he saw in front of him. He saw Su Chen sitting contentedly beside his alchemy furnace, with a lot of materials intact beside him, and he himself, with both hands With his eyes slightly closed, he was actually meditating.

Su Chen actually hasn't started refining the pill yet!

Master Wang was both surprised and angry. What did Su Chen mean? Did he look down on himself?

Or is it that Su Chen knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat him, so he simply gave up on refining?

The three referees outside the court also looked at each other in confusion. Su Chen's behavior made them all confused. If they thought they couldn't win, they didn't have to agree to Dou Dan at the beginning. What's the point of agreeing but then sitting here in a daze?

An hour has passed, but almost half an hour has passed. If you don't start refining it, it will really be too late. The Purple Star Pill is no better than the Clear Dew Pill just now. It is extremely time-consuming to refine.

However, no matter what the expressions of everyone present were, Su Chen himself always had his eyes slightly closed, as if he was isolated from the world and had entered his own rhythm.

It wasn't until half an hour had passed that Su Chen opened his eyes leisurely.

Although he has returned to his boyhood now, after all, he was once the Chen Dan Emperor of the powerful Dan Realm. Putting down his body to fight alchemy with a second-level alchemy master is already considered bullying. If those old ghosts in the previous life knew that he and the second-level alchemy master Shi Doudan would definitely laugh at him for bullying a three-year-old child.

Therefore, the half hour just now was considered Master Wang's, and everyone would have to rely on their own abilities from now on.

After Su Chen opened his eyes, his expression changed immediately, and he had the demeanor of a great master. He first opened the alchemy furnace

Then, Su Chen stretched out his hand again and swept all the materials at his hand into the alchemy furnace.


The sound of a large amount of materials being poured into the alchemy furnace made the judges even more stunned. This was not a normal alchemy, but an alchemy battle. There were many materials in those materials that were not used in the Purple Star Pill. Su What is Chen going to do?

Among all the people, only Master Mo remained calm. He believed that Su Chen would not do anything uncertain for no reason.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Su Chen slowly controlled the fire while tapping the alchemy furnace rhythmically with his other hand. And every time he slapped his palm, a medicinal plant would fly out from the alchemy furnace. When everyone looked carefully, they found that these medicinal materials were exactly those that were not used in the Purple Star Pill.

Su Chen actually picked out these materials in the middle of refining!

This kind of refining method is simply unheard of for them. The key is, how exquisite the control ability is required to achieve this?

Purification, fusion... Su Chen quickly carried out the next steps. His movements were still the same as when he was refining the Clear Dew Pill. At first glance, it seemed completely messy and unorganized, but if you look closely, you will feel that it is extremely strange and strange. mysterious.

The three judges and Master Mo were all proficient in alchemy. Unknowingly, their eyes were firmly attracted by Su Chen's techniques, and they were fascinated by it.

Master Wang was extremely angry when he saw this scene. How could this be possible? That boy was obviously Hu Lianqi. Why were the three referees and Master Mo watching with great interest!

Holding a breath in his chest, Master Wang secretly vowed to refine his Purple Star Pill to perfection so that he could slap Su Chen and these guys in the face.

Focusing his attention back on his elixir, Master Wang began the final step, condensing the elixir.

And because he was holding his breath, his performance this time was particularly good, and the sound of the "gulu gulu" rolling of the alchemy embryos soon sounded in the alchemy furnace.

Master Wang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to himself, great, he performed very well this time, the refining success is certain, maybe the finished elixir can reach ten stars!

After a while, Master Wang, the elixir was completed!

Master Wang opened the lid of the alchemy furnace and carefully took out the refined elixir. A smile immediately appeared on his face: "Ten-star purple star elixir!"

At the level of a second-grade alchemist, being able to refine a ten-star Purple Star Pill is already something to be very proud of. Today, I will definitely win!

Master Wang happily put the Ten-Star Purple Star Pill into the small porcelain bottle and went to pay attention to the situation over Su Chen.

At this time, Su Chen had just finished the fusion step and was about to start the last step, condensing the pill.

But the key now is that there is only a quarter of a stick of incense left.

Does it only take a quarter of a stick of incense to condense the elixir?

Master Wang was secretly amused. For a second-grade alchemist, this was absolutely impossible. Even a third-grade alchemist would find it difficult to complete the condensation of such a complex pill as the Purple Star Pill in such a short period of time. step.

As for Su Chen being a third-grade alchemist, Master Wang would never believe it. The number of third-grade alchemists in Anyang County could be counted on one hand.

The three referees also secretly shook their heads. Although Su Chen had given them too many surprises so far, it was absolutely impossible to condense the Purple Star Pill in a quarter of a stick of incense time. .

"It's a pity. If the refining is not completed within the stipulated time, it will be considered a failure. However, I think we can let Master Su continue to refine the elixir after the time limit is over, otherwise it will be a pity. "

One of the referees said that even he himself was not aware that he had unknowingly changed the title of Su Chen to Master Su.

Although Su Chen probably couldn't complete the elixir condensation this time, that was because Su Chen wasted half an hour before, not because Su Chen was not strong enough in elixir refining. Therefore, the three referees still recognized Su Chen's alchemy ability in their hearts.

Master Mo said: "Don't be anxious, the time limit is not over yet, let's take a look first."

The three referees shook their heads. They could understand Master Mo's high opinion of Su Chen, but in their opinion, it was impossible for Su Chen to complete the elixir condensation in such a short time.

That is at this moment.

Then I just listened to Su Chen beside the alchemy stove, softly uttering four words.

"The bright moon in the sea!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Chen placed his hands on the wall of the alchemy furnace, and released wisps of true energy from his palms, constantly impacting the wall of the alchemy furnace with a strange rhythm.

Under this impact, the lid of the alchemy furnace suddenly flew high, and a cyan flame burst out of it, like a cyan light beam reaching into the sky, lifting the lid of the alchemy furnace to the ceiling.

This strange scene immediately attracted the attention of everyone present!

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