Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 89 I want to fight with you

"I suspect you were cheating during the refining just now!"

Master Wang pointed at Su Chen, "You were just refining blindly. Your second-grade elixir was not refined on site, but was refined in advance!"

As soon as Master Wang said these words, the three referees were all stunned.

One of the referees couldn't help but said: "Master Wang, is this a bit too much?"

These judges are not laymen. How can they know the difference between the elixir that has just been refined and the elixir that has been refined in advance?

The Clear Dew Pill just now was clearly refined on site by Su Chen, and there was no way it was fake.

Master Wang did not listen to what the three referees said. In his opinion, it was absolutely nonsense to say that Su Chen had mastered the alchemy technique of Zhaixingliu. Although he didn't know what method Su Chen used to fiddle with a Clear Dew Pill just now, Master Wang was certain that Su Chen wouldn't be able to use this cheating method a second time!

"I want to fight with you!"

Master Wang said in a deep voice, staring at Su Chen closely.

Dou Dan?

Master Mo and the three referees were all surprised. As the name suggests, Dan Dan is a competition between alchemists. It is different from ordinary alchemy in that it is full of gunpowder.

But now, Master Wang, who is a second-grade alchemist, offered to fight Su Chen in an alchemy battle.

Master Mo immediately frowned and said, "Su Xiaoyou just finished refining the elixir today, so it is not suitable for the elixir battle. If Master Wang really wants to, we should do it another day."

"Why, don't you dare to refine another second-grade elixir on the spot?"

Master Wang sneered, his tone full of ridicule.

No matter how good-tempered Master Mo is, he can't help but get a little angry at this moment: "Master Wang, as a second-grade alchemist, don't you know that refining alchemy consumes soul power? Now Su Xiaoyou has just finished refining a second-grade alchemy. The elixir is just when the soul power is exhausted. If you want to fight for the elixir now, is it fair? "

Master Wang knew that he was wrong, but he was unwilling to give up. His eyes were like swords and he shot at Su Chen: "Su Chen! Just tell me whether you dare or not?"

"Su Xiaoyou, don't promise him."

Master Mo quickly stopped him. He knew that although Master Wang was an average person, his alchemy skills were at the top level among second-grade alchemists. Besides, Su Chen's current state was not suitable for accepting the challenge of alchemy fighting.

"Wait a minute, I have a lucky draw!"

Master Wang gritted his teeth and threw out his final move, "If Su Chen wins in the elixir battle, I am willing to give him the gallbladder of a red crystal snake!"

As soon as Master Wang said these words, Su Chen, who was originally lazy, suddenly seemed to be in high spirits, and his eyes were filled with light, "The gallbladder of the red crystal snake?"

"That's right!"

Seeing Su Chen's interest, Master Wang quickly struck while the iron was hot and said in a seductive tone, "The gallbladder of the red crystal snake is an excellent material for refining the Wind and Fire Pill. Its value is even more than that of the Coiled Dragon Grass. Don't you want it?"

Su Chen naturally wanted to.

However, compared to this, his attention was attracted by another meaning in Master Wang's words. Listening to the meaning of Master Wang's words, in the alchemy world of Yunyuan Empire, he actually took the red crystal snake's Use snake gall to refine the Wind and Fire Pill?

This is simply an outrageous waste. You must know that the gallbladder of the Red Crystal Snake is the main material used to refine the Great Yuan Dan!

What is Dayuan Dan?

That is a magical elixir that can instantly elevate a Condensing Yuan Realm warrior to a higher level. The effect is similar to that of a Qi-Entraining Realm warrior taking the Qiyu Fruit. However, its upper limit is the fourth level of Condensing Yuan Realm. If you take it after reaching the fourth level of Condensing Yuan Realm, it will have no effect.

If this kind of elixir is taken out, it will definitely become a thing that warriors below the fourth level of the Condensing Realm will fight over, and it will 100% be sold for a sky-high price.

However, from what Master Wang said, it seemed that he didn't even know that the Great Yuan Dan could be refined with the gallbladder of the Red Crystal Snake.

This was simply good luck falling from the sky. Su Chen said in his heart that he must get the gallbladder of the red crystal snake today.

"Okay, I'll fight you."

When Su Chen said this in an understatement, Master Wang was stunned. He didn't expect it to go so smoothly. He thought it would take a lot of words to convince Su Chen.

"Okay, if you lose, the Panlong Grass will belong to me!"

Master Wang said impatiently, as if he was afraid that Su Chen would regret it.

"Little friend Su..."

Master Mo looked at Su Chen with some disapproval. If he continuously refined second-grade elixirs, his soul power would be consumed greatly, and even the most talented alchemist might be at a disadvantage.

Su Chen interrupted with a chuckle: "Mr. Mo, there are three referees. Please bear witness to this Dan Dan Battle."


Master Mo could only nod his head, "Everyone, come with me to the Alchemy Room."

There was nothing wrong with the three judges. Anyway, they had not seen enough of the refining techniques of Zhai Xingliu. Su Chen's refining just now was too fast, and they did not see many steps clearly. Now that you can see it again, why not?

The Alchemy Guild has a special alchemy fighting room. The only difference from the ordinary alchemy room is that there are two identical ordinary non-attributed alchemy furnaces in the alchemy fighting room, which are used for both parties to refine alchemy fighting skills in the same room.

Under the auspices of Master Mo, Su Chen and Master Wang each signed the Dan Dan contract, which meant that the Dan Dan officially came into effect and neither party could default on its debt.

"The types of elixirs will be randomly selected by our referees, with a limit of one hour. After an hour, both sides will each take out the elixirs, and we will evaluate the quality of the elixirs and determine the winner or loser."

As Master Mo spoke, he took out a brocade bag. Under the witness of everyone, he took out a piece of paper from the brocade bag, unfolded it and read: "Purple Star Pill."

As soon as he finished speaking, several referees took a breath and actually drew the Purple Star Pill, which is an extremely difficult pill to refine among the second-grade pills!

Master Wang's face also jumped hard. It was true that he proposed the Dou Dan himself, but he did not expect to get the Purple Star Dan. This kind of elixir is extremely difficult to refine. Even he, I am not completely sure that the refining will be successful.

"If both parties have no objections, we can officially start now."

Master Wang was heartbroken and started right away. Anyway, if he couldn't refine it, it would be even more impossible for Su Chen to refine it.

After all, Master Wang still believed that Su Chen had not mastered the Star Reaching Stream at all, and the refining just now was just a mistake. Maybe Su Chen did have some alchemy skills, but compared with him, a veteran second-level alchemist, he was far behind.

"The pill fight begins!"

After Master Mo announced it, Master Wang began to refine it.

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