Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 9 Tianzi Private Room

"You are wrong, of course you are wrong!" Master Mo has calmed down and looked at Li Jun coldly with a pair of blue eyes, "You are wrong because you are a trainee alchemist, but you have no basic qualities as an alchemist. Notice The path to alchemy is based on practice. You have never tried it yourself, so how can you insist that the other party is acting? "

"This..." Li Jun didn't expect Master Mo to scold him so openly, and he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Immediately some apprentices nearby started talking: "It can't be a lie, we all saw it with our own eyes." "Yes, the old senior's injury did improve quickly, it can't be a lie..."

In fact, the reason why Master Mo rushed out in such a hurry was because he used Yang Yuan Stone and Hemostatic Grass to prepare a prescription for treating the poison of the Cold Heart Python. This was exactly what Master Mo's teacher had been studying for half a lifetime, but failed A prescription that never comes to the point!

Even though Master Mo is older now, he also had his own mentor when he was young. Master Mo clearly remembers that there is nothing complicated about this prescription. Its essence lies in the ratio between Yang Yuan Stone and Hemostatic Grass. If the ratio is slightly off, it will not be successful.

But my teacher has been researching for many years but has never been able to come up with a correct ratio.

Before his death, the teacher specifically told him that he must inherit his legacy and work out the correct ratio of this prescription.

Master Mo has always regarded his teacher's last wish as an imperial edict. Unfortunately, he is over seventy years old, and his last wish has not yet come true.

Therefore, as soon as he heard that someone in the front hall had used Yang Yuan Stone and Hemostatic Grass to cure the bite of Hanxin Python, Master Mo immediately rushed to the front hall as quickly as possible, but still missed the opponent.

Master Mo couldn't hide his extreme disappointment when he thought of this, and asked other people present: "Has that young man ever told you his name and origin?"

At this moment, one of the apprentices remembered and said quickly: "Yes, I heard him say that his name is Su Chen."

"Su Chen?" Master Mo muttered the name softly, and then immediately called a subordinate and ordered, "Look for this young man named Su Chen in the entire Qinghe City, the sooner the better!"

Of course, Master Mo didn't think that a young man could do what his mentor couldn't do. He only believed that there must be a master behind this young man, and the master that Master Mo wanted to find was also that master.

Master Mo finished ordering his men and was about to return to the back hall. He suddenly saw an uneasy Li Jun beside him. Master Mo's eyes suddenly became cold. He looked at Li Jun calmly and said coldly: "As an intermediate trainee, you Alchemist, you arbitrarily slander other alchemists without any evidence. In my opinion, the title of intermediate apprentice alchemist is not suitable for you. You should return to the position of alchemy apprentice and practice again. "

"What?" Li Jun was struck by lightning. He never expected that Master Mo would deprive him of his title of intermediate trainee alchemist because of such a trivial matter!

You must know that the title of alchemist is certified by the Alchemy Guild, so Master Mo, as the president of the Alchemy Guild, has the power to deprive the alchemist of the title.

However, Master Mo rarely does this. Li Jun suddenly became tearful. How could he still dominate the Five Treasures Hall after losing his title as an intermediate trainee alchemist?


If Wubaotang knew about this, he would be fired without hesitation!

Not to mention, in the past, Li Jun relied on his title of intermediate trainee alchemist to act extremely domineeringly and offended many people. Now that he has returned to his status as an alchemy apprentice, his enemies in the past may be eager to come and settle accounts with him.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Li Jun lost everything, and all this was just because Li Jun criticized the young man behind his back.

Speaking of Su Chen's side, not far from the Five Treasures Hall, he unexpectedly discovered that the old man and the girl had not gone far, and were standing next to a carriage, looking at him from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, a pretty maidservant appeared in front of Su Chen, lowered her head and said respectfully: "Master, in order to thank you for your life-saving grace, my lady is hosting a banquet for you at Zuixianju at noon today. I hope you will honor me." Go to.”

Su Chen frowned and was about to politely refuse when the maid said again: "Master, my lady heard that you were buying ice and snow cicadas at Wubao Hall. It is difficult to buy ice and snow cicadas on the market, but my lady happens to know that in Where can I get ice, snow, and cicadas..."

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly, and finally he nodded and said, "Okay!"

The century-old Zhiyang grass is a medicinal material used to treat my aunt's illness, while the ice, snow and cicada are indispensable materials for Su Chen's future practice.

Since the other party knew the news about Bingxue Hanchan, Su Chen had no reason not to go to the banquet.

After hearing Su Chen's promise, the maid pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Then, in half an hour, my lady will be waiting for you in the Tianzi private room of Zuixianju."


It is the most luxurious restaurant in Qinghe City. It has so many guests all year round that it is hard to find one.

Of course, the consumption is not low, and only those with noble status can afford it. Among them, the Tianzi Private Room is even more luxurious. Being able to have a meal in the Tianzi Private Room is an absolute status symbol in Qinghe City.

When Su Chen arrived at Zuixianju early as scheduled, he planned to go straight to the Tianzi private room on the third floor.

However, when he first arrived on the first floor, the door of a herringbone private room opened, and then he saw Jiang Tingyi standing at the door of the herringbone private room with an ugly face: "Su Chen? Why are you here?"

"Didn't I tell you to go back by yourself? You followed me and sneaked here, how shameless?" Jiang Tingyi felt angry in her heart. She came to Zuixianju to attend the reception and cleansing banquet of Master Ye Xuan. Unexpectedly, Su Chen actually followed her secretly!

If Su Chen really wanted to come, couldn't he just tell her directly? Why pretend to be uninterested at the time and follow her secretly afterwards?

Such people really turned off her appetite!

Just when Jiang Tingyi frowned and wanted to say something more, she saw another person walking out of the herringbone room, but it was Wang Bingyan who she had met in Yunjin Tower before.

Wang Bingyan glanced at Su Chen in surprise, and immediately laughed maliciously: "Oh, who did I think it was? It turns out to be Tingyi's cousin. Tingyi, you brought your cousin to the banquet, why don't you come with us? Tell me, bring your cousin in and let everyone know him!"

Jiang Tingyi's face was ugly, and her lip was almost bitten. This Su Chen was so shameless that he followed her all the way to Zuixianju, and luckily she was bumped into by Wang Bingyan!

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