Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 10 Young Master Ye Xuan

Judging from the malicious look on Wang Bingyan's face, she obviously wanted to bring Su Chen to the banquet inside and embarrass Jiang Tingyi. You know, those who came to attend the reception banquet of Master Ye Xuan today are all the respectable young generation of Qinghe City, and Su Chen is just an abandoned disciple who was expelled from the Zhengyi Sect for stealing. Such a person is Jiang Tingyi's representative. Brother, if word of this spreads out, it will definitely make Jiang Tingyi lose face in the circle of the younger generation in Qinghe City.

"Su Chen, don't go in, just wait outside." Jiang Tingyi's snow-white forehead had beads of sweat oozing out, trying her best to prevent Su Chen from entering the herringbone private room and embarrassing her.

Wang Bingyan said loudly: "Oh, Tingyi, why are you so unkind? After all, he is also your cousin. How can you not let him sit at the table?"

Su Chen frowned. He didn't expect to meet Jiang Tingyi in Zuixianju. He also didn't expect that the other party completely misunderstood the reason for his appearance in Zuixianju and thought he was following him secretly.

However, Su Chen was too lazy to explain at this moment and looked at the two women quietly: "Is there anything else? Nothing else, I'm going upstairs."

"Go upstairs?" Wang Bingyan was stunned for a moment, then covered her mouth and snickered, "You said you wanted to go upstairs?"

"Do you know where the place is upstairs? But the ground-shaped private room and the sky-shaped private room, why don't you go to the ground-shaped private room or the sky-shaped private room to eat? Jiang Tingyi, your cousin is really interesting. He doesn't even draft a draft when he brags. ..." Wang Bingyan laughed so hard that her branches trembled.

Jiang Tingyi's face was livid, and she scolded Su Chen a hundred times in her heart. Su Chen had really humiliated her, bragging shamelessly here. You must know that the second floor of Zuixianju is a private room with the word "di". The third floor is a private room. Only people above the level of a few masters are eligible to reserve it. How can an ordinary junior like Su Chen be qualified to get involved?

But now that the matter was over, Jiang Tingyi could not just watch Su Chen being laughed at by Wang Bingyan.

She suppressed the anger in her heart and walked up to Su Chen and said with a cold face: "Since we are all here, let's go in!"

With that said, Jiang Tingyi grabbed Su Chen's sleeve and forcibly dragged Su Chen into the herringbone private room.

Wang Bingyan was stunned for a moment. She thought that Jiang Tingyi would definitely not let Su Chen attend the banquet for her own sake. Unexpectedly, Jiang Tingyi actually let Su Chen in.

However, it's better to go in. With such a shameless cousin, and with her Wang Bingyan on the side, Jiang Tingyi will definitely be embarrassed today.

Su Chen also didn't expect Jiang Tingyi to make her own decision and forcefully pull him into the herringbone private room. Looking up, there were more than ten or twenty young men and women surrounding the table in the private room, all dressed in luxurious clothes, chatting and laughing happily.

Glancing over, Su Chen secretly sneered in his heart. It was a coincidence that this small banquet contained many "old acquaintances" from his previous life.

Everyone at the banquet saw Jiang Tingyi dragging Su Chen in and immediately looked over.

Wang Bingyan came in behind and said loudly on purpose: "Introducing a new friend to everyone, this is Jiang Tingyi's cousin, Su Chen!"

"Su Chen? Is that the disciple who failed to steal the sect elder's elixir and was kicked out by Zhengyi Sect, so he could only come to Qinghe City to seek refuge with his relatives?" A young man in Chinese clothes said in surprise.

"Tingyi, so this person is your cousin?"

Everyone laughed for a moment, teasing Su Chen with each other.

Jiang Tingyi's little face turned red, and she was embarrassed like never before in her life. Didn't she know that letting Su Chen enter the banquet would cause her to be laughed at. However, in the situation just now, if Su Chen was allowed to stand outside, she would feel unbearable. After all, he was still her cousin.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tingyi glanced at Su Chen fiercely, scolding this unsatisfactory cousin a hundred and eighty times in her heart.

Su Chen turned a blind eye to Jiang Tingyi's expression. It was not him who wanted to come to the herringbone private room. He was still waiting to go to the Tianzi private room for the banquet, but Jiang Tingyi dragged him in. Who could blame him?

Wang Bingyan saw everything in her eyes and was secretly amused. She deliberately poured a cup of tea and put it in front of Su Chen: "Master Su, please have a sip of tea. This is the snow mountain tea unique to Zuixianju. You can't drink it outside."

A young man with an arrogant face immediately took over the conversation and looked at Su Chen with a mocking expression: "Yes, this tea is very valuable, a cup costs a full ten taels of silver! Such tea, you I'm afraid this country bumpkin has never drank in his life, right?"

This was said very bluntly, without any politeness. After finishing speaking, the young man pretended to slap his forehead: "Look, it's true. I didn't mean to look down on Mr. Su. I was just discussing the matter. Don't blame me. Don't blame me. Hahahaha..."

The rest of the people at the banquet also looked at Su Chen with different eyes. They were all the proud sons of Qinghe City, but Su Chen was just an abandoned disciple of the sect, and he came all the way to Qinghe City to visit relatives, which was enough to show that he His origin is not noble.

In their eyes, such a person is just a country bumpkin who is made fun of for their entertainment.

"I won't drink any more tea." Su Chen said calmly. He recognized this arrogant young man as the son of the head of a small family in Qinghe City, named Zhou Rong.

A coldness flashed in Su Chen's eyes, he pushed Zhou Rong away and sat down on the nearest chair.

Zhou Rong was stunned for a moment, then his face turned gloomy: "Don't drink? Do you look down on me, Mr. Zhou?"

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense with Zhou Rong's words.

Su Chen was not afraid and looked at Zhou Rong calmly, showing no intention of compromising at all.

At this moment, a gentle voice rang out: "The visitor is a guest, so why be so tense? Let's have a drink and eat some food together. We are all friends."

The sound was not loud, but in the noisy private room, it seemed particularly clear.

Zhou Rong immediately turned around and bowed his hands to the owner of the voice, showing great respect: "Yes, Brother Ye Xuan!"

After saying that, Zhou Rong immediately sat back in his seat and stopped looking at Su Chen, as if the voice was an imperial edict to him.

Su Chen looked towards the owner of the voice, and saw that the owner of the voice was wearing a moon-white brocade robe, with a purple gold jade crown on his head. His angular face was inlaid with handsome and profound facial features, with red lips and white teeth, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, like Zhilan Like a jade tree, there is no imperfection anywhere in the body.

Su Chen looked at the young master with perfect appearance calmly, his expression looked extremely calm, but his heart was filled with waves.

This person was an extremely important figure in Su Chen's memory of his previous life. He was the number one genius of the younger generation in Qinghe City and the idol of all the young people in Qinghe City. He had just returned from Tianyue Academy in the imperial capital - Ye Xuan.

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