Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 8 Alarming the Master

Under the gaze of all the eyes at the scene, Su Chen seemed very calm, stretched out his hand to the girl and said: "Bring the Yang Yuan Stone."

Many people know that Yang Yuan Stone is the most common low-level material. It contains trace amounts of Yang Qi. It is widely used as an auxiliary material in alchemy. Ten taels of silver can buy a lot of it.

But no one has ever heard that the cheap Yang Yuan Stone can be used as the main material to treat certain injuries. This is simply ridiculous.

The girl did not hesitate and bought a pound of Yang Yuan Stone from the counter nearby, then handed it to Su Chen.

Li Jun on the side sneered: "Boy, you will definitely not be able to cure it if you act like this. If you succeed, I, Li Jun, will cut off your head on the spot."

Li Jun would say this, naturally because he was confident enough that Su Chen would never succeed if he messed up like this.

Li Jun's eyes were fixed on Su Chen's movements. He found that after Su Chen took the Yang Yuan Stone, there was no complicated operation. He just put the Yang Yuan Stone on the table aside and ground it into powder with a medicine mortar.

Afterwards, Su Chen opened the bandage on the old man's arm and applied Yang Yuan Stone powder to the wound.

Seeing this scene, Li Jun couldn't help but sneer in his heart. He applied the cheapest medicine on the wound, something only a three-year-old child would do when playing house. If the injury can be cured in this way, then why do we need an alchemist?

Li Jun can 100% conclude that this ridiculous treatment will not have any effect, and may even make the old man's injury worse!

However, just when Li Jun was thinking this, he saw Su Chen taking another common hemostatic grass, grinding it into mud, applying it on the old man's wound, and mixing it with the Yang Yuan Stone powder just now.

Then, a magical scene happened.

Under Li Jun's stunned eyes, the hideous and winding wound on the old man's arm actually slowly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"How is that possible?" Li Jun simply suspected that his eyes were wrong. The scene in front of him really overturned his cognition!

The most common Yang Yuan Stone and Hemostatic Grass, mixed together, can actually treat the bite of the Hanxin Python?

The girl's beautiful eyes turned, and she was also extremely shocked. She quickly stepped forward to support the old man and asked softly: "Grandpa, how do you feel?"

The old man's eyes were full of surprise, and he slowly said: "Much better."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

Li Jun stood there as if petrified, but he had just promised that if Su Chen succeeded, he would cut off his head on the spot!

At this moment, Li Jun's face was hot, and the looks from those around him were like countless loud slaps hitting his face.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!" Li Jun murmured repeatedly, but the facts before him made him have no choice but to believe it!

"Thank you!" The girl breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Su Chen. When her iceberg-like face smiled, it was like the first melting spring water, overwhelming the country.

However, Su Chen didn't feel anything about it and said calmly: "It's just a little effort."

The girl thought of something, and quickly took the century-old solstice grass from the hands of the steward of Wubao Hall, handed it to Su Chen, and said: "Young master, I can't repay you for saving my life. I bought this century-old solstice grass." ”

Su Chen shook his head, took out his banknote and said, "No need, as I said just now, it's just a matter of effort."

With that said, Su Chen paid for the Hundred-Year Sungrass with his own banknote, and then left quickly with the Hundred-Year Sungrass.

The girl was stunned on the spot, not expecting that this young man in ordinary clothes would refuse her reward so lightly, and also leave so simply, with no intention of trying to climb a dragon or a phoenix.

You know, because of her noble dress and temperament, people who want to please her flock to her. Even the intermediate trainee alchemist Li Jun just now must be so enthusiastic because he must have the intention of clinging to her.

However, this young man turned around and left so indifferently, not even saying a word to her.

In the flash of lightning, the girl had no choice but to shout at Su Chen's retreating back: "You haven't asked for the young master's name yet?!"

Su Chen didn't stop or turn around, he just said two words: "Su Chen!"

"Su Chen?" The girl repeated softly, thoughtfully, with a flash of light in her beautiful eyes.

From today on, she will remember this name in her heart.

On the other hand, Li Jun was so angry that he was supposed to be the one who cured the old man, but in the end, the young man completely stole the limelight!

At this moment, the people around him were looking at him with obvious sneer. He, a dignified mid-level trainee alchemist, was actually outshone by an unknown boy.

"They must be a group!" Li Jun looked at the old man and the girl leaving angrily. "They are definitely a group of charlatans. They deliberately put on a show in my Wubao Hall. The purpose is to make that young man famous!"

This statement is obviously full of loopholes and untenable, but Li Jun has been blinded by anger at this moment, and the more he thinks about it, the more reasonable it becomes: "Yes, they must have colluded to act. Yang Yuan Stone plus Hemostatic Grass can Treating the Cold Heart Python's injuries is simply ridiculous..."

Just when Li Jun thought about it more and more, it made more sense, and out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw an old man with white hair and beard, and an immortal spirit hurriedly walking out of the back hall.

Li Jun quickly gathered his thoughts and greeted him respectfully: "Master Mo!"

He couldn't help but be disrespectful. The old man in front of him was the chief alchemist and president of the Qinghe City Alchemy Guild. He was completely different from trainee alchemists like them. He was a real alchemist of high rank!

Moreover, Master Mo has always had high prestige and respect in Qinghe City. Wubao Hall also spent a lot of effort to invite him to Wubao Hall as a guest, and he only came one day a month!

Today is the day when Master Mo comes to Wubao Hall once a month to sit in charge. However, Master Mo doesn't like crowded and noisy places. He used to stay in the back hall when he came here, but today he came to the front hall for some reason.

Li Jun noticed that Master Mo's expression looked a little anxious at this moment, and he had lost his usual calmness. As soon as he saw him, he hurriedly asked: "Where is that young man?"

Li Jun didn't react for a while: "Which boy?"

"This is the young man who just used Yang Yuan Stone and Hemostatic Grass to cure the bite of the Hanxin Python!" Master Mo's forehead had fine beads of sweat, which was the result of walking too fast just now. He was originally instructing the Five Treasures in the alchemy room in the back hall. The apprentices in the hall suddenly heard that a young man in the front hall had cured the bite of the Hanxin python using Yang Yuan Stone and styptic grass. They were shocked and rushed over, but unexpectedly they passed him by.

"Master Mo said that young man? He...he has left!" Li Jun was a little confused. How could Master Mo, who had always been aloof, be so concerned about the whereabouts of that young man?

"Leaving?" Master Mo was disappointed and couldn't help but murmured, "Why are you leaving now?"

"Master, he's just a charlatan. He just left, so why worry about it?" Li Jun shook his head, feeling that Master Mo was making too much of a fuss!

Unexpectedly, after hearing what he said, Master Mo almost jumped up and pointed at him, blazing his beard and staring: "What kind of charlatan? If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense!"

Li Jun was stunned and suddenly felt aggrieved: "What did I say wrong, junior? How could it be possible to cure the bite of the Hanxin Python with such cheap materials as Yang Yuan Stone and Styptic Grass? They sang and sang together in Wubao Hall, they were clearly colluding. What’s wrong with putting on a big show to deceive people and calling them charlatans?”

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